Alkhem Instructions


We have more than one Website, and we have two entire lines of alchemy not orderable from The Superbeings...yet. If you want to look into the Alchemy Line to which this one belongs, please go to and mouseover Alchemy Line.



Even though you could say this is entry level alchemy, it is powerful stuff, and must be treated with honor and respect, like any intelligence. This alchemy is your friend, your mentor, your guide, your sibling. Let it be so. Unless you have it on you some way or another, or kept under your pillow (for dream enhancement!), please keep it in an honored place, such as an altar. Believe it or not, all these materials love velvet.

It is best to acclimate yourself for some time to these energies. To do that, it can be kept in a pocket, or tie a string around the neck and wear it, maybe add some to a pendant which can contain liquids or solids and wear it around the neck. If worn around the neck, let it rest anywhere between the space above the heart chakra all the way to the solar plex. You can also place it under the pillow at night, or add a small tap to a bath.

There’ll come a time when you’ll just KNOW that it’s time to ingest it, and don’t let it be a surprise if that calling comes the minute you receive it, or takes a full month. When the moment comes, place a tiny amount in your palm (maybe the size of a paper-punch hole), close your eyes and feel, deeply, the message. It very likely won’t be in the form of a language, but a feeling, and it will be unique to you. Open yourself to receive, conjure gratitude into your heart and, once again, you’ll know when to place it upon your tongue. Sit quietly and be aware of here, now, and the virtual vessel you appear to occupy. And listen.

This powder wouldn’t let us put the ingredients on the label. It offended its sense of aesthetics, its artistic sensibilities. It said, “If you can’t speak in pictures, then don’t speak.” It’s very clear that Potentia Powder is in charge, and it is competent, fiercely efficient, and is absolutely boundless love.

The ingredients are gold taken to the “philosophic plateau,” from which all alchemic components evolve from a single vessel and substance. The naturally occurring elements include many in trace amounts, but those in volumes that count are selenium, boron, potassium, manganese, magnesium, and an extra dose of the right kind of salt for delivery throughout the system, and especially cells walls.
Enjoy in grace, power and beauty.


Everything of the powder applies to the liquid as well, but obviously for usage we're talking about drops. That varies from person-to-person, but start with something like 4 or 5 drops, and either reduce or increase from there.

All of these alchemies seek to work with you intuitive self, and so use your intuition. A good way to do that is to beginning dripping drops onto the tongue and just feel for when it's time to stop. The same goes for when to use it. Just hold the bottle and silently ask if it's a good time to use it, and then pay attention to the replying feeling.

Another advantage afforded by the liquid version of Alkhem is that it can more easily be used for annointing, such as the chakras. It also makes bath water softer, with just 15 drops, and makes for a very lovely experience.


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