
  • I am not sure I am so good with this article. I am bugged by some things in it.  I mean this part right here in italics below. First of all you got some nerve. I feel kinda outraged with this! What Hitler did was freaking beyond horrific and this seems like you are just kinda letting him off the hook for what he did and saying the Jews contracted him to do that? I mean for real- who says things like that?  How do you just be good with something like that? Millions of jews died in gas chambers and starved over that little MF warped idealistic delusions. There is sooo much selfish, evil stuff going on in the world, Illuminati vatican reptilian madness RIGHT NOW and to say that someone CHOSE to suffer for it and derive BENEFIT from it seems like blaming the victim and it's gross. Do you know what I mean? Yeah yeah a soul could learn from anything right? BUT, does that mean we condone it?

    So snippets of memory came through. She could see how she literally begged a long-time associate spirit to act as her mother, to torture her as a child in the bathroom, and to continue the pscychological torture through the rest of her family life with her parents. She could see the incredible pain that this complying spirit would undergo just to fulfill her own wishes, and now she felt a pang of guilt for cajoling this “friend spirit” into doing this for her, much like the guilt Jews feel for having leveraged the spirit that acted as Hitler into doing for them what it selflessly did.

    Sometimes I think this world is evolving and other times I think it is one of vilest places ever and that the dark is just winning and keeping us trapped here. It is really hard to imagine CHOOSING this insanity. Why would anyone do THAT? Be a victim? WHY would anyone want to be flayed and disembowled? I am not sure how I could believe that.

    Here is an example for you. One of my friends get abducted regularly by insectoids and greys. They do invasive procedures and all the while she is telling them to stop and leave her alone. SHE CHOSE THAT? To be terrified and abused? To what end? How could anyone learn anything from torture especially repeated doses of it? I just can't buy it sorry. I am very open minded  but it's just the suffering and all that that seems like that is something to evolve past or is just kinda unnecessary.  Should we not be focused on the light and extinguishing the dark? It's like you are condoning this evil stuff going on.   Explain it to me. It's a question I used to ask as a child- why would God allow such a thing to happen? What is a soul getting out of torture? Help me to understand how this is acceptable thinking?

  • I love this story Cosmic K!  Told with such honesty and levity!  Thank you so very much!!!

  • These stories are so awesome. Keep them coming!

  • Amazing stories! Yes, please. Keep 'em coming!

  • Celyn,

    I appreciate your sensitivities and your questions. First of all, just to be clear, Jason is an incredibly compassionate person, but not necessarily the way we are often taught is compassion. To answer your questions, I suggest we all start by really looking at what Cosmic Keith posted in response to you. 

    Please, if you are so led, suspend judgments on the whole off-putting Hitler thing. Read, read read the writings and practice practice practice the tools given here on supraminds. Use the alchemies. Hold off on any opinion, for surely it will change as you begin to unravel to emerge as the incredible beauty that you are. If you follow this course, and then revisit what Jason wrote, I can guarantee that you will see it with revelatory eyes and understanding of the depth of compassion from which it was written.

    Don't stop questioning! That is a powerful gift. If something bothers you, ask why. Pursue to understand and don't fall back on societal reasons why. Be relentless.

    Why? Why? Why!!

    The magic of the What If awaits. 



  • Oh Jason!

    I am in revelry and deep gratitude for these stories. Just finished the Bright Eyed Huna. MAJOR POWERFUL FORCE! TRUTH! 

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhh YES!


    Check them out! 

  • Celyn, are you the singer? ;-D

    Anyway, I know what Love is. It is the recognition with all of one's being, and without having to try or concentrate or remind oneself or conjure it from the heart center, there isn't anything that isn't precious beyond words and reason.

    That help at all?

    Celyn Mair said:

    I am not sure I am so good with this article. I am bugged by some things in it.  I mean this part right here in italics below. First of all you got some nerve. I feel kinda outraged with this! What Hitler did was freaking beyond horrific and this seems like you are just kinda 

  • Re: The conference call on September 10 ---- the meditation practice which we retain a thoughtless mental space gave me such a profound experience on how for 5 minutes I mismanaged my thoughts and thus my energy. I plan on doing this as a practice.
    A question for Jason--- I ask this question only because I feel that everything as truth is now fake. nothing feels real and tangible. My question is how do you know this idea of the volunteers appearing on 3rd density to be of service is not just another story and myth? ---- I ask not from the space of doubting your position. I ask only because I don't have a compass of my own.
  • Hi, WInnie. Well, of COURSE it's a myth and a story. Siddhartha once said in answer to a question, "All realities are myths." I added to that, "and all myths realities." Everything in the Manifest Multiverse is fiction, but just because it's fiction doesn't mean we don't play the games, because it's very clear that we do or we wouldn't be writing to each other.

    But I get why you're asking, so you have to consider the source. Dolores Cannon didn't seek her system. She was chosen for it. Hypnosis happens to be a very reliable system because the narrow bandwidth conscious self is so completely set aside, as the conscious self is the least reliable of all layers of self/bandwidth because it operates on the most fake level of all the layers. I'm also a Certified Advanced Hypnotherapist, and I started out doing regressions. I just happened to be very good at it, and discounting the ABS I put hypnosis orders of magnitude higher on the scale of accuracy than any psychic or channeler could ever be. Part of the reason for that is that I have exposed so many of them.

    So there's that. Then another thing happened, and that was an ever-increasing recovery of memory that this is how we do it all over Creation, and always have. So-called more advanced selves ALWAYS "occur" within realms everywhere to help out, and it's eternal in nature. This is what the movie "Interstellar" was in fact about, told in a fairly straightforward and mundane way. It works the way it does because so frequently those engaging in games of evolution get addicted to their fictitious dreamworlds and are difficult to wake up enough to get them to choose one of the two trajectories of the universal 3rd density choice. So quite often the higher-level selves enter the scene to bring in more knowledge, wisdom and illumination, and are often left to use higher frequency mind to create the new worlds or at least the bridges to those worlds.

    In the end, all you have to do is look around you to know that the Volunteers/Wanderers is a "true story."

    Winnie Ocean said:

    Re: The conference call on September 10 ---- the meditation practice which we retain a thoughtless mental space gave me such a profound experience on how for 5 minutes I mismanaged my thoughts and thus my energy. I plan on doing this as a practice.
    A question for Jason--- I ask this question only because I feel that everything as truth is now fake. nothing feels real and tangible. My question is how do you know this idea of the volunteers appearing on 3rd density to be of service is not just another story and myth? ---- I ask not from the space of doubting your position. I ask only because I don't have a compass of my own.
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