Thursday evening, February 27,2025 - LISTEN - This was the introductory call for the team building we're presently doing for global and galactic work. It was a Q&A, mainly, and then we just basically chatted away. It was fun and informative. For those who are on the Telelgram Group and who couldn't make it to the call, this is the one you're after.
Thursday night, February 13, 2025 - LISTEN/WATCH - This call was about the heart, gratitude and great influxes of transformative light. It was perfect for Valentine's Eve, as it were. You can take advantage of the energy and flow of it, and just be with the group. We flowed energy from the Heart Nebula, which was present as a photograph I shot with my scope and camera. Enjoy!
Thursday night, August 15, 2024 - LISTEN - On this call we did some global work that anybody listening to this after the call can help with. It was basically that we were called upon to help smooth the very rough seas the world has coming leading up to the elections of 2024. We don't often work specifically with intent, usually just energy for upper sphere beings to gather and utlize, but this time we did so with intent, and that intent is thus: Now hear this! It is time for you to stop wondering what's going to happen to you, and start deciding what's going to happen to you! Fear of upheaval is exactly the variable that will make the coming transitions so tough. So, we fired that thought into the collective subconscious for fence-sitters to get off the fence and start directly participating in the flow of where the world's awake collective take things.
Tuesday night, October 31, 2023 - LISTEN - Because this recording was begun 15 minutes into the call, it starts with silence, and during meditative portions, there's more silence. Just stick with it, because it becomes majestic. More of the background of this call can be found on this discussion thread. Much of this thread was what a bunch of us were talking about after the call. It was a HUGE experience for us.
Thursday night, February 23, 2023 - LISTEN || WATCH - This call involved connecting to the comet in the way the Lady of the White Fountain (recording below) set out in a memo that became a discussion topic. The last call was a visit to the White Fountain Temple. In this call, I showed everyone what I call the Holy Breath, then we connected as a group to the comet, and then did some global work on having the comet slurp up a lot of the negative energy being purged by people and flowing into Earth's grids. It's a powerful one.
Thusday night, February 9, 2023 - LISTEN || WATCH - This call was a visit to the White Fountain Temple, which included some cleansing/clearing, and then the guided meditation to that inner world collective.
Thursday night, January 26, 2023 - LISTEN || WATCH - This call was just a coming together and chat session that, true to our way, went into some pretty deep stuff. And we haven't really even gotten going on everything around this.
Thursday night, January 12, 2023 - LISTEN - This was the initiation call revolving loosely around the Mythion Project, and it can be used by anybody at anytime. Before we did the ceremony, we heard a brief account from a member on what happened to him when his began a little early. Then we answered a couple of questions, and then off we went. It was sacred, potent, and there were MANY beings involved in it, as they were also in ceremony on higher levels with us.
Thursday night, January 5, 2023 - LISTEN/WATCH - This was the third informal, pre-initiation call. Again, it contains spoilers for those who haven't finished Mythion. This one went even deeper into the ideas that need to be fully grasped to reach a state of Knowing. We're still just sort of chitchatting, and the fun informality of that might remain the way this is done.
Thursday night, December 29, 2022 - LISTEN/WATCH - This was the second "informal" call for the Mythion Project. The first, I forgot to record it. It's great, loaded with deep understanding. BUT, if you plan to read Mythion, this call contains spoilers.
Thursday night, September 22, 2022 - LISTEN - This was a sort of saying hello and a bit of an orientation on what is coming with our Knowing training, how my book "Mythion" fits with that. We chatted a bit about the upcoming initiation, then did an exercise using Puramyd, a glass of water, and an almost unknown chakra, which elevated us into buzzy bliss and the piercing into new territory.
Thursday night, March 31, 2022 - LISTEN - This was astonishing. Very powerful. It started out as a litle history of how we got turned onto Lifewave and what it's done for us. Then I transmitted energy from the patches themselves for the whole group, and that energy share was POTENT. It will work in realtime for you too. If you listen, you'll know when to do that. Go ahead and put it to work. Then, we went into some deeply esoteric stuff, which included snippets from my own story. It was two hours of STUNNING!
Wednesday night, September 23, 2020 - Return of the She-King - LISTEN - Jason started by sharing a breathing technique that was recently downloaded. It's very powerful, and it deepens the group synchronization in a big way. Then there was some news and chitchat, and then he introduced the group to a "new" feminine presence that has come to Earth. You could say it's the Return of the She-King, and for those who are inclined towards Arthurian type stuff, nobility, honor, swords as Justice, etc., then you'll definitely connect on a deep level. To connect to Her, you can listen to the musical piece, "Return of the She-King," by Dead Can Dance, which is a good way, but for a deeper connection, you should listen to this recording, and when we go into silent communion mode with Her, just start the song.
Wednesday night, September 3, 2020 - Manifestation Attunement - LISTEN - Cesar again leads the group through the manifestation method as discussed in the below August 26 recording summary.
Wednesday night, September 2, 2020 - Full Moon in Pisces - LISTEN - In this call, Michelle facilitated an information share and connection to various off-planet high councils to do some work during September's Full Moon on the second. It was potent, especially for the world, and those of us involved were left with certain "adjustments" to our hearts. Yours will be too, if you give it a listen.
Wednesday night, August 26, 2020 - Manifestation Attunement - LISTEN - In this call, Cesar leads the group through relaxation and then into a manifestation attunement, visualization and technique. This methodology is parlaying into what Cesar is calling Manifestation Mondays, which are going to become a regular event.
Wednesday night, August 5, 2020 - Lion's Gate Connection & Activation - LISTEN - This call is a about the Lion's Gate/s, with connection and activation guided by Michelle and Cesar. It includes an introduction and Q & A. Even though these are energy portals associated with dates, much of what we do operates out of linear time, so listening to this at any time will be beneficial.
Wednesday night, July 15, 2020 - General Energy Share & Information - LISTEN - This call was about touching bases with the new planetary intelligence, some personal upgrades and some energy sharing.
Wednesday night, July 1, 2020 - Global Understandings - LISTEN - This call was about introducing the group to the planetary intelligence who has replaced Gaia. Gaia is no longer the "personality" of Earth. To this entity, we connected everyone, and now, following the call, we have had numerous reports of serious upgrades. We also introduced the group to EI, or Extended Intelligence, as there are super-entities that we're beginning to work directly with to accomplish powerful global work, which we'll be doing from now on. We also connected the group to the future, as Psionix, one of our alchemies, is very good at that.
Wednesday night, June 24, 2020 - Wayward Spirit Life Cleansing - LISTEN - This was about using the extraordinary alchemy, Sri Yantra, to allow upper level beings access to this plane to locate and show wayward spirit life where they need to go, and getting them out of here. This was done at the White Fountain Temple, which itself is a great experience.
Wednesday night, June 10, 2020 - White Fountain Temple - LISTEN - This call is a guided meditation to visit one of our favorite higher density locations, the White Fountain Temple. To prepare for it, is to go through an automatic cleansing and energetic adjustments just to get access. Afterwards, we shared experiences and discussed some preliminary plans of being in service.
Wednesday night, June 3, 2020 - Sovereignty Call - LISTEN - This call was about our Sovereignty Decrees, now that the age-old control mechanisms are coming apart. It's time to take back what they've taken from you. On this call we explore this concept of Sovereignty as a priority for our personal and community freedom and empowerment. We discuss the greater impact of claiming sovereignty and things we can do as a group to dismantle control mechanisms in thought and language. We also discuss potential future projects and resources for sovereignty.
Thursday night, April 18 - Workshop Call - LISTEN - This was a repeat of Part 1 of the Workshop described below, on February 13. Be sure to download and utilize the Workshop Workbook you see linked there.
Thursday night, April 4 - Workshop Call - LISTEN - This was Part 2 of the Workshop described below, on February 13. This became a powerful night of lesson, discovery, discussion, and finally a meditation brimming with important tools.
Wednesday night, March 13 - Mastery Call - LISTEN - This was a chit-chat session, but is well worth listening to, mainly covering the topic of being free of any ideation of right and wrong, good and bad/evil, is one of the great liberations, and nobody, no seeker, will ever reach the highest levels attainable in a Earth human vessel while hanging onto those perceptions. There was also a very effective technique given for self-healing.
Wednesday night, February 13 - Workshop Call - LISTEN - Workshop Workbook - In this workshop you will learn a proven practice that taps into the resources of your subconscious mind to help you expand your bandwidth in ways that: 1) Move you out of your comfort zone; 2) Generate new patterns that sustain your motivation and willpower, 3) Overcome your drive to stay the same, 4) Establish congruence, and a clear line of communication between your conscious and subconscious mind. Easy-to-follow steps requiring only a few minutes every day to experience Compounding Small Changes that snowball into big changes.
Thursday night, January 31st, 2019 Mastery Call - LISTEN
Thursday night, January 24, 2019, healing call, the first of 2019 - LISTEN
Tuesday night Full Moon Eclipse group meditation call - LISTEN
Thursday day March 29, 2018 LISTEN PURAMYD WORKSHOP Call. This call was all about using your Puramyd for healing purposes.
Thursday Call January 18, 2018 LISTEN Thursday night guided group meditation.
Thursday Call January 11, 2018 LISTEN This call is part of our Thursday night series and is a brief overview of the Qigong life force building exercise of the 6 healing sounds.
Thursday Call January 4, 2018 LISTEN This call is part of our Thursday night meditation series. This is a guided meditation for body bliss and relaxation.
Thursday Call June 8th, 2017 LISTEN This call is part of our Thursday night meditation series where we get together with our alchemical tools and beautiful hearts and relax together for ultimate vibratory experience and to helping balance earth and each other. We did a guided meditation that had a simple peace inducing theme of sanctuary and just being in quiet experiential stillness and serenity.
Monday Call June 5, 2017 LISTEN This call was our Self Mastery series exploring the Don Miguel Ruiz work the Four Agreement Companion book And The Simple Truth by Jason Davis. We discussed any insights into chapter 1 and we also were able to place the homework for the chapter one in the forum for those who wish to do the exercises but have no access to the book itself.
Thursday Call May 25, 2017 Listen This call we had some question and answers going and then we had a spectacular meditation that allowed us to get into group coherence with our alchemical tools. We learned about a secret spot on the body and a new mantra to go with that focal point. Very healing and activating at the same time.
Monday Call May 22nd, 2017 Listen This call is our second Self Mastery class and here we explored our experience with the materials with The Simple Truth by JD Aliix and in the first chapter of The Four Agreements Companion Guide by Don Miguel Ruiz and some practical applications with those exercises.
Thursday Call May 18th, 2017 Listen This call is a guided meditation that is tantra heart centered and uses the power of group dynamic and using the breath to breath in pain and transform it. It produces fountains of peace, healing and love for the participants and those in their geographical zones. Profound heart opening practice.
Thursday Call- May 11, 2017- Listen - This call was to kick off the newly finished The Simple Truth book by gathering in our spectacular meditation virtual space for some high vibrations and to test out a new and exciting meditation exploring the central sun within. Deeply powerful group experience.
Monday Call -May 8, 2017- Listen - This conference call is the first of a series of calls for Self-Mastery. Led by our member Nancy Lovell she gives an introduction and overview of the goals of this group journey and materials we shall be studying for this class to help support one's self-mastery training.
Thursday Call- April 27, 2017 -Listen - This conference meditation call is a three part meditation that is a Qi Gong exercise in building life force and vitality in the kidneys. Rejuvenating and deeply relaxing.
Thursday Call - November 3, 2016 - Listen - This was about the simplicity of being, about how things like the myth of Ascension drives seekers towards unattainable goals, and yet because of that myth seekers find what they need. It was a fun and lively discussion. Then we went into some relaxation exercises, and then through a powerful manifestation technique, which is actually found in one of the Tales of Mastery, "The Crystal Skull," which can all be found under the Mastery tab above.
Thursday Call - June 23, 2016 - Listen - This gathering was about deep healing and clearing on our side of the veil, the physical, and about generating a large "packet" of information for higher people to use however they see fit. Although Gspace might be changed, the color used will still be associated with this call, and so if you listen to it you'll still receive the full benefit of the healing part of it.
Thursday Call - May 5, 2016 - Listen - This call included an explanation on the optimal use of I Zero Alchemies. We also touched on the impact of 2016, and then went to this page, with a picture of Mercury, to prepare for the Mercury Transit of the Sun taking place on Monday, May 9, 2016, from 7 in the morning to after 2 pm Eastern Daylight Time.
Thursday Call - April 28, 2016 - Listen - Group Call
Thursday Call - April 14, 2016 - Listen - Group Call
Thursday Call - March 31, 2016 - Listen - Group Call
Tuesday Call - March 22, 2016 - Listen - Group Call
Xupra Call - March 3, 2016 - Listen / Listen - (this was accidentally recorded in two parts). This call is a very high energy meeting that covers a few practical issues, and then includes a reading describing The Simple Truth, which itself is going to be a third focus of Mastery available through this Website, the simplest way to Truth of them all.
Xupra Call - January 14, 2016 - Listen - This call set down a more focused program involving Xupra, the 5th density planet we actually visit with our Awareness Bilocation System (training for which is free). Xupra, the planet's intelligence, is orchestrating much of what is happening to the small group of us visiting it, but this call carries codes and contains a reading by Mary of how the Xupra part of the Superbeings works.
Roundtable Call - December 10, 2015 - Listen - This involved touching on the discussion topic, Catastrophobia, and then went on with a tutorial for Transcendental Meditation, which is deep, restorative, clearing, and is probably the most healthful thing you can do for yourself, and it only takes 15 minutes a day. It's the easiest meditation there is, too. Then we got into Sunspace, with Sound, together, and communed in meditative silence for 15 minutes.
Roundtable Call - December 3, 2015 - Listen - We covered TSB business, which is not recorded, and then went for a visit to the White Fountain Temple, which is this recording, and it was absolutely profoundly beautiful, on a level of Love, as ecstasy, that was just utterly fail.
Roundtable Call - November 12, 2015 - Listen - Right through this date some truly powerful stuff was coming through the Merlin set of processes, which resulted in metals we only discuss privately, and we simply got into a circle of 58 people, got quiet, and I flowed from the higher spheres some way powerful energy into the hub that connects our circle.
Roundtable Call - November 5, 2015 - Listen - This one is a very powerful guided visualization/meditation done by Mary. We had a surprising number of people contact us to let us know they'd never felt so much Love, with a capital L. A 15 pound rose quartz was used for the focal point.
Roundtable Call - October 29, 2015 - Listen - This call began with a healing ceremony, which included getting into a relaxed and receptive mode through breathing and guided relaxation, and then the unity prayer was invoked for the healing. The recording glitched and so the second half of the unity prayer is actually where the recording starts. So to use this one, just get quiet, open, relaxed, receptive, and do the unity prayer yourself. You can find it online as "mother earth father sky" prayer. From there, the rest of the recording should be in sync for you. We then went in our flying astral pyramid out to Europa, Jupiter's Moon, astrally cleansed in Europa's oceans, and then went to a bubble we left out there nearly a year ago, filled it with pillows, and communed with Jupiter, the teacher, and the teachers that live in and on Jupiter.
Roundtable Call - October 23, 2015 - Listen - This call was a counted and measured breathing meditation involving the Sun, one of the quite powerful techniques for vitality, electroplasmic light gathering and distribution, clarifying, tonifying the brain and its synaptics, pineal interaction, cellular oxygenation...and the list goes on.
Roundtable Call - October 8, 2015 - Listen - This call was a semi-guided meditation for connecting with the feeling center to the larger mind.
Roundtable Call - September 24, 2015 - Listen - This call was about clarifying a post under the Something Huge This Way Comes discussion thread, and in that clarification was some excellent information about the Truth of things, but the recording started in the middle of some of that discussion, which once again is high level understandings. Even if the Something Huge thread is long gone, there's still good information in there. Then we sat in silent communion for ten minutes, which you can join in with even after the event, and then we had a laugh fest, which is pretty funny.
Roundtable Call - September 17, 2015 - Listen - This call was about healing, which itself is really about purification. But we invoked quite a host of beings using techniques, and turned the group on to secrets of the body that are not well known and very seldom used. This one really is about technique, and being healed through the act of giving, but in giving technique, the action is still catalyzed.
Roundtable Call - September 10, 2015 - Listen - This call was just plain fun, but way powerful too. The first thing that was addressed was to dispel the new age myth that we're "returning to Source." Truth is you can't be both completely awake and buy into that one. Then there was much discussion on deep topics, with attempts at explanation from a truly awakened perspective. Then an exercise in mastery, that mastery is nothing more than mastery of self/mind, that mastery of one's own mind is mastery of THE mind. Then a secret tool and method was given.
Roundtable Call - August 20, 2015 - LIsten - This call started out as a Q & A for all levels of the Awareness Bilocation System Training, and was very good for that. It then evolved into a philosophical discussion on a very high level with regard to the true nature of reality, and understanding that on a deep level is the only path to any sort of mastery.
Roundtable Call - August 13, 2015 - LIsten - This call was a bit about business involving how to handle our group gathering for the September 28, 2015 Total Lunar Eclipse, which lasted only a few minutes. Because in the last few days (today is August 13, 2015) a new energy (for lack of a better word) is emerging from within the DNA of this 3rd density plane itself. So part of the purpose of this call was to program some water or alchemy to invite into your own DNA an adjustment, if you will, that will help to be more attuned to this outcoming (meaning from within the core of Creation) energy/code/frequency/invisible substance and will culminate very powerfully on the September 28, 2015 eclipse. There was a Q & A chitchat thereafter.
Roundtable Call - July 30, 2015 - LIsten - This one was all about healing. It can be used any time for that purpose by following its instructions. It's very powerful. Only the first 20 minutes or so are the actual process and healing command. The recording function of Uberconference glitched and recorded beyond the time I stopped it, so it goes on for another 3.5 hours with a group of us just yammering away, but there is some very good info in there from a conversational questions and answers.
Roundtable Call - July 23, 2015 - Listen - This was the first of what we're calling the Roundtables, since Merlin is behind the latest alchemy, and blossoming from within so many of us are those memories, included within the memories of ourselves to superhuman things in other ages.
March 26, 2015 - Listen- This became a call to help calm and balance various physical and subtle systems, a cause a few upgrades, such as to the solar plex and third-eye, a chakra tuneup, a purging of unneeded energetic buildup, all in preparation to optimize the April 4, 2015 Total Lunar "Bloodmoon" Eclipse. But even if you're listening to this afterwards, this is a great recording for general tuneups, balancing, and purging unneeded stuff.
March 12, 2015 - Listen - Something glitched with the recording, so it starts a few minutes into it. If you open Sunspace and listen to the recording, especially the last part of it, you'll get the goods. This was about getting prepared for next week's Equinox, Total Solar Eclipse, Lunar Perigee and New Moon all taking place in a 15 hour period starting next Thursday, March 19th. This is huge stuff, gang.
February 26, 2015 - Listen - We established a space, created electroplasmic astral bodies for everyone, came together in a very high frequency space, placed ourselves on a slowly rotating wheel, and went about a visualized meditation to deepen contact with our True Selves.
February 12, 2015 - Listen - We visited Mars, the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, which is the remains of a destroyed planet, did fly-bys of Jupiter and Saturn, briefly visiting our friends there, and then headed out of the Solar System for a very powerful tour of the Great Nebula in Orion, which is the only other naked eye nebula visible from Earth (the other being the nebulous arms of Andromeda Galaxy, our next closest galaxy).
January 29, 2015 - Listen - This is the second visit to the White Fountain Temple. This was a beautiful, powerful, centering, humbling experience. We are now all carriers of an archetypal frequency and understanding that we are the Blue Pearl, and we can share this essence into the world. The Lady of the White Fountain brought some of this through for us during the call.
January 22, 2015 - Listen - This is the first visit to the White Fountain Temple. First off, use the two recordings below for preparation. Also, make yourself a little alchemy beforehand, and remember to drink it sometime afterwards, which I forgot to include in the "experience" itself. We will also be visiting this inner planes Temple next Thursday night.
January 15, 2015 - Listen - This call was the second preparation for our visit to the White Fountain Temple, to take place on January 22, 2015, in our weekly Supercall.
January 8, 2015 - Listen - This call was a preparation for a visit to the White Fountain Temple, among a multitude of other purposes for our visit, planned for January 15. We voyaged first to a moon of Saturn, called Enceladus, which is covered with geysers from fissures in the crust. We then rose up through the rings and parked our Solar Barque to be in communion with the beings who use Saturn as a headquarters for Operation Earth, you could say. This was a deeply powerful group voyage, and you can join in at any time. Before starting, make a concoction of good pure water and any combination of alchemy you are "instructed" to. If you have no alchemy, use water. You will consume this concoction just before diving in for the deeper communion.
January 1, 2015 - Listen - There were 57 of us in this call, so our numbers are growing! We created a GORGEOUS pewter and matte pyramid in a shadowed space where diamond filigree of many colors formed symbols, all of which are particular to the experiencer. This entire motif flows stunningly powerful, yet subtle, energies - for healing, upgrades, integrations...whatever you need, actually. This one is a perfect way to find out how effortless this work is, especially when you keep your intent out of it and let the supraconscious mind do what needs doing.
December 12, 2014 - Listen - We took an astral-level trip to the Sun on our famous Solar Barque, where we had communion with a civilization living within it, obviously on another density level. It was beautiful, just ask anyone that was there.
October 28, 2014 - Listen - This was the second radio show on Unbounded Potential. This one finished the topic on the Holy Grail, the Sun Kings, how it relates to alchemy, etc.
October 1, 2014 - Listen - This was the first radio show on Unbounded Potential with Karen and Salma. This is the one that brought many of our family to us. Topic was the beginning of what the Holy Grail REALLY is, how that relates to the Sun, etc.