
There’s something going around of late, and that is dreams, visions, whatever, of catastrophe on a large scale. Interestingly enough, many ABS sessions of late have included that as a Theme, such as “conflict” and “disaster.” In fact, it was two different sessions I went over today that reminded me I wanted to address this.

So I’ve borrowed a word from someone. It’s “catastrophobia,” which simply put is fear of catastrophe. In this case, it refers to a phobia that lay deep within the shared psyche, as we have experienced massive catastrophic events in the so-called past, and because it’s cyclical, deep inside we’re quite familiar with the associated feelings. I suspect that an “anniversary” of one such catastrophe must be about now, or nobody would be having these dreams or visions.

It’s of such extreme importance to understand that it’s just nature, that these happen in cycles, and that they are 100% of the time triggers for massive, and planned, change. Too many people, even of our membership, think it’s a bad thing and that we have to do something in order to deflect it. The last huge one was the sounding knell for Atlantis going down (actually there was one other since then), which didn’t really happen. In fact, none of them really happened. They’re just story elements for the sake of posterity, and more importantly for mass memory for the evolutioners, but we’ll get into that more and more. Let’s just say for now that Atlantis actually just faded out, but the large scale disaster was a screen memory because it had to be couched in a storyline for the sake of the evolutioners.

Although none of my information indicates that anything is coming much more intense than we’ve already experienced, it doesn’t mean it won’t happen. On the other hand, let’s say that in 2003 you had a vision of some truly massive catastrophic event, which you might interpret to be world-changing. Would you then one year later associate your dream or vision with the Indian Ocean Tsunami in 2004? Maybe, and even though it was huge, it was gone from front page news in three weeks.

I have felt something major coming in 2016 for a few years. It could be anything, including just the largest influx of awakening energies ever. The most important point to it is to be detached. If it happens, it’s according to plan. If it doesn’t happen, it’s according to plan. If you don’t already possess a sufficiently expanded consciousness to see through it all and understand that if it happened, it’s both not really there and at the same time necessary for the next step for the evolutioners, then that’s actually your highest goal. That level of consciousness.

As the higher level being which you have the capacity to embody, you would reach a point of looking upon it with detached calm, but would of course have great compassion and empathy for those who believe the images they see and thus have powerful emotional reactions to it, which are, by the way, the only reasons the memories exist to begin with. Without an emotional response, there is no need for the memory. No matter what, it’s still just a movie, and the actors in “San Andreas,” for example, didn’t remain horrified and panicked after the scene was shot. They just went to their trailers and had lunch.

So, should you be one who harbors that fear and the naivety and arrogance to think you can change whatever is to come, then I can tell you in no uncertain terms whatsoever that what you want more than anything is to be free of any attachment to it, to be able to see through it, to know it for what it is, and therefore not be affected by it in any way. Which, by the way, is a BIG part of what it’s all about around here. To free you of the hallucination.

If you feel a need for any clarification on anything, just post here. It’s a way fun discussion.



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  • Greetings Everyone,

    Great post Jason,I think it was Barbara Hand Clow who coined that term.

    I have felt something major coming in 2016 for a few years. It could be anything, including just the largest influx of awakening energies ever.

    I am glad you posted that. Yesterday,just sitting thinking, I started to get very excited about 2016.As well as my own development blossoming,I saw  people coming together with common interests.And the Superbeings becoming more larger.

    One thing for me for sure....When Uranus comes out of retrograde on the's game on!

    Blessings on your respective journeys,


    "The best time to do an ABS session was 2 weeks ago,the second best time is right now"

  • Glad you bring this up, Jason.

    With the recent current events of mass shootings, suicides and the like, there is no question the Earth relocation project is getting into full swing.  It would stand to reason a big natural disaster looms on the horizon...maybe.  As everything is always in a state of flux and flow any "absolute" prediction of such would only serve to fuel unrest.  

    For the benefit of the membership here, a short recount of one of my sessions.

    This was to be a visit to Xupra but what I got was certainly not typical.  If there is any typical at this point.  Ha Ha!  

    The whole session revolved around a natural disaster.  A movement exercise revealed an erupting volcano.  As things progressed it seemed to be a "past" event that I had experienced or was witness to.  I tagged it as the destruction of Pompeii back in 79A.D.  It was such an unusual session I was not trusting the all...nearly scrapping the whole thing.  Anyway, I saw myself (as a man) standing in the middle of all this chaos, fear and destruction with outstretched arms in complete calm surrender to the inevitable.  Telepathic communication was something like..."You have lived many lives, this is but one.  This is a reminder that death is not real".  

    I did feel some light fear at one point (for my future) but it was kinda dashed out quickly.  The biggest thing I got out of this session was the importance to "remain calm".  It's all an illusion!  

    Righto!  Onward!

  • That was a great story Shelly,thanks for sharing.

    Shelly Merk said:

    Glad you bring this up, Jason.

    With the recent current events of mass shootings, suicides and the like, there is no question the Earth relocation project is getting into full swing.  It would stand to reason a big natural disaster looms on the horizon...maybe.  As everything is always in a state of flux and flow any "absolute" prediction of such would only serve to fuel unrest.  

    For the benefit of the membership here, a short recount of one of my sessions.

    This was to be a visit to Xupra but what I got was certainly not typical.  If there is any typical at this point.  Ha Ha!  

    The whole session revolved around a natural disaster.  A movement exercise revealed an erupting volcano.  As things progressed it seemed to be a "past" event that I had experienced or was witness to.  I tagged it as the destruction of Pompeii back in 79A.D.  It was such an unusual session I was not trusting the all...nearly scrapping the whole thing.  Anyway, I saw myself (as a man) standing in the middle of all this chaos, fear and destruction with outstretched arms in complete calm surrender to the inevitable.  Telepathic communication was something like..."You have lived many lives, this is but one.  This is a reminder that death is not real".  

    I did feel some light fear at one point (for my future) but it was kinda dashed out quickly.  The biggest thing I got out of this session was the importance to "remain calm".  It's all an illusion!  

    Righto!  Onward!

  • I have noticed a pattern with me which became more striking with the recent mass murders (recent bombings in the Middle East and mass shootings in Paris.) I have noticed it with the 911 bombing and the earthquake in Haiti. Few days before these events would occur I would be gripped by fear of uncertainty, hopelessness sadness an inability to make life happen. I remember a couple days before the earthquake in Haiti a feeling of being buried alive would creep up and caused a panic attack. I went to a store and as I paid for my item I burst into tears. I had no idea why I was crying, I just knew I felt incapable unable to stop a feeling of being buried alive.

    Always. either the day before these events occurred a sudden sense of relief emmerged within me. Finally my perception operated with renewed optimism. It never fails, I go through the same scenario of personalizing these forthcoming events, making them as signs of everything "wrong" in my life. My perception creates no separation.
    Same thing when a family member or a friend far away experiences a crisis I start believing I'm in crisis.

    So I started this little practice after the Paris shooting. when ever I'm subjected to a wave of emotional upheaval I ask myself what information did the satellite capture and is sending back to base. This has allowed me to detach and stay well... together. I can attest to the importance of processing information without being enmeshed in them, and most of it without personalizing them. Yet it does not mean we act without compassion. Yes the movie happens before our eyes, we experience emotions meant to be triggered. For all practicality a person who lost a relative in the Paris shooting would not understand that their lost is not real. The person's absence has now left a void in the heart of a surviving member. Yes it is real but it is not a truth nor Truth.
  • I was thinking more about the topic of catastrophobia. The current republican campaign is an unfolding horror- comedy -satirical script. The main character Donald Trump reminds of the Joker character, a cross between Jack Nicholson and Heith Ledger's portrayal. Yes, Donald Trump is a character and a carricature yet he's one if he were to win would take the country down the drain. I thought there could not be worst than George W. Bush, but I was so wrong.
    Although we know what is unfolding before us is a movie, it doesn't mean we don't take action when our world becomes acutely bipolar. I'm not taking the position of "let's send light and to eradicate evil.
    Yet we live in a world in which the polarity of good & evil Christian and west white/ black and Hispanics are being played in high notes. I understand how seeing current events from a detached view empowers us. Yet just observing and doing nothing does sit well with me.
  • Oh, Winnie. This country has been down the drain for decades, at least at the level of leadership, and no president is anything more than a figurehead for a massive agenda behind the office. The reason they look so aged by the ends of their terms is because of the stress gained from the agenda threatening them with their lives, and those of their families, if they don't do what they're told. George Bush was not only the frontman, but his entire family IS the agenda. So on it goes. What happens on this planet is none of our business, as the evolutioners are choosing all of it, end of story. Not that I care one iota, but the reason Trump won't get into office is because he's not an "agenda man."

    However, what makes this country what it is, is the people, and that will remain true no matter what the jokers are doing at the level of leadership.

    Emotions are amazing things. Without them, no experiment in these levels of density would ever work because they are the hormones, the glues, for belief, thus holding all these dreampixels in place. Without them, it would be impossible to forget what you really are, and remembering what you really are, and living that way, is what dissolves this world. This is why the glands involved in emotions are associated with the brain, so that it will arrange the raw information into a world, into forms adherent to those emotions.

    All paths are valid, and the most difficult paths, individually and collectively, provide for the greatest surges in growth. That's why you could say a heroin addict has chosen a hyper-growth path. True Compassion is the heartfelt empathy one holds for the completely fictional person who MUST continue to believe this is a real world in order to carry out the dictates of the experiment itself. That compassion can be fueled in a beautiful way towards joy by knowing that despite the stage play being acted out on the hallucinatory surface, the real one, the Shining One, is inside each, and is supremely aware that it's time to come forth, for an evolutioner, is well down the road and not even on this planet.

    Anybody can talk to that being within everyone they see. That being sees you, no problem. Now it's time to see and acknowledge it. Imagine this conversation: "Oh, hey there. I do see you in there, in that person on the street, begging for money. I know you're there. I admire you for your courage to occur into this wonderful and chaotic madness. Yes, right, I know. I do...I do...I do really know that. Right. Oh, pleased to meet you too. And yes I'm perfectly aware that the person you're wearing is absolutely oblivious as to your presence, and so it must remain for another eon or two. In any case, you're doing good work, and we truly appreciate it."

    This way of seeing, by the way, is exactly what Jesus excelled at, and those were conversations he never STOPPED having, so completely beside the point was the surface person, and for that matter the surface world. It didn't mean he didn't have compassion for that emotionally fueled figment on the surface, the necessarily blind and deaf, but his attention was actually on the one inside, to whom he was delivering parables.

    All that conversation will do is bring the true inner self closer to the surface and ready them for 4th density experience, if an evolutioner, or if a Volunteer/Wanderer help them to remember they're just visiting for the purpose of flowing and grounding energy and code. You could say that the prime directive of TSB is to encourage our members to start seeing in the way just described, and thus bring the best out of everyone we see.

    Winnie Ocean said:

    I was thinking more about the topic of catastrophobia. The current republican campaign is an unfolding horror- comedy -satirical script. The main character Donald Trump reminds of the Joker character, a cross between Jack Nicholson and Heith Ledger's portrayal. Yes, Donald Trump is a character and a carricature yet he's one if he were to win would take the country down the drain. I thought there could not be worst than George W. Bush, but I was so wrong.
    Although we know what is unfolding before us is a movie, it doesn't mean we don't take action when our world becomes acutely bipolar. I'm not taking the position of "let's send light and to eradicate evil.
    Yet we live in a world in which the polarity of good & evil Christian and west white/ black and Hispanics are being played in high notes. I understand how seeing current events from a detached view empowers us. Yet just observing and doing nothing does sit well with me.
  • Huh.  Isn't it strange you're at your best right when the world is coming a part? 

    Yeah.  Its coming. I've seen it.  We've all seen it.  So what.  What's interesting Is what comes after it.  That's what we prepare for.  What we aim to be positioned for.  Not t to prevent whatever will come. But to let it play out the way it must. 

    And then strike at the appointed moment and time.  With just the right tone. 

    Anyhow.  Death and destruction are fantastically fun topics! 

    We're not here to save the world or anything after will. We're here to start the next world. 

  • Watch "David Bowie - Blackstar" on YouTube

  • Thank you for the reminder about seeing the true self in the homeless man. But I still think Donald Trump is clownish although he's playing a role.!!! I'm not taking a James Bond's approach of saving the world nor do I hold the naïveté of a New age perspective. My point is about not sitting there and observe. Even you Jason you are not just sitting there and remaining inactive. If that were the case then TSB would not exist.
  • Oh, Trump is an epic buffoon, of enormous proportions, but that's his personality, and which, by the way, is the only reason he's running. It gives him a platform from which to make all his noise. When he was a child, his father was so dominant that he wanted to scream with his palms pressed over his ears for literally years, and there's a karmic issue under resolution there. Obama had the same thing. His presidency is far less about being president than it is about resolving karmic issues. The stage play, the world you see, on which to work these types of things out is mostly beside the point. The events going on on that stage don't matter, while the inner invisible work does. The only time events within the fake world matter is when the stage itself is being threatened by man-made destruction before it is time for that. In any case, Trump doesn't want to be president. Too much freakin' work. So you can put him out of your mind.

    And yes, you can't so much as make a cup of coffee and not be active in some way, but the truth is that the REAL you is out and about working 24x7x60x60, using your body since the moment of your birth to access this plane in order to get a job done. Meanwhile, you're absolutely oblivious (along with the rest of us), walking around thinking you need to do something when all that needs to be done is being done on REAL levels of mind. So, thinking that something needs to be done on a completely hallucinatory level of mind is where the thinking falls apart. All that CAN be done is already BEING done while you're trying to decide what to do. TSB at its core is for the purpose of bringing potent beings together and alchemically joining their energy essences for the work we haven't the first CLUE about, in addition to the work we're doing consciously (calls, ABS, alchemy, etc.), which is in fact secondary to the real work. Yes, the Thursday night calls are beautiful, deep and uplifting experiences, and generate an enormous quantity of energy, hugely amplified and purified by the alchemy, but what is the REAL us doing with that energy?

    All this is exactly why what happens in the world according to our surface senses is none of our business, because it's the world for the evolutioners to continue to believe in and in which to work things out, while we continue to host powerful beings (or a single powerful being) within who can go about the business of helping them make the selfless:selfish choice as this stage is readied to be shut down.

    Is that all making sense? It's a subtle shift in thinking, but it will help you to see through the fake world and thus cease being concerned with it, for your concern with it, your desire to do something about it, is precisely what will keep you from seeing through it.

    Winnie Ocean said:

    Thank you for the reminder about seeing the true self in the homeless man. But I still think Donald Trump is clownish although he's playing a role.!!! I'm not taking a James Bond's approach of saving the world nor do I hold the naïveté of a New age perspective. My point is about not sitting there and observe. Even you Jason you are not just sitting there and remaining inactive. If that were the case then TSB would not exist.
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