Denise Bynum posted a status
Oct 3, 2022
GM Can anyone give me info on what happened to some content like TheSuperbeings story and some readings on Tools. I get a message that says " you are not allowed to see the info you are looking for"
I recently had to start over my readings as I got a better mindset and understanding after using the Alchemies can anyone help ?

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  • Hi Jason, why aren't you going to emphasize the superbeing story anymore?


  • Hi, Denis. Yeah, I removed PRISM quite recently. I have no idea what happened to the link the SBS, which by the way, we're not going to be emphasizing anymore.
  • Hi Jason I had started over to read everything under About but when I got to the Superbeings Story I couldn't access it. I couldn't get the Prism and something else under tools that I already forgot. But Thank you much the SBS was most important.
  • Denise, The Superbeings Story link is fixed under About, but I'm not sure what you're trying to access that you can't. If you could tell me?
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