
  • Hey Maria, while you may get a very different perspective from others around here, I thought I would give my own take on this.

    Though it may be an oversimplified way of looking at it, one could look at the overall spectrum of reality as having three major components. The physical, the astral, and the causal. As should go without saying, we're living in the physical. The astral is where we go during out of body trips and in between lifetimes. The causal is like an archetypal realm, much more abstract than the astral. Both the astral and casual appear to have different layers or overtones within them.

    Imagine that in the causal planes, archetypal ideas begin to manifest in the astral. In the astral, when certain thought forms are sustained, they gain a certain type of "gravity" to them, and begin to manifest in the physical. It's like each state of vibration, or density, is being created out of something less dense than itself, if that makes sense.

    Again, it's a very oversimplified way of looking at it, and you may get a different take on it from others. I've found that the astral is like a buffer zone between the physical and causal planes, where archetypal ideas begin to take form before manifesting in the physical. If you are unclear as to what I mean by "causal", it is basically what is causing all of this to happen. The causal is like an eternal symphony of archetypes and ideas, whose contents eventually manifest in the astral, then the physical.

    As far as your second question goes, "How does it get any better then this?", I'm not sure I have an answer to that. Although I will say that the "higher" up one goes into non-physicality, the less restricted one's experience and modes of expression become. I'm not sure if one would consider that to be "better", but it is quite different, and it sure feels more free than being stuck in one's physical body.

    Great questions, and I hope that was along the lines of what you were looking for.

  • Thank you 

  • As you know and are saying, Maria, there is no such thing as "physical." So, manifestation is just a way to command energy to densify and congeal on this plane. Right? Is your curiosity one that wonders who is doing the commanding, if not the conscious self? I know you asked the question rhetorically, but it's a way fun topic. Maybe we can get some hubbub going here instead of in "that other thread." Haha.

  • Hey Jason, I've got a set of questions regarding this whole idea of the physical world not being real. I don't have any issue with the concept, but I would like to expand on the idea a bit, and raise a question or two while sharing some of my experience in the process. I once shared some of this in an e-mail, but I never heard back from you, so I'll spell it out again with some other info for others to read as well.

    When I was in my early 20's, I got into Trataka Yoga, an eyes open style of meditation. When I do this, one of two things will happen to me, depending on how I focus my mind. Either I will begin to see electromagnetic fields emitted from humans, plants, animals, etc., or I will begin to see what looks like the coding system for a computer program.

    This coding system looks the same way every time I see it. It is an ongoing field of magenta colored letters, running in all directions simultaneously behind everything around me, and they don't seem to spell any words. When I first started seeing this stuff, something would tell me that I was seeing the coding system behind this computer simulation that we are in.

    When I look at biological life in the same state, particularly humans and plants (animals tend to move around too much for me to get focused), the letters are still there, but they are a bronze/copper color, instead of magenta. The bronze letter pathways tend to look more fixed on biological organisms as well, instead of moving in all directions as with the magenta ones. When I would see these bronze colored letters running through my hands, something would tell me that DNA is a type of nano-bio-technology. A type of technology designed to facilitate our experience of this computer simulation that we are in.

    What is so fascinating about this to me, is that if I go out of body on the astral, and focus my mind in the same way, I see the same coding system operating on the astral as I do in the physical. A bunch of letters operating behind the astral illusion. If I go into more abstract realms of non-physicality, and focus my mind in the same way, even those places operate on the same coding system. A bunch of letters operating behind the abstract/causal illusion.

    No matter where I go in the overall spectrum of creation, physical or non-physical, I see the same coding system, provided that I focus my mind in the right way. I'm not even sure how to explain how I do this. It's one of those things I just figured out on my own, right around my 20th birthday.

    Though you use the term “source code” in a different context on your website, an old friend of mine and myself call this coding system the “source code program”, so I will refer to it as that from here on out. Indeed, the physical world appears to be a computer simulation operating on a source code program. However, the astral and everything else above, that I've been able to access, seems to be as well. I've seen the codes with my own astral eyes. I've seen them with my own “causal” eyes.

    So my question is, do you think that 4th Density and 5th Density, and every level higher than that is any more real than this? It looks to me like it's all operating on the same source code program, and there's nothing real about any of it. If the physical world is fake, then why would one consider any of the rest of creation to be any more real than this? How is 4th Density, 5th Density and so on, any more real than the physical world?

    I could very well be wrong, but this whole system looks to me like a multi-density computer simulation. Every time one moves into another density, one only has the illusion of being slightly more “free” than in the previous one. But it's still just a simulation.

    There's a lot more I would like to express in regard to all of this, provided you are open to hearing it. For the sake of writing space, and keeping this all digestible, I'll write this out one chunk at a time.

  • Tyler, some might say that if it vibrates, it's not real. That's actually true. The difference might be that here we have a reality layered onto another, but against the will of its participants. They're being manipulated into seeing it. It's being given to them without their knowing that it is. It's what is being pulled apart. On other levels, I think how those realities differ is in their tendency to just be what they are. 

  • Hey Jason. While I can appreciate what you're saying, it doesn't exactly answer my question. Though it fits into the way I currently see things.

    As for the first part, "if it vibrates, it's not real"... In that regard wouldn't other Densities be considered to be not real as well, since they are also in a state of vibration, albeit a higher or more rapid state? We're on the same page as far as 3rd Density not being real, but I'm more interested in your thoughts on the "reality" of Densities other than 3rd.

    I'm with you as well on the whole middle section about people being manipulated into seeing this illusion we call reality. I've got some of my own thoughts on this concept, and would be interested to talk about it more at some point.

    The last statement about the other realities being different in their tendency to just be what they are still doesn't address the issue of whether they are "real" or not.

    I have another question for you in this regard. I certainly have my own thoughts on the matter, but I'm curious what you may have to say. If none of this illusion we call "reality" is real, then what is real? Is there anything real in the overall spectrum of creation, and if so, what do you think that may be?

  • If it vibrates, it's not real. That did answer your question, because those levels vibrate. Those levels are also not real. They just don't have anything layered on them.

    >> If none of this illusion we call "reality" is real, then what is real? Is there anything real in the overall spectrum of creation, and if so, what do you think that may be?

    It depends on whether you consider a dream to be real. It's all dream. Whatever that wizard is called in Harry Potter said it nicely. At the end of the only one I thought elevated to the level of film, he and wizard were standing in a great and misty hall having a chat. Finally, Harry asks him if this place is real, or if it's just in his mind. 

    Valdamor or whatever his name is says, "Just because it's in your mind, doesn't mean it's not real."

    That's the thing. You cannot factor any question you have about reality without considering first that it is in fact all in your mind. You're the source of all you perceive, ultimately. The content of your mind is the content of your world. It's your mind. So, you tell me. Is it real? The question itself isn't even valid because you're the one qualifying it.

    As for something being real - yes, Only Thing. God. Source. Infinite Presence. Whatever you like to call It. That's real. Everything dreamt within that mind is a distortion of Only Thing. Did you go through the Law of One stuff much?

  • Thank you,  I appreciate your input. I am wondering how did you become an Alchemist? Through thought possibility that then became manifest? Did you imagine yourself to be one?  Dream it into physical form? What else is possible? Where does the soul come into play here? 

  • David Icke on this subject.
  • Jason, I would like to clarify a few things before going further into this discussion. In the phone call the other night, one of the participants said that they weren't trying to contradict you in a post they made earlier. You responded by saying that you want people to bring different perspectives and viewpoints to the table, because that's how people learn.

    Please understand that I'm not trying to be a smart ass by asking these types of questions, or by pointing out things that you have said that can be easily perceived as being contradictory. Maybe they aren't contradictory, which is part of why I'm seeking clarification by asking the questions. You said in your response to Maria that you think the topic of “nonexistence” is a fun one, so all I'm really trying to do here is engage in that level of discussion, as I think it's a fun topic as well. Perhaps my favorite topic of all.

    I can't recall exactly when you said it, perhaps on the phone call the other night, but I could have sworn that I heard you say that 5th Density is real. 3rd Density isn't. I don't want to put words in your mouth, so please correct me if I'm wrong. Now you're telling me that if it vibrates, it isn't real, thus implying that higher Densities are just as much of a dream as 3rd Density. I would actually agree with that statement, but you see how I could easily perceive it to contradict what I heard you say earlier, about 5th Density being real.

    Again, I'm not trying to be a smart ass, but I have noticed another possible contradiction between two different things you're telling me, but perhaps I'm missing something here as well. In the above response you said, ”You're the source of all you perceive, ultimately.” However, in the previous response you said “They're being manipulated into seeing it. It's being given to them without their knowing that it is.”

    How is is possible to be the source of all I perceive, but at the same time being manipulated into seeing it? Having it given to me without me knowing what it is, but at the same time being the source of it. If it's being given to me, and I'm being manipulated into seeing it, then that implies it's coming from an external source, unless I'm not understanding the paradoxical nature of this scenario correctly.

    If you take into account what I wrote earlier about me being able to see this “source code”, on this Density and other levels as well, understand that I've been interested in the idea that none of this is real, long before I found your websites. Most people that I've found talking about the idea are discussing it in terms of 3rd Density alone being an illusion, but I've found very few that consider the idea that everything else above it is an illusion as well.

    When you're asking me, “Is it real?”, like I spelled out in my earlier response, I think that everything from 3rd Density on upward is all an illusion, operating on the same source code program. I only think that because I'm the one that can actually see the code. It's in my own experience, and I'm not just believing this because someone else said it.

    As far as “The question itself isn't even valid because you're the one qualifying it” goes, I'm not sure if you're talking about me personally, or people formulating questions in general. Personally, I think that any question is a valid one, even if it is coming from a place of ignorance, surface level programming, or coming from someone who believes the dream is real. How does one learn anything if one never asks a question?

    In regard to your answer to the question I asked you, “What is real?”, I had a feeling that would be your answer. Though I can understand and appreciate what you are saying, I have a different answer entirely, but it would take another post the size of this one to put it all into context. It's not about being right or wrong to me. It about putting all perspectives on the table and looking at well thought out viewpoints with an open mind.

    To close, yes I've been familiar with the Ra Material for 15 years or so. I'm very familiar with what the 6th Density social memory complex known as Ra says about everything being a distortion of the One Infinite Creator. It's old news to me.

    I'm aware that I can come across as having a certain tone in my writing style, that is quite different from the way I come across in person. I have a really playful joking attitude in person that doesn't always shine through in my writings. I'm only saying this because I've been repeatedly told that I have a tendency to come off like an asshole when I'm really not trying to be one.

    I've got a tremendous amount of respect for you Jason. I really do. To do the level of work that you are doing is really quite impressive to me, and I'd love to learn all that I can from you and what you have to offer. I do however have some views on things that may be very different from you own views, or what is written in the Law of One series.

    If you are interested in this type of discussion about nonexistence, I am more than happy and willing to engage with you. Just know that I'm a highly analytical guy over here, who will pick apart and analyze your responses down to the finest detail. I enjoy engaging in higher level discussion about topics that not many people will discuss. Just be ready for some thoughts and questions that may be a bit unusual. Please, throw me a curve ball as well. Let's have some fun with this!

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