PLEASE NOTE: If you happened across this page without knowing what it's really about, it's the instructions for use with some of the more advanced of our alchemical products. You can't start with these but if you'd like to look into the alchemy part of The Superbeings project, let us know and we'll direct you to the appropriate pages so you can look into how to get started.
Something we have more definitely been told of late is how much more hands-on , and how much clearer and more detailed we need to be with respect to the understanding and use of these alchemies, because for some, while they might not seem particularly powerful on the surface, they are very powerful on levels of mind that actually matter. And yet for others, they are already known to be extremely powerful by experience. It's of paramount importance to understand that these are less about your personal growth than they are about becoming a clearer and broader transducer of codes, knowledge, frequencies, and so on, hammering away from higher levels of being to assist with Earth's 3rd density population to transition to 4th density, which, by the way, you are not going to do. You are a volunteer/wanderer (or other type of being) here to help with this project, and when it's done, you're going home, to your home continuum.
Seen from that angle, you selflessly giving of yourself in this way is exactly what advances you personally, this local self you see in the mirror, more so than all other what we might call spiritual practices. The reason for that is that most modern spiritual practices are centered around personal growth, and in reality this is based in the service-to-self side of the equation. The reason this is significant to consider, is that in personal growth industry you're being encouraged to become something that you actually accomplished millions of years ago. We'll be getting to all that too in The Superbeings, because understanding that has everything to do with where things are going for us.
To reinforce the point, please understand that homo sapiens is nearing extinction, and so this vessel is one that you are raising in frequency much more for global purposes than for personal purposes. However, and this is a big caveat, you are nevertheless removing everything between this self and the superbeing within. And why I say that is because this group actually has the potential to do something quite remarkable with these physical vessels, but we'll be talking much more about that with those who undertake the Awareness Bilocation System. At this stage not many would believe it anyway.
By the same token, it's important to understand that ALL alchemy that is made by higher level beings who are in bodies at this time work in similar ways and for similar reasons. It's also important to understand that since what I make has stable being on many perceptual planes, your use of it helps the indwelling superbeing to also adapt to present global need, and to also prepare for what we have coming. It also feeds what we call the TST, or translucent symbiotic twin, the electroplasmic entity that is both a template for your form and is also an autonomous being that can be cooperated with on many levels. It's more or less what the Egyptians called the Ka Body, but which is seriously upgraded in modern times. It's interesting to note that Jesus and Mary used alchemy, and sexual energy (she was a very high level priestess in this school) to strengthen and sort of “flesh out” his own inner superbeing, together with his TST, for pretty much the same reasons we are.
You might be surprised to learn that the beings who are involved in creating the next level human for the 4th density cycle are using my alchemy to help in the template design of that physical vessel, which is something I've only recently found out and I was surprised, and excited, by it. For this reason, they have also been involved in the design of the alchemy itself, which I've always known but now it sort of gives a more tangible feel to it all.
The reason I'm saying all this is because we've been made aware by at least a few people that they are expecting something more to be happening to them physically than is actually happening. That stuff is happening also, but it can be difficult to detect for some. What's more important is what is really going on on levels of consciousness that actually matter. Why does this surface level of consciousness not actually matter? That's the zillion dollar question, and one we intend to answer below.
“Apocalypse”: in the original Greek, it means “dissolving of the veils.” This quite naturally has led pretty much everyone, myself included, into believing it was a reference to the veils between worlds, or dimensions. This actually is true, but not in the way most think. What it really means is the dissolving of the veils that exist between the layers of consciousness. The homo sapiens consciousness was deliberately compartmentalized after the fall of Atlantis because Earth was moving into an area of galactic space, similarly to now, which was going to cause a fall in consciousness. Since this is a free will continuum, it was also an ideal opportunity for some malevolent “factions” to mess around with a few things, not the least of which being time. This further crystallized the artificially constructed veils between levels of consciousness.
Let's at least try to give an example (as you know, words can be so limited!). In Atlantean times, because the compartments didn't exist, their sense of sight included the ability to process raw visual information to recognize the underlying life, the truth of life, lying beneath, around and through the surface construct of everything in form, which means that there was no veil between what we now call surface “consciousness” and “subconsciousness.” This means that we – yes of course we were all there in Atlantis – were able to use our eyes to experience the interconnectedness that underlies everything and therefore were free of the programming that so thoroughly crystallized the illusion of separation into place.
So you could say that the intensification of the idea of “separation” itself was accomplished by firmly constructing a veil between what we now call the “conscious” and “subconscious” minds, which at the time of Atlantis was actually just one level of mind, one level of consciousness, with the metaconscious being another much more encompassing layer, and with which we were very familiar, just as we were that we couldn't carry and flow the volume of energy and information held within the metaconscious mind. This is the being many would call the higher self, but is in reality the soul.
After having the one waking conscious mind separated into two different levels of consciousness associated with three brainwave states (beta, alpha and theta), there was now a layer of mind that could more easily be programmed to perceive what is essentially a simulated reality, a virtuality. It's partially been about control, as most of you know, but at the same time this virtuality and all its industrial and technological advancements has been nicely fertile and conducive for what this experiment set out to accomplish to begin with, and which is as of right now a smashing success. One of the most amusing aspects to consider is that this world, which is the same thing as saying this consciousness, is the sub-reality, not what we mistakenly call the subconscious. Put another way, our waking conscious selves, the you's reading these words, are the subconscious of the far larger and truer consciousness to which we are all awakening. It is called in modern times the “subconscious” as a reference to being “below consciousness,” but it's really above it, around it and through it, and just can't be sensed with anything but our feelings. Think about that one deeply, because it will bring understanding.
The indwelling superbeing we're referring to has its local existence in what we now erroneously call the subconscious (for now we'll just have to stick with our present mostly wrong definitions), and for the most part cannot communicate with you in any way but in your dreams or deep meditative states, because the frequency, or wavelength, of their perception is in a range that matches our brains' theta range. This theta range is where an entirely different reality exists, underlying, infusing and encompassing this “fake” one our senses are so severely limited to, and by.
This is where the alchemy comes in. It is in fact dissolving the veils which partition consciousness. It's in fact the very purpose of The Superbeings. Everything this project is about is that, but for the major things we can only talk about with graduates/adepts of the Awareness Bilocation System. That your indwelling superbeing uses alchemy even more than you do – meaning your illusory surface self – should be interesting indeed, and points up the fact that the veils are being dissolved from both sides. It's important to note right here that it's a cautious process, because if suddenly your own veils were completely dissolved and you were to begin perceiving what's really there, what's underneath, around and through this simulated layer, you could easily cause someone next to you to also experience it, which could trigger a chain reaction in bringing an entirely new continuum into being...too soon. That's the's too soon for it.
Hope that makes sense. If it doesn't, let's break it down for you in the forums, but we can at least add this: can you imagine how hard it would be to function in activities for daily living if you were seeing the underlying/surrounding reality at the same time as this illusory one? It's easier to just feel it, just know it's there. In this way, sort of operating outside linear time, the alchemy is preparing you for the much greater reality without disrupting your ongoing interaction with this one. It's a bit like consciously building a future you now, right this second.
Another important purpose of the alchemy, especially these eclipse ones, is that the minute they are in your body you are far more accessible by the beings working with you, with all your aspects, including the indwelling superbeing, and for Earth's processes well beyond the confines of your local self. For this reason, it's a very good idea to use it before going to bed. The contact between the two or three levels of mind is stunningly open, which is why all of the latest alchemies have worked so perfectly for Awareness Bilocation System sessions.
Again you might wonder why you're not seeing the other levels of reality already. Think about it. Once you see it, you can't UN see it, and it's not quite time for the 4th density continuum to be seen, to be perceived, for a number of very important reasons we'll get to in the context of The Superbeings project. For once it's perceived, it then exists, and it's just too soon. And of course we know many of you already perceive it with subtler senses. That's the beautiful energy, the drive, the joy...all that, of the potential of a new world.
So, with all that in mind, let's talk a bit about use. Once they're in your presence, just be with them for a couple of days while all necessary adjustments are made. Then, when you feel it's time, go ahead and ingest them. It doesn't take much, for me just 1 to 3 drops, and I don't use them unless I'm going to bed, or am about to meditate. It drops my brainwaves into theta almost instantly, and in meditation becomes a bit of a psychedelic experience.
I don't know how to suggest which to use in what order. It made sense to me that it was Lunar then Solar, the order of the eclipses by calendar. As you know, just do what you're guided to do, which is what you'd do anyway ;-D
As with them all, you can add them to water to drink, or bathe, or use them to anoint your chakras (this is especially powerful on the throat, third-eye and crown for me), or use them ceremonially or ritually for anything that calls for such invocations.
The alchemy research and development will continue. In fact, it won't stop for me until I know how to de-phase from this level of being, which we knew how to do in Egypt. I'm already working on rhodium and iridium, the much higher level stuff than what we already offer, which should prove to be pretty powerful as well, because one of them is associated with the down-flowing channel in the spine, and the other the up-flowing channel in the spine. What do Buddhists call those? The Nadis? In Egypt, and elsewhere, we used iridium to help us levitate stuff, so something truly interesting might be coming there.
That about does it. With any questions just ask them in the appropriate forum or shoot Mary a note.