This is a practice, and technique, taken from the MG Hawking reading material. It’s not unique to his teachers. You can find practices exactly like this, or quite similar, from other sources, which tells us that that they have a common origin. Commonality among practices and exercises is in fact what to look for among different traditions. Then you know you’ve got the right stuff.
This one is also a recommended preparation exercise for an Awareness Bilocation Session. Once you’re practiced enough to add the visualization to it, it is designed to open the chakras from the heart on up, meaning the throat, third eye and crown. It should come as no surprise that it also aligns and opens, or widens, the conduit to the 8th and 9th chakras above the head.
This one will nicely oxygenate the brain and body. It can also be very energizing and rejuvenating, and is a good one to use in place of – or added to – oval breathing upon waking in the morning, even while still lying in bed. It only takes a few minutes to do a full 20 repetitions of this one, which if you practiced every couple of days for two or three weeks you’d be there.
Let’s get to it.
This one's simple, anywhere, anytime, any position but preferably sitting comfortably, you inhale as deeply as you can to the count of 4, then without pause exhale as completely as you can to the count of 11, then without pause inhale to the count of 4, exhale to 11. Do 10 sets of this every day, then after a few days, do 20 sets of it. Do this every day until you have the cadence down. Spot check yourself. Go without counting on several in a row, and then bust a move on yourself and add the counting to see if your cadence is still there. Get this cadence nailed. Don't do any simultaneous visualizing until you have the cadence nailed.
With practice, you can even add the oval breathing element. Once you have the cadence, add in the visualization.
On the in-breath, you see the brilliant Sun over your head. See it just as bright as you can imagine it, like so bright it should be blinding, but it’s not.
On the out-breath, you funnel the brilliant rays into your crown and run them down the spinal column to about the level of the heart chakra. Continue that until you’re fully exhaled, then the in-breath again picturing the Sun over the top of your head.
Sometimes with this one you might find that if you allow the Sun to brighten as you inhale, it becomes a visualization aid, almost like the in-breath is a brightness “pump.” Also, you can practice the visualization as though your vantage point were some distance behind your, so you can watch as the brilliant liquid light descends down the spinal column to the level of the heart center. Adding this element obviously helps in the continued development of second awareness, or even dual awareness, which is of course more of what the ABS (Awareness Bilocation System) is about.
Very good tried and will continue to try every morning g thanks Ulla