Phase 5 Instructions


9243052861?profile=originalLet's rewind for a sec back to Phase 4. I think we're all pretty clear about what the first three phases are designed to do, and how after using them to get into "resonant phase" with the signal-line, Phase 4 is perfectly set up to crank up the dataflow volume. Then how the Phase 4 Matrix enables you to "receive" data of all sorts (if that's been your experience, anyway), while your conscious mind then divides the data into types categories, appropriately recording it so that it can be used to assemble an ever-emerging tapestry according to an enlarging array of descriptive terms.

As this advances, and with practice, you'll find all of this to be second nature, with no need of cuing, nor lesson reminders, not any of the things that would divert your attention away from what the second awareness is trying to shove through a finite aperture. What can build up, however, are the Conscious Associations, or what we've also been calling "Deductions."

Can we tawk? We should probably give this just a little attention. The world is as it seems, according to your senses, because the human mechanism is comprehensively programmed to perceive otherwise raw information in a pre-defined, or programmed, way. For example, sound isn't sound. If a tree falls in the forest, it's completely quiet, sending silent sound waves across what is perceived as space. If there is nothing there to hear it, it most certainly does NOT make a sound. Why? Because there is no ear handy to collect the incoming silent waves to be assembled by the brain into agreed upon, by programmed consensus, sound.

This is what quantum mechanics taught the world of theoretical physics beginning in the early 1900s, the debate over which, and the lessons from which, continue to this day. That quantum theory remains the most successful scientific theory in history, by orders of magnitude, just strengthens the unequivocal truth that there is NO OBJECTIVE UNIVERSE. What this means is that the world exists in large part because you perceive it into being, making it a SUBJECTIVE UNIVERSE. In order to avoid absolute chaos, a given "world," or what we call "plane," has to have "programming rules," often viewed as physical laws, in order to be...well...ordered. Built into that ordering system are the definitions that make the world comprehensible. A huge part of what is happening to humanity at large is an evolution in consciousness. In order to effect such an evolution, we need to shake loose and dismantle the soon-to-be obsolete definitions of the current collective consciousness. In the larger scope, this is what you're doing here, in this course, in addition to teaching yourself an invaluable skill while leading you through an experience that helps you discern raw, or true, information, from defined, or false, information. Make sense?

  • raw data = all that will prove to be true
  • definitions = all that is already false

We cover tons more of these sorts of advanced perceptual philosophies in our classes, forums, gatherings, and so on. If you haven't already engaged in some of that stuff, it's all extremely informative and just plain fun.

On that note, back to it. As you went through the Phase 4 Matrix, chances are that an accumulation of Conscious Associations piled up, like a pile up of fancy cars on an icy Autobahn on a Winter's day. These dang things, these Conscious Associations, don't have enough sense to keep themselves all nicely encapsulated, isolated by a "mysterious buffer" from each other, but will literally "crash" into each other, overlap, beg for attention, and possibly manage to dominate the conscious side of this whole process. The next phase is to give you a tool to off-load those Conscious Associations, to objectify all those nouns and other defining terms that you've been using this system to teach yourself to break down into descriptive instead of definitive terms. Being able to crank the bandwidth wide open and let it come relieves potentially a lot of pressure in a short space of time, and thus is a wonderful tool for clearing.

As you gain expertise through practice, you'll get so good at disregarding the Conscious Associations on the fly that this tool might not even be necessary, but maybe it will be for a while.

This is not a mandatory Phase, by the way. You can skip it. But you should definitely give it a try at least a couple of times.

Although Conscious Associations don't build up in some as much and might therefore seem unnecessary, it still is sometimes a good idea because of the possibility that it produces good data. It almost always will. And some bilocators prefer how it prepares them for Phase 6, all clear and ready to go, like a blank slate, which with complex targets proves to provide copious amounts of information, as you yourself will soon discover.

Tip - You don't incorporate Phase 5 without incorporating Phase 6. Why? Because there is no reason to finish a session with Phase 5. See why? Because if you're finished with a session, there's no need to off-load your Conscious Associations. Phase 5 is to prepare you for Phase 6, so you'll want to click on the Phase 6 Instructions at ABS Course Central after going through these. 

In this Phase, you are to select from any of the previous Phases your Conscious Associations/Deductions, and complete an abbreviated matrix like is shown below but obviously in the flow of a full session from Phases 1 through 6. If you need to off-load more than one Conscious Association, you can do so by adding a comma after your first term, "cathedral" below, and entering the new term, maybe something like this: cathedral, shrine, and then you'd just continue off-loading all of the words and ideas having to do with "shrine." Then just separate the two sets of off-loaded data with your own dividing line, like so: -------------, and as shown below.

For example, we'll say the two CA Off-Load terms are "cathedral" and "shrine."

CA Off-Load Term


Anyway, you get the idea. These ARE NOT to be probed. This is a dump of info, a word-association frenzy, and you just allow yourself to receive it in free-form and write it down as fast as it comes in the applicable category. Since Attributes may overlap Non-things, don't worry about it. Write it down in either one. Continue until the flow slows and even stops, and then, below the Phase 5 Off-Load Matrix, you'll see this image. Just allow your eyes to go stereoscopic and will the conscious associations build-up to off-load into it. We'll see that the energy you're offloading gets neutralized and sent wherever it's most needed.


The only pitfall to the use of the CA Off-Load Phase is that it CAN reinforce Deductions, meaning tend to make you believe your Conscious Associations even more. But if you have learned to be completely detached from those, it is a good tool to use before starting into the potential info-explosion of Phase 6. Just wanted you to be aware of that. If you're one for whom it seems to reinforce your Deductions, then go ahead and put some more experience under your belt, because you will reach a point where you are so detached from them that Phase 5 couldn't possibly reinforce them. In any case, this is why there are instructors, to help you navigate this delicate minefield (well, it's not quite that intense).

One last thing. After Phase 5 might be a good time to take a short break.

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