Middle Way posted a status
Dec 30, 2022
Hey Jason,

I have come across what I think is a contradiction in the TSB documents. In the Superbeings Outline you mention that in 4D & 5D polarity still exists and are then combined in 6D. In one of the Wormhole documents it is written that in 4D & 5D there is freedom from doubt. My question:

How can there be full on freedom from doubt in 4 & 5D if opposites and separation still exist?

What am I missing ?


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  • Hey Jakub,

    I am very relieved that I don't remember the times I was destructive and negative. Although, I am beginning to understand that forgiveness is in order for all of those  lifetimes as a role was just being played. However, I must say this time around balance and the positive angle are my two default positions. LOVE is a frequency that pervades all densities so as you mentioned being clear, opening up that signal and listening to your heart is very important as those transmissions are closest to the truth we are going to get especially on this crazy blue ball.  

    So I will leave you with this, time is a lie, ergo,     NOW = ETERNITY


    • I remember some of it and it took me some time to forgive myself, but the thing is, unless you do truly forgive, it cant really stop bleeding into this life and influencing you in a way that is unpleasant. In a very real way, you are living all these lifes at the same time, it is only your attention that seems to be here in this now, rather than in a now elsewhere. They are all of the same importance. Just different costumes in a play.

      I have found my peace here after many years of struggling with...lets be honest, myself, and honestly out of all the lifes I remember, this is the most peaceful I have lived and I love it.

      Sorry I didnt respond sooner! It doesnt send a notification for these statuses so Ive missed it:)

  • I should read it all again, its been years :)
    Its kind of paradoxical when you think about it, because not taking a side is a choice as well. I think its more about following your heart, clearing it of desires and distortions and then just tuning into it and listening. Good and bad are just concepts, as unreal as everything else here, or in higher densities for that matter. Even the really "bad" guys, the ones that drove this harvest, they were just doing their job, they were wired to be bad. In a very real sense, they were just being themselves, staying true to themselves. Isnt it crazy when you think about it? How would you feel if you knew you HAVE to do bad things in order to serve your purpose?
  • Thanks for your reply Jakub. I make my best effort at staying balanced and not taking sides. It certainly is challenging in this 3D world of duality. I am thoroughly enjoying all of the thought provoking ideas on this site. I am rereading all of the documents again and am almost finished Mythion.
  • You can play a role while being fully conscious that it is a role. 3d is about choosing a polarity you wish to explore, 4 and 5d is about delving deep into that role and at the end of 5d, everyone is coming together to share what its like and merge in 6d to celebrate. There are people here in 3d that are free from doubt and can see clearly. I hope that helps :)
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