The war within

As something I deal with myself, I wanted to post about this to bring in some alternative perspectives and see if we align in any way and find solutions to any problems that we face.

Throughout my life, I've eventually fought with enough people to realize that I'm only fighting with myself. I still can't escape that, since most people I encounter do not realize the same things about themselves or this world in the same way that we do.

It is such a weird position to be in. I feel like a kindergarten teacher everywhere I go.

How does one live in this world and keep balanced, grounded, and attuned empathically to everyone else?

How do we heal people when we have to pull them kicking and screaming to the other side?

I feel like a prosecutor calling out evil and injustice wherever it exists.

It that our role? To accuse, judge, and reveal?

How else will people learn the truth?

It's just very difficult to bridge the gap between our worlds.

We know what is right, but it seems like we are very few and far between in this world. It is certainly off-track and very few engineers are correcting course. Nobody freaking cares anymore. It's so sad. This world is deeply spiritual and healing for those that care.

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  • Just let them be, stop being so righteous, stomping around like an inquisitor, telling everyone what and how they should be.

    Accept everything.

    Everything is fucked, and thats ok. If its not real, why do you care? And if it is real, can you really do anything about it? How inconsequential are you, really, if you think about it. Outside of your small circle of influence. In the grand scheme of things?

    Just let it go bro. Some people call it spiritual ego. Feeling superior because your path took you to deeper understanding.

    Its not your doing. Its not something you achieved. Its impossible to achieve anything, things achieve you. So let go of this mindset of a "fixer". Youre not better because you know more. None of us are any better than the others. You are not helping anyone by trying to teach them wisdom. Thats impossible.

    Very soon (if not already) you will realise, that its impossible for anything to poison you (greed, anger, hate,..) from the outside. There is no outside. Let that sink in.

    Also, and i cant stress this enough, if the body is sick the mind is sick too.

    Do not underestimate the needs of your body, do not prefer the mind, keep it balanced.

    I hope i didnt come off too righteous myself, this headspace im in is still fairly new to me, its a completely new experience and its wild, so i apologize for any possible misunderstanding:)

    I hope youre good man, your day to day life, if its not, fix it. Otherwise whats the point

    • Do not try to fix the body by fixing the mind. If the body heals and mind is still sick, body will get sick again, but if you want to consistently feel good, fix the body first. Then whatever is left in your mind, fix that too while maintaining the body in good health. Move everyday, get the energy moving, and get some good rest to let things settle.

      Do not underestimate the needs of your body, do not prefer the mind, keep it balanced.

      I know these things are widely known, but what I think triggered my response is that only maybe in the last year, I really understood how deep these things go when it comes to your actual experience of the life.

      • The thought of balancing body and mind actually helped to show what I can do for this problem.

        I'm not necessarily thinking about health, but communication. I think too much and nearly speak. Then it all just comes out at once and I scare the hell out of people.

        I need to better balance my thoughts with the conversations that I have with the people around me. Otherwise, we're all just strangers.

        But, I've never been someone to just say whatever pops into my head. I have to think about it first, then the moment to speak passes me by.

        • Maybe try less thinking instead


    • > I hope youre good man, your day to day life, if its not, fix it. Otherwise whats the point

      That's the thing I'm struggling with. I feel like it's my responsibility to fix the problems within my own home, as the father and partner to people I am trying to see as my equal.

      How do you love people while watching them destroy themselves?

      Whatever I try to do to help them backfires because I become the bad guy for interfering, even if what I did was helpful.

      So am I to live in a chaotic world and just sit here laughing at how everything is going to shit, and do nothing?

      • I know its tough but you cant help them

        I dont have all the answers though


      • You said: "How do you love people while watching them destroy themselves?

        Whatever I try to do to help them backfires because I become the bad guy for interfering, even if what I did was helpful."

        Perhaps this will help:

        L.O.V.E. in its "purest" form is a Living Omnipresent Vibrational Energy, a Living Omnipotent Vibrational Entity. To delve further into the profundity, love is a convergence of opposites. We feel joy because we love but it's also true we feel pain because of love. When a life is lost why do we experience sadness, grief, pain? Some people say we feel this anguish because of attachment or merely the mechanism of loss itself. But this argument is logically flawed - do we mourn the loss of a possession we attach to? We (most) do not grieve the loss of individuals with whom we have no personal connection. Therefore love is a process of conditions – functioning unconditionally; love is a function of conditional sense being processed unconditionally. Love is synonymous with the word unconditional. For those who can understand the origin of words within our social memory complex of metaphysical thought-form love both evokes physicality of division through multiplication (which are the same functions) and simultaneously invokes the spirituality of Oneness.

        You don't become the bad guy for trying to help– especially if what you did was helpful. This sounds like you are becoming the victim of narcissistic abuse. The narcissist and sociopath have an eternal play converging with the empath. I refuse to believe you are arguing with yourself or "experiencing this to teach yourself something" regardless whether there is something to learn. Even within quantum entangled states of interdependent Oneness exists independent individuality–and that's just the thing–you get to choose (insofar as you are not completely controlled by impulses and stimuli and have reached some semblance of individuation).

        Sometimes loving somebody from a distance is what is needed. You don't need to "accept" their behavior if it is toxic to you. You don't need to stop trying to help illuminate somebody if they can't see the shadows they cast upon theirselves and others. You just need to accept "acceptance" in order to find peace within the eternal struggle. 

        Hope this helps. It's all relative of course. To me it's absolute-relativity - I am that I am a perfect recursion. To you it is what it is. 

        • Thank you, and yes, the convergence of opposites is a great reminder for why we are here to begin with.

          After every battle, I am still forced to reflect on my own flaws, insecurities, and natural cycles. I think that abuse is something that gets reflected upon us, so that we have to learn to forgive. It was almost like a needed recalibration, and that conflict was the trigger.

          Whether it's instant feedback or a millennium in the making, we are rebalancing energy on its way back to us.

          What helps me is to take a seat back in Source and just relax. The ego still jumps out when it needs to for balance and, well, thrill.

          But anyway, it's been a while since I brought this up and have calmed down for now. I'm impressed with how well everyone was able to read the situation with little background info.

          The people that drive me crazy are all working hard to keep me grounded and at a more steady vibration.

          It's just a very long process, and I like driving in the fast lane :)

        • Impressive eloquence! Interesting framing of Love as an Entity because it gives consciousness to that which is to us merely a feeling of unity!


          However, I gotta ask this though:

          I do not understand the logical jump from

          "We (most) do not grieve the loss of individuals with whom we have no personal connection."


          "Therefore love is a process of conditions – functioning unconditionally; love is a function of conditional sense being processed unconditionally.".

          Would you mind explaining further?


          • I can try to elaborate. 

            "We (most) do not grieve the loss of individuals with whom we have no personal connection" was a refutation to the school of thought that teaches "loss (itself) is the cause of pain". 

            "do we mourn the loss of a possession we attach to?" - is a refutation to the notion attachment is what causes our pain and suffering. 

            I say 'most' because some people do indeed grieve the loss of those they have no connection with. But why do some grieve, and others do not? Love is the answer.

            The logical jump lies in how love in being is processed. Love is both a cause of happiness and joy, yet also pain and suffering, therefore love is (unconditionally) creating conditions that are processed by our conditinal senses (unconditionally).

            This may not 'make sense'. I suppose I'd call it "absolute-relativity".

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