I marvel at the cosmic joke unfolding in the background with the release of the "locker room banter" recording. I love the choreography. In 2005 60 year old Trump engaged in a tawdry conversation with special ed retard Billy Bush. ( sorry- for judging. No I am not sorry. I enjoyed calling him that). Trump found himself campaigning against Jed Bush - who is Billy Bush's father or uncle I don't know. They are related. Trump insulted the hec out of Jed Bush instead of debating him. Now Trump's campaign is imploding as a result of the disclosure of a recorded conversation with a Bush. The orchestration is magnificent.

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  • Well, one thing is certain: If you want to look past your judgments just remind yourself that everything is role-playing in this simulation, and that includes hurricanes, serial killers, trees and people (although I have to admit I'm not entirely convinced Trump is a person). Therefore, the only horrific thing happening here is thinking that there could be anything horrific really happening, when in fact there isn't. There are only roles, just like a movie. If you think the actor, referring to the being WITHIN Trump or Clinton, is  horrific, that's something else entirely.

    You simply cannot believe how liberating it is to be free of judgment. That will in fact raise your vibration faster than anything else possible, giving you greater and deeper access to everything that actually does matter...well except for our alchemy and Merlin Power Stones.

  • I think Melania Trump is not human.
    Jason said:

    Well, one thing is certain: If you want to look past your judgments just remind yourself that everything is role-playing in this simulation, and that includes hurricanes, serial killers, trees and people (although I have to admit I'm not entirely convinced human.

  • Hmmm Jason, I remember you saying that Trump wouldn't be president. Those who really govern this country and the rest of the world wouldn't allow a Trump presidency because Trump is unpredictable and can't be controlled. It looks like he has won. What is the deeper drama.
  • WOW so okay. In a situation like this it pushes me towards questioning my attitudes and perceptions about the entire situation.  I was totally completely blind sided by this news as I had NO CLUE he was that popular. I assumed that the REAL governmental powers would think Hilary might be more controllable than an "outsider" like Trump. so the fact that he is going to be president presents an interesting chess move there. They let him get elected. But why? IF it was the election itself based on the votes of the people I now realize that I am pretty out of touch with the pulse of America in terms of understanding its true voice. I just literally had no idea this would happen so clearly it was wishful thinking.  I thought it was a total joke that he was in the running. Never in a million years would I have thought he would win. I thought that people would rather vote in Hilary before someone with far less experience and his kind of character.  But,the deal is HOW can I know for sure if he was even elected honestly? And even if he was how do I know it's the worst thing for this country compared to the alternative? How do I know this is not the step forward in a bigger picture? Maybe he causes needed collapse. Maybe he does something pivitol.  I don't know how much things will change under Trump. Presidents don't have all that much power when it comes down to it. For christsakes they are not even aware or have clearance of high level secret operations going on and they are the supposed leaders of our nation! But the bigger thing for me is I know more than ever I live in a movie and this here is drama layer incarnate.  All I can do is continue to see through this charade of a world and all the people who wear the costumes and that is what I intend to do and use Trump as the practice for how judgement free I can get. 

  • well, it's important to consider a few things. not withstanding that none of this matters, truly, but in how it so adequately distracts and enchants the populace into a drama that explains a deeper feeling and working of the mind, the inner levels of itself. that it would otherwise not comprehend or think to look for and see?

    that we have entered into a time line, which is one among many. in this time line, Trump has won. though, to be honest, i would not be surprised, that we merge, at some point down the line, with a parallel plane where Hillary either is or was, President. As, it was never about one over the other, but rather, a matter of determining down which fork in the road, where a choice in the form of a signpost, pointing either left or right, would describe which direction the human collective, in this time line, would choose to go. And what that would look like was up to us, how it would feel, however would manifest from the new position we had taken, on a structural level, underneath.

    and how that aided not the politics of the left of the right, but the work ahead and the great transition that comes.

    It's as though humanity, on a deeper level of itself was given a task. A check point years from now that, looking back from its current understanding, its social norms, its lives, its ideals, would be difficult to head towards, were it not, that a wake up call, of sorts, a kind of cold splash of water, to rouse sleeping aspects of awareness to come forth and face the task at hand, would jolt the mind from a certain apathy. Some sort of sobriety initiated on a story level, that was so jarring, it required a pawn to present itself, to play out the scenario that would portray this event, on a level our conscious experience could apprehend. And provide an experience to describe why we changed so dramatically, and how that change was not an outside force upon us, but came from us, from within.

    Is this moment that for you?

    does it make you question and reassess certain aspects of yourself that perhaps, had grown lazy or complacent, thinking that you knew certain things were intrinsically true? That you could sit back and simply watch the world unfold without much participation or pondering? but, even further along those lines, and more to the point, that there were things that you can do, especially here, in this forum, and the work we discuss, that are better outlets for your attention, then the world with it's many conflicts and conundrums you are not here to solve, or bring resolution to? When it feels, on a deep level, that you should do something, but what?

    when, what is being asked of you, is not in the field of preventing or fighting anything? Including who is president, global warming, the extinction of species, or massive political and economic corruption on all levels? and a lack of kindness and compassion across whole swaths of the population?

    to consider that the world is a chessboard, and that we, on other levels of ourselves, the true self, the deeper layers of the same one mind, might think that above the petty details of who sits at a symbolic desk in a simulated game world on the behalf of an imaginary world power, the advantageous consequences of shaking the collective world view from an apathy or intransigence that had become as equally threatening to its very nature, more so than any one candidate, that steering the world to such a divisive political result would be critical to the work at hand? that moments such as these might be the most profound gestures of grace possible on behalf of the species?

    even to a world sentenced to its end? and a species whose time has come? and though it may take decades to putter to a halt, what comes next, began with a moment of reckoning, when the world readdressed itself, and it's ideas on a fundamental level? to become open and entertain a new way of thinking which became an outline and map of the new mind it had acquired and a new way of living it might have not otherwise considered absent such a resounding upset? and that it was less what had been determined on a story level that mattered at all, but described and explained?

    that we have been repositioned for what it to come. and that was the point of it all?

    we are standing at the precipice of a moment bigger than we can know. here are some logs for the fire.

    and like a man whose diagnosis comes to him as the death sentence of terminal cancer, his world view is reshaped. and his life, however long he has left, will not be as it was. he will be open to living a life removed from his previous wants and worries. he will approach life with a new sense of vigor and appreciation, even after a period of morning and denial, part of the process of acceptance.

    I have thought, and i now i understand the thinking behind moments such as these. what does the world we all think to see look like? what does it feel like? i know we all have a sense of it, some utopian technological wonderland replete with harmony and compassion, filled with a great sense of adventure and where tomorrow may lead, that we can achieve anything together. a world view that we move towards that surrenders the current limitations and pillars of our current society. but could only do so, after those same support structure were felled and our world view shattered, that the rubble and embers of some previous world compelled us to rebuild and begin again. but more so, i see how this world works.

    and the question, for me, of late has been, what must seemingly happen, on a story level, to compel humanity to head that way? knowing that the details are less important, but the choice, and willingness to be open to certain choices that might otherwise have been impossible from a current position, but lead to a world we would like to see that requires discomfort and shock in order to render into being? what would have to happen?

    and would a moment of seeming defeat, lead us towards that moment better than a victory? depending on whose side you feel to be on. who are we to say what gets the job done, better? if the goal is the destination? if the task is to fall into a trajectory that easily travels the distance towards a smoother transition? and how that might transpire, whatever the events might be, to get us there, would be inconsequential, if the ends justify the means?

    i see the dynamics of mind like NASA does, the journey of craft to our sister planets. using a navigated path that circles round planets, sling shoting and retracing its steps, awaiting for the perfect alignment, conserving energy and taking advantage of the position of celestial bodies and where our vessel might be even if it must head away from its intended planet, pinballing across the solar system, returning to earth several times. waiting for the opportune moment to arrive, when after years of travel along a seemingly indirect path, we might arrive at the proper moment and position, at our intended destination. having arrived with the greatest amount of effortlessness and so the least amount of resistance.

  • No question I thought at the time there was no way the world management team would let him into office, but interestingly enough, it was maybe two months ago my "hunch" began to win in the tug-of-war with my mind. I secretly felt that "he just might do this," while the human mind-me refused to believe it. Then I saw a short article citing a man, someone in biz or politics, who has correctly predicted every election for something like ten or eleven straight elections, and he said Trump would win.

    My brain self said, "No way. This gaggle of sheep just can't be that dumb, can they?" while my "hunch" self said, "he's got a solid shot at it." But then again, I don't have the first clue how elections work, such as the role of the electoral college. I've never registered to vote. I saw an article headline not too long ago that pointed at the content of the article as saying, "the people have never elected a president - the electoral college sham," or some such bit. So, as always, it's a shrug for me, not knowing anything, once again. Maybe at the cost of increased pollution an economic boom is what is needed. My intense and natural curiosity, however, will reign, and I'll find out at least some generalities about what this means.

    It's possible the world management team likes this, in any case, because the GOP is so about making the rich richer, which means increased everything that wrecks the planet, which might fit perfectly with their agenda. Though on the surface it appears he is non-establishment, while Clinton most certain is, his administration's policies, with rubber stamps for GOP agendas in the House and Senate, maybe the world management team doesn't need to do anything at all. A greedy capitalist in the driver's seat will just de facto do it all for them.

    The king is dead! Long live the Donald!

    Theo said:

    Hmmm Jason, I remember you saying that Trump wouldn't be president. Those who really govern this country and the rest of the world wouldn't allow a Trump presidency because Trump is unpredictable and can't be controlled. It looks like he has won. What is the deeper drama.
  • Upon meditating a bit on this whole thing I had some feelings that suggested that bringing Trump into office will really help bring a lot of attention to issues like racism, sexism, etc. I feel like everyone intuitavly knows how ridiculous Trumps campaign was on stuff like that and now it's in your face. It's like now that the seemingly "worst" thing happened where do we go from here? I only see opportunity for all to accept and let go of all those things. It's like yeah America you had an opportunity of elect the first female president (assuming it's not rigged, which it probably really is). Now what? I feel like there will be more attention for women's rights, and other things in the collective concious that need balancing on this planet. It's kind of a good feeling! With Trump as pres. we can take a look at all this things he "represents" and balance it out. If we truely want freedom we can't just assume that if Hilary won all the toxic emotions that went on during the election (and beyond) would be solved. I think now is a great time to forgive ourselves and all for what is and know that Trump is not separate from any of us. And if anything he will represent what the world "needs" healing from the most. Hahaha old greedy white dudes who think they can step on anyone when really it's a part of themselves they are leaving a footprint on. Even if Hilary won, would that really make a difference to how the country is run when all she was answer too is for policy's from lobbyists and other "white dudes" who tell her what to do. Whats worse? Having a female president who is a puppet for others behind the scenes or the craziest white guys yelling and screaming things that everyone one knows needs to change. I am also taking this as practice of non-judgement. I feel many will do the same because those that know how much hate and anger he spread in his messages will not do the same. And if Clinton won wouldn't the Trump supporters continue those messages? Maybe now we can we balance those who are blinded by judgment. I'm not perfect or totally non judgy but I know everything IS perfect the way it is and always will be. Just a thought or two. I don't know if what I'm saying is fully accurate but im happy to learn more lessons on honoring what is...

    I Love Trump!
  • So, like it or not or believe it or not, this is the big event of 2016, and it has everything to do with the continued disclosure, unveiling, exposing the liars. Trump's is a rather enormous victory. Take or leave the following information. I have no attachment to your acceptance.

    You guys know me. What interests me is what's under, or behind, the surface events. It isn't so much what Trump did, does, or says, but what he represents. So I'm going to give a little background.

    There are other-densical groups behind 3D groups, influencing everything they think and therefore do. Take for instance the vampire collective. They're a collective of individuals whose space is on 4D. They are behind the incessant vampire TVs and movies we've seen for so many years. They do what they do because they want to be acknowledged, known, and they want their presence felt. There are many collectives. One such group is one that is tied to politicians, especially politicos. They're the idea and implementation source behind all the dirty political games. They're global, with emphasis on Europe, Asia and North America.

    Starting about three years ago, they began making a concerted push, worldwide, to consolidate more and more of their control through their 3D puppets, working towards establishing a political machine that would increase its influence in world affairs from the governing and executive power centers. They're not always friendly with the corporation-driven collective, which exerts the same sort of idea and influence in the private commercial sector. The militaries have a group behind them, as well. All three of these groups would prefer to have the power for themselves, of course, and yet for many reasons they have to maintain uneasy accords.

    All of their influence was and is focused on the old guard, the politicos groomed from youth to rise into their place in the political machine. Hillary, again like it or not, is a card-carrying member of that club, though maybe she considers herself among them but not of them. However, she herself had to cut many deals just to get to where she did. This is one of the big problems with politics. They all owe someone something, from the backroom deals, payoffs, lobbyists, vote-trading on legislation, etc.

    Trump, however, is not a card-carrying member. He's exactly what they don't want: a voice for the people. You could say the meek have finally carried the day. You could say he's a true maverick, and his election was a huge blow to the machine behind the machine, and he represents a considerable chink in the political collective's armor. We looked at them earlier today, and they are genuinely in shock and scrambling. If Trump survives this, it will be with divine intervention.

    So, like it or not or believe it or not, this was overseen, perhaps even orchestrated, by our friends upstairs as a big step towards the toppling of the power structures, as has been seen coming for decades. It's a blow that will be very difficult for them to recover from, because their strategies include both parties, for two-pronged control while also pitting the two party puppets against each other. Trump ran as a republican because he HAD to. What this will lead to is fewer people toeing the party line just because they always have. This will open the door for independents, which opens the door to new leadership ideals.

    So the rich will undoubtedly get richer, and perhaps the poor poorer, but this had to happen.

  • That and the ritual psychic blood letting that was necessary to clear their influence. But, having said that, a telling moment was Hillary's illness right after your 'work' on the shadow people. An obvious result of their connection to her and then their diminished power.
  • Yes, and I forgot to mention that R Lee was called upon to do some work with the European "branch" of the collective about a year ago. It was some "adjustments" he knew translated to a disruption in their gathering psychic energy. He didn't really know what it could help lead to, but it circled back in on him last night when he locked on to the vibe of a Trump win, and saw his signature within the blossoming event, although, of course, he had help from others of his type. I imagine a few of us were involved as well.

    roy rios juvera jr. said:

    That and the ritual psychic blood letting that was necessary to clear their influence. But, having said that, a telling moment was Hillary's illness right after your 'work' on the shadow people. An obvious result of their connection to her and then their diminished power.
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