Supergold Instructions


9243051300?profile=originalSupergold is way powerful, as powerful as any alchemy made through me, and one of our superseers would tell you no more than 2 drops is needed for at least five days. He actually used his second dose in 7 days.

This one can put you in a mode of calm acceptance, and can actually take you so far out of your analytical mind that conscious practical tasks might be something of a burden. It’s very stable, so no worries about unbalancing your fields unless you have no control of your own thoughts. If you’re given to emotional extremes, you don’t want to consume this. You might instead want to keep it around to mitigate the big emotions and let the balancing take place. You could easily just bury it in the garden well away from you for a few days, until it calls you and announces you’re ready.

Since with the Phase 3 alchemies you're really pushing the envelope, both for pace of processing the deep stuff that needs to go, and for expanding your fields and contact to higher intelligences, Supergold can be used to keep everything on as even a keel as possible.

As it is with all of these products, a few drops into a bath can be a beautiful experience. Another great way to use this one is for quiet contemplation, meditation, strolls through the woods...really anything that is a perfect environment for quiet appreciation and child-like curiosity. It' what it brings...deep appreciation and a happiness, a source of it, that you just can't describe. It has such grace, and is on such a high level.

There just isn't much more that can be said about it. Your experience with it will be your experience, and we'd love if it more people would share their experiences in the forums about these marvelous substances.

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