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  • Magnus, I am discovering many members of "Superbeings" which are scattered across our Gaia surfaces and am enjoying, for me an  evolutionary experience. Albeit that this is more about a group Ashram type of experience, where the emphasis is of a slightly different nature, working with the layers of energies between the planetary connectivity. Becoming clear, void of attachments of this physical is what pulls be back into this 3D. I do know that this is just apart of the process with regards to the attachments. I think it is time for another quite walk on the beach and center.  Cheers Brother    

  • Hello my Brother of Light and Love,  This journey we are currently co-creating in this here and now moment is really momentous. The numbers of humans which are waking-up and tuning-in is in harmony with "the plane". We are creating groups of harmonic frequencies which will active even more momentum.  Namaste     

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