ABS Mindset


9243062074?profile=originalThe way our approach to training you works is to be as spare as we possibly can by way of written instruction, and to therefore leave much of the detailed instruction to the live class recordings and the session mentoring. There are written instructions, however, as you've probably seen on the ABS Course Central Page. 

We’ll go over your sessions after they’ve been submitted, and give detailed feedback, and written tutorials, so that you can build the skill piece by piece, naturally and organically. We expect you to read and incorporate what we say in the feedback, rigidly and faithfully, or you will be steering your own mind into the development, or reinforcement, of bad habits. This way, there isn’t a ton of reading to do to get started if you listen to the live class recording. It’s all very efficient and through much of it you learn often without really knowing that you are learning in the moment.


We're not actually using the term technically correctly. True second awareness is truly simple to understand. If you were to blindfold yourself, or close your eyes, and yet see everything around you, as though your eyes were open, that's second awareness. Those who practice it as a way of life can reach a point where the clarity and detail is equal to their normal eyesight, but is even MORE rich and alive, and 3 dimensional, because it's digital, as it were, where normal eyesight could be said to be analog.

Whenever you see a martial arts movie with a master or sensei or whatever with white irises, indicating he's blind, but who nevertheless is the best martial artist there, he's honed his second awareness to a very high level.

In our case, with the ABS, you could say that you're sending your second awareness to remote locations, and are using the course to hone that ability, and so in this respect it could be said to be second awareness. When you do your first trip to Xupra, you'll see for yourself how fabulous it is because of what you'll be able to see.

So, we'll just continue using the term "second awareness" below.


This is a quick-reference guide for habit building. Within a short time, you shouldn’t need to read through all the text below these, but to just refer to these Quick Reference Guidelines:

  • disengaging from second awareness = termination of pure and accurate dataflow
  • caffeine, intoxicants, plant allies, being tired = never fully engaging with second awareness to start with
  • entering a session with preconceptions, or assumptions, of any kind = never fully engaging with second awareness to start with
  • deducing incoming data elements into programmed definitions = disengaging from second awareness
  • second-guessing, or questioning, what comes through = disengaging from second awareness
  • straining, or trying to do better, in any way = disengaging from second awareness
  • thinking you need to be anything but open, clear and receptive = disengaging from second awareness
  • thinking any data can be right or wrong = disengaging from second awareness
  • thinking you need to experiment with perceptual technique = disengaging from second awareness
  • thinking you need to be psychic = disengaging from second awareness
  • thinking you need to focus or be meditative = disengaging from second awareness
  • thinking you can deviate even one iota from instructions = disengaging from second awareness
  • thinking you can mold the system to your preferences = disengaging from second awareness
  • thinking no dataflow indicates there is a problem = disengaging from second awareness
  • thinking you're doing this for us, and not for you = disengaging from second awareness

As you can plainly see, the only possible problems that can arise in a session all have to do with your thinking. When you are free of small conscious thought, you will have finally arrived, as you will be perceiving at least partially from a higher level of consciousness, but it’s important to know that this Awareness Bilocation System is making you conscious of both while thinking with neither. It’s important to point out again that you are essentially establishing a second self, a second you, at the target scene, and in our language “self” and “awareness” are interchangeable terms.

A wise being was once asked: “Well, if this is all just energy and perception, not even real, what’s the point in taking on bodies? What’s the point to all this?”

The answer: “So that you may learn to think properly.”

The ABS does in fact teach you to think properly.

Apart from what you’re taught in the live class recordings, the below is the only information you need to know to begin a session with the right mindset.

What is written here is to remind you of what the mindset is, if a reminder is needed, as you approach any session, including those beyond the live class recordings where we would usually remind you of this mindset. The reason we have this reminder is because people are so programmed to think and respond in conditioned ways that a large percentage can actually forget, from one session to the next, how to approach and complete a session in the most efficient and penetrating ways. That conditioning is precisely what we’re teaching you to de-emphasize and subjugate, keeping in mind that your own second awareness is free of such conditioning, while yours must be subjugated in order to connect you with ever greater clarity to your own second awareness.

This isn’t about stretching the small conscious mind, the one perceiving within a totally fictitious simulation, to some equally fictitious location somewhere on Earth to determine what this equally fictitious thing or scene might be. This is about silencing the small conscious mind completely, assigning to it the task of recording incoming data, strictly as an observer, and the information coming through is actually none of your business at all. Your job, again, is to do nothing but record the information, and then using that information to write a Post Session Summary (PSS) at the end of the session. We’ll be providing tutorials for a proper PSS as we go along.

When we subjugate your small conscious and conditioned mind in this way, we’re allowing the second awareness to do its thing and deliver the data for you, the smaller mind, to record. Now all you have to know is that the session form IS your second awareness, and therefore your job is to let it do all the work while you sit back, totally detached, and simply observe and record the data being made available to your senses.

You're not doing this for us, to please us, to impress us. That thinking is in total opposition to what this is about. You're doing this for you, to teach yourself to be increasingly engaged in a more holographic way of thinking. And so, as is stressed so much around here, it's impossible to be wrong, while being right is mostly beside the point.

The reason that it isn’t possible to be wrong, or right, with this system is because we have no idea how our second awareness perceives the target, because it’s an awareness “entity” that perceives from a less dense plain, such as the 4th or 5th densities. If you yourself were the target, and you were able to see yourself through the eyes of a dragonfly, a bigfoot, a Hathor, a snake, an eagle, a bear, a 4th or 5th density entity, and so on, not ONE version of you seen through the variety of their visual senses would be even close to the same view from one to the next, provided whatever it is even has eyes, to say nothing of how completely different it would be from how you see yourself in the mirror. Since your own second awareness perceives on 4th and 5th density levels, what a target scene represents to its senses is unknowable, but since it has holographic access to your vocabulary it will deliver the raw data to you in the words you’re familiar with.

Here's the important part to know. If you were the target, all versions of how you look to any sentient being are true. That’s why it’s impossible to be wrong if all you’re doing is receiving and recording raw data given to you by something with different senses than yours. The only difference between the countless numbers of versions of how you’re sensed is the purity of the vision, and from what density level of perception it is sensed.

When you are open in this way, you are allowing your own small conscious mind to be informed. The problem with the programmed conditioning of this level of mind, meaning your small conscious mind, is that it wants to do the informing, especially in heavily technical and mechanical Western Culture. The switch from being the informed to being the informer is by switching to your conditioned mind, where incoming data is taken and deduced through conscious associations into known things. Doing this switching to the deductive, or analytical mind, is one of the main ways to disengage from second awareness. Since that programmed conditioning can be so tremendously difficult to free you of, you will by habit continue to deduce those conscious associations and deduce a given set of data into a defined thing or things. That’s why the session forms have fields for Deductions…so that you can record it, clear your mind of it, and re-engage with second awareness to continue the session.

In the end, it's impossible to get something right, when there is absolutely no possibility of wrong. There are only differing modes of perception that by the purity of the being through which they are perceived have varying degrees of accuracy, and the 3D Earth reality as it is perceived by its people is the least pure, the least accurate, of them all.

Knowing yourself to be nothing but the observer and recorder of incoming data, being supplied by the session form/second awareness, keeps you detached and open and free when beginning a session, and when you’re that loose and easy going, the data flows with much greater ease and volume.

Remember, it's truly none of your business what data comes through. Your only biz in this is to get open, clear, empty and receptive, and type what comes, and that's it.

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