Helios Gold-Platinum Instructions


9243059899?profile=originalThis whole Helios Line are all natural products, water soluble, pure and nontoxic, but because physiological change is possible, maybe even rapidly, it’s best to exercise prudence in their use. In short, even though we know you may be in a hurry, please don’t overdo it. Taking more won’t necessarily speed up the process, nor be the best way to do it. Your body is intelligent, and will function according to the cellular programming at its own pace. Trust that, it will use what it needs, and flush the rest, which would be a waste.

The changes, once you’ve been reprogrammed at the cellular level, will continue, so long as the expected dietary changes remain constant and you don’t continue (or assume new) bad habits. It’s true that these will counteract effects from bad habits, but you shouldn‘t use that as an excuse to continue them (smile), and of course any changes will be delayed.

The suggested usage for either or both is 8 to 15 sprays, but adjust for yourself accordingly, and they can be used together, at the same time. Three or 4 sprays on the face and neck is a nice eye-opener in the morning, along with 3 tr 8 sprays orally. You can also inhale a spray to give the lungs a nice rain-like shower, and you can also sniff it up the nose to give the tissues and nasal mucosa a little boost. It isn’t necessary that it be used every day, for example, and on days where physical and/or mental demands might be greater, two, or even three, uses might be in order. Since everybody is different, you won’t get a one-size-fits-all line from us, and so it’s up to you to get to know it/them, develop a relationship, and determine what works best for you.
You can also spray some into a bath. Water is highly programmable, and so it’s not a big stretch to imagine the gold and/or platinum waters will spread, to some degree, their properties through the water of the bath. You might also try adding some to serums/lotions/creams, and so on.
As it is in everything, patience is a virtue. Depending on your lifestyle, both past and present, health history and other physiological considerations, to get things moving in the right direction can take some time. Although it’s easily possible that it will happen sooner than later, what you’re doing is not cosmetic, nor temporary. To approach this as a team effort between you and the elements is a great way to do this. Sot it could take as long as 60 – 90 days to get things moving in the right direction, at least in terms of the reverse aging capabilities of these substances. Just stick with it, be patient, and it’ll come.
Possible discomforts – headache, detox reactions, changes in digestive and waste systems, skin reactions – all would be mild if they occur. If so, cease use for a day or two and let your body find its new balance. If problems persist, this might be due to an adverse reaction and you should cease use of the products altogether, as they might simply not be for you.

Finally, the only restrictions for storage are to keep them away from heat and direct sunlight, as sunlight’s spectral rays can cause a chemical mutation. Afterall, it’s how life began!

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