If you haven't yet read it, Our Thinking gives some good background information.
These products and the thinking behind them have been in development since 1998, with their applications being directed to more refined purposes through to 2011. It's only now that their refinements have encouraged us to offer them to a much larger audience, The Supramind Project being the perfect application and forum for them.
Why? Let's get into it, but we're gonna have to get a little technical on you. Not only do our cells communicate via chemicals and electricity in our nervous system and intercellularly through other processes, but also through the exchange of photons, or light particles, sometimes even called "stealth atoms." The human body is a marvelous bioelectric machine, and all of its processes depend on the clear and (ideally) unimpeded conduction of electrical "messages" required to carry out those processes. Increasing the body's light conduction - or bio-electrical conduction - is the same thing as correcting malformed DNA. A healthier, "lighter," more balanced body is the result.
DNA itself can become malformed, which among many effects translates to difficulties in the unimpeded flow of that communicative light. Light, as proven by fiber optics, can carry more and actually "purer" information. These liquids are highly bio-conductive, and therefore change our bodies at the cellular level, from our organs, muscles and tissues to our brain and nervous system, into conductors of a greatly increased flow of photons, greatly increased because the materials themselves are in a sense "liquid light." Put another way, you could say these liquids transform the body's "wiring" from being simple copper cable to fiber-optics, where the same size of wiring is able to carry 1,000 times (or more) more information.
The basis of all this is simple. Metals can be nutritionally viable so long as they are in a bio-absorbable form. You can eat gold leaf, as an example, but all that will happen is that it will be passed through your digestive system through normal elimination means. This would be true of all metallic elements. As an example, colloidal elements, such as gold and silver, can be absorbed by the body's cells and put to effective use, and are gaining in popularity. What we offer are not colloidal, or ionic, or monatomic, but what could be described as a monodisperse suspension which is, in our case, an aqueous (water solvent) solution containing elements where each particle is the same size, shape and distance apart.
All right, with all that out of the way, why are they perfect for The Supramind Project? Lodged within the mind-personality-body complex are accumulations of emotional gunk resulting from lifetimes of emotional responses, and in this life from programming committees such as schools, religions, parents, social pressures, media, etc. These patterns can be referred to as "densities," "pockets" or even "complexes." The accumulations most of us know about are about 1/10,000th of the ones we don't know about. These are held holographically as memory in our DNA, and they drive much of how we think and act, and in a similar way determine what the needed experience is to clear them away, with or without our conscious knowledge.
If you increase the body's light-conductivity in a gentle and step-by-step way, these accumulations are no longer able to remain lodged in such a biological environment, unless it's appropriate to your experience that they remain. They're then processed and released, most often when we're not even aware of the releasing event nor its original cause. The result is a lighter, freer, more open feeling of warmth, wellness, balance, presence, clarity, support and connection to everything. It establishes new neural pathways for information processing, thus awakening higher centers of awareness. If used in conjunction with our extrasensory perception training, Suprasensory System Training, as an example, the result can be spectacular. It also translates directly to often greatly increased physical energy and stamina, and also to a mental clarity that can even be called mental "power."
In the end, they are part and parcel of The Supramind Project, but the beauty of this project is that you can go only as deep into it as you want to, and so absolutely nothing here is required, ever.