Mary Betts posted a status
Mar 7, 2023
If anyone needs any alchemy just text or write me and I will get you handled.

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  • Hi Mary,

    Last Thursday I received my puramyd and it has had an immediate impact. My daughter's room has been a diaster area and on Friday when I returned home my daughter was busy cleaning and purging the clutter from her room. I left the puramyd on the headboard of her bed in the evening and the next morning it was no longer there. I asked my daughter if she had moved it and she said she hadn't. I found it, neatly positioned right square in the middle of the bottom shelf beside her bed!  I remember on a call someone mentioned that their's had moved too!  Intriquing to say the least!

    I have been sleeping more soundly and at times feel my third eye pulsing gently when I am in the same room as the puramyd! And this all in less that a week!


    Thank you for getting it to me  safely Mary!  Much appreciated.


    Sincerely and with heart,


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