First off, like we've said in other places, let this be fun. This system is simple, user-friendly, fun to use, and surprisingly effective at what it does. If you were to go through the entire course of training, to the first level of advanced targets, you'd be amazed at where you've been (yes, you're traveling with your second awareness to various locales), and what you've seen and gathered in terms of information about a given target. This is telepathy and awareness bilocation training, but it's much easier, verifiable and more effective than anything else out there in opening and exercising higher and subtler centers of awareness.
These centers of higher awareness are like organs, muscles, and they need to be regularly exercised, and pushed, and challenged, but the difficulty is in verifying the validity of your impressions. That's what makes this system what it is. Everything is instantly verifiable. It's a scientific system, very advanced, and it just plain works, and it doesn't matter who uses it - it still works.
Tip - It should take no more than about 60 minutes to read these instructions and do your first Phases 1 - 3 session. After that, subsequent Phases 1 - 3 practice sessions should be no more than about 15 to 25 minutes (depending on how much fun you're having). Also, having gone through these instructions before your first live class will help immensely in absorbing the needed information prior to your first session.
So what do we mean by "target"? It's this. We have selected some photographs and assigned target coordinates to each. These coordinates are the two sets of digits you saw corresponding to a target number on the previous target assignments page. Some are for Novice level, some for Initiate level, and some for Advanced level students. There are Adept level targets, too, but those are given as soon as you've graduated beyond Advanced Level targets. The image to the left shows kind of how the targeting is setup on our end - much more sophisticated, but this illustrates the point well enough.
As soon as you type the coordinates into the two fields in the target portal which is at the left of every session form screen, your second awareness will be directly linked to the target photo, and sooner or later it will be AT the target location, either now, in realtime, or on the day the pic was taken, which brings up an important point. Your second awareness doesn't operate within 3D time, and so it can go to any location in time and perceive it. You can think of the target portal symbol (again to the left in every session form), with its coordinates, as a portal between you and second awareness, thus the symbol is called the target portal. At this point, you should be thinking, "Say what? Really?" But here it works. You don't need to understand what the coordinates mean, not at this stage of the game anyway. Once you've started into simply completing the fields in the session form, you'll be getting information about the target which can be broken down into raw data elements, such as colors, smells, textures, stuff like that.
A right-brain person, meaning predominantly feeling, empathic, intuitive, and so on, will tend to experience the target more in terms of what's going on in the photo in the moment it was taken, which means, yes, you're traveling in time. A left-brain person, meaning more analytical, logical, linear, and so on, will tend to experience the target more from the perspective of viewing the photograph now, but seeing (as opposed to experiencing) it obviously as it was shot by the photographer at that time. BUT, in deeper phases, of which there are 6, even the left-brain types experience targets on an emotional, empathic, experiential, and quite immersed, level.
It's like saying this. The right-brain person might say, "I am in the target scene," while the left-brain person might say, "I am observing the target scene." The difference in terms of perception are subtle, because the data will still be very similar. But eventually, in the advanced Phases, it becomes immersive no matter how your perceptual channels operate, mainly because this system is deeply meditative without you, the operator, really being aware of least at first. In that state, the brain's hemispheres sync-up and operate more in unison, in the advanced stages making you neither right- nor left-brained, but "both-brained."
This is important enough to emphasize. What you are in effect doing is entraining, by repeated practice, your brain's hemispheres to continually become more in sync, which means that your lower and higher level senses are becoming more and more merged, and which will become more and more active in your everyday life. This is a big part of how we'll go about merging two different dreams. This is why, for example, that we have tools to be used during a session which are designed to put you into alpha, and even theta, mind-states. If you had an EEG (electroencephalogram) in your house to hook up to your head, you'd see the proof yourself. When doing this, you are de-emphasizing your small conscious self/mind, setting it aside almost completely, so that your much larger second awareness/self does its thing and gets the information to you unfiltered by your conscious conditioned programming. To amp up the communication, and merger, between these two awarenesses, these more meditative brainwave states are required. This is what all authentic "psychic mediums" do, and we say "authentic," because there are so few out there who are.
The real power of this system, then, is that you can do with it what authentic psychic mediums do, only you don't need to "go away," to dissociate, when you do it. In other words, you are doing this completely consciously, because your conscious mind has to be engaged to make this work, and yet you're still de-emphasizing its role. In this way, you're creating a stronger and stronger bridge between the two levels of awareness, this 3rd density world of consciousness your brain is programmed to experience, and the much more holographic level on which your second awareness perceives. And the truth is that your information will be far more comprehensive, more detailed, much richer and more holographic than the best of psychic mediums would have on the same target. We've proven this many times, and we work with some of the most gifted inutitives on the planet, and they would also tell you what a powerful system it is.
- dissociate - in our context, the act of setting aside the conscious self as a means of removing the conscious noise and thus inreasing the strength of the signal-line from second awareness.
- signal-line - the open conduit between you and second awareness. This is the "radio" data signal which carries the information. This whole system is designed specifically to consistently increase your signal-to-noise ratio, where you're in training to filter out the "noise" in order to get the clear pure signal.
Patience is most definitely a virtue, meaning that at first you might not see the results that you hoped you would. And some do, by the way, where they can almost instantly "see" the target but might not be able to identify what they're seeing. It's important to know that Phases 1 through 3 barely get you started into a session. The real "meat" of a session begins in Phase 4, and so you're using the first three Phases to start this repetitive entrainment process spread over increasingly complex targets. And, ultimately, it's in Phase 6 where all the real fun stuff starts, and which can become a true data mining wonderland.
We bring this up because you might find yourself wondering why you're even doing this when it seems like you're so off, or wrong. But that's the point - to cease thinking in those old and worn out consciously programmed modes and begin thinking from higher unprogrammed modes. So don't let frustration set in. It's far better just to trust the system, and by the time you're in Advanced Targets you'll see why it's all set up the way it is. Just go with it and have fun. A rule of thumb: your raw data will almost always be quite accurate, while your conscious deductions and story-building will almost certainly be wrong. But if they're not, more power to you. That just means you have a natural gift and the training will come easier for you. But if in finding out you have a natural gift, it doesn't excuse you from the training, because, again, ABS is the front-line protocol for what we're doing, literally as a security measure.
This is not a guessing game. This is so important it can't be stressed enough. Western Culture has forced its children's brains to get things right, and in so doing has partially handicapped intuition from interacting with a world of raw information. Our need to get it right then sets us up for failure, which many then parlay into fear, such as performance anxiety, itself becoming a tough blockage to overcome. This isn't about getting the target right! PLEASE understand that. Relax. Let the Great Calm come forth and hold reign over your personal kingdom (too dramatic? - you get the drift). If you let yourself think that this is about "nailing" the target, or correctly guessing what it might be, it's most emphatically NOT! That's actually the ONLY thing you can be wrong about with this. That's the information we don't want. We want the raw information, and by "raw" we can explain it like this.
Let's say the target is Mount St. Helens. You could be getting information like "hot, orange, steep, flowing, explosive, powerful, loud, dangerous," and so on, which is the raw information. And then your mind might automatically associate that information with "volcano," or "bomb," or "forest fire." If it does, if your mind does what its habit is, which is to define everything, if it comes up with a definition for the target, with this system you are told to set that aside as something analytical, assume that you're wrong and continue probing for and recording data. In this way, we're busting a move on your brain, breaking down its habits of trying to define things, because when it defines things, all of the deeper, richer, more holographic and fundamental information about a given target is now all stuffed into a single symbol string, in our case, our alphabetic symbols spelling out the word "volcano" or "Mount St. Helens," and doing that keeps you from the richer and more holographic experience of what that magnificent entity really is. And believe this, you can come up with a thousand words of information in place of "volcano," and those are the descriptive terms we're after. While "volcano" is a deduction (D - Deduction in the instructions below), deduced from the assemblage of data, raw data is just the data.
Believe it or not, any legitimate psychic would tell you that it is a must to get out of their own way, their own conscious way, to accurately see what they see and then accurately describe it free of their own filters. This is why the legitimate ones can't really completely remember the things they see and say. And so, with this system, we're forcing you to get out of your own way while your second awareness goes out and gets the data, but as already mentioned above, we're honing a conscious skill at the same time, so that you will remember every minute detail of your experience, becoming completely conscious in two completely different places.
The benefit in terms of personal growth and your blossoming mastery works out like this. Using this system, once you're learning how to get out of your own way where higher perceptual channels of information are concerned, it begins to rearrange your brain's and personality's wiring so that you are not the one informing a given thing, but are being instead informed by a given thing, simply observing what is there, while tapping deeper into astral levels of mind and deepening contact with a given target. Also happening is learning the basics of navigational skills in non-physical levels of being. As mentioned, if there were a precursor to learning the high-adept skill of translocation/teleportation, this would be it.
What's way fun to think about with this is that we have used this system many times to embarrass those who fancy themselves to be psychics or channelers, and turned those who don't claim to be into legitimate awareness bilocators.
All you need to know with it is that you are not to inform anything here, but instead to be informed as an observer and recorder of impressions. It isn't to focus as much as it is to let yourself be empty. It isn't to concentrate so much as it is to let yourself be clear. It isn't to try to get information so much as it is to open the channel and watch the information come through. It isn't about effort, or trying, so much as it's about allowing an unburdened and hopefully fun moment to bring you and the data together.
Above each input window below you'll see the word "Cuing Vocab." These are to show you examples of the information types we are after in each category. Building a larger descriptive vocabulary is a great idea. Something you could do at your leisure, just anywhere anytime, is look at anything and come up with words that apply to it but don't define it, don't name it, such as nouns (for our purposes, nouns are the enemy). The larger your descriptive vocabulary, the less lag experienced in retrieving data, making sessions a smoother experience. The Cuing Vocab will help to cue you as well, because very frequently the examples given are the vocabulary you're after, and when they are, they should stand out for you some way or another.
When you hit "Show My Data" at the bottom of every session form, all your session data will appear in a movable window for easy reference for assembling what is called the Post Session Summary and PSS Deduction.
The PSS is such an important part of this that it warrants its own title and section. It's because learning to do it properly opens a whole new way of understanding exactly what to do with the data. The PSS should never contain anything more than a narrative of the data itself, but if something new comes through during its writing, then you'd say that, something like this:
"...and during the writing of the PSS just now I have a very strong impression of salt water, so I'm adding that in now..."
The PSS is a narrative of the session, right from the beginning. You write it as though it is the only thing you'd share with someone to give them a full and comprehensive picture of your session, starting with primitive data. It would be like turning to someone next to you and giving them a comprehensive depiction of your session. If when writing it, some data no longer seems valid, you'd say that: "I've excluded some data parts that no longer seemed valid nor necessary for comprehending the session."
We'd like you to write it so that we don't have to look at the rest of your session to see how it went. You are summarizing your data, but it's not just a second recording of the data, but a more thorough explanation of it based on other data and impressions, where you connect the data like dots, associate it and see if it creates a scene, and adding any impressions which come through during the writing of the PSS, but point out that that's when they came through, as mentioned above. You can use your data, mix it together, compare it, to make generic deductions, without nouns or definitions, of the target scene, all based on the data.
Here's a sample PSS to give you a textbook example of how to do these. Do them this way the first time, every time, because we will ask you to rewrite and send them if they're not done this way. Here it is:
PSS: This session began with a palpable sense of natural with nothing really bright, but everything sort of medium and blended. A sense of wide open unenclosed area. The scene felt natural with both activity (motion) and something stationary. A humming sound pervaded the scene. Dominant colors were blue and black and the luminosity was dull flat matte. I detected the odor of sulfur and bland tastes. There was a sense of something large in the scene but I also detected it to be of a thin quality as well. The temps were cool and the space felt expansive and spread out with a topography of depressions and holes. I get the impression that I am floating but this could be that its just me floating above the scene observing. As I observe I notice lines and circles intermittently. and colors like blue, black and gray. There are sensations of vastness, a breathlessness, and I also get a sense of adventure in this scene. I sense that I am alone and that it is quite quiet with just a humming vibration and a sense of endless space.
PSS Deduction: The main feature or destination in a National Park.
Please have popups enabled on your browser, at least for our pages. When the session is completely finished you'll press "Done" at the bottom. A copy will be emailed to you for your continued study and review. We suggest you copy the sessions out of the emails and paste them into an editor of some sort, at which time you can add your Post-Reveal Notes. So as to not overload you, we'll get more into that as we go along.
Obviously, in Awareness Bilocation System Central, where all the targets and coordinates are listed, you can cheat and look at the target before starting or at any time during your session. If you do, of course your session is corrupted and no good and you'll have to move on to the next one.
Don't ask how or why this system works - don't even wonder why (at least until you're finished with this first level!). Just do what it tells you to do, to the letter, no deviations, and you'll see the beginnings of what you've become capable of at the end. If you were to do just two sessions a week, you'd be finished in ten weeks, and that's pretty impressively short for what you're going to be trained to do, which, have we mentioned?, is going to blow your mind.
OK, if you feel ready to start a session, go for it. We repeat that a live class will help in the almost instant integration of all this, but if you're feeling confident and ready and curious, please go ahead and start.