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PLEASE NOTE IPHONE AND ANDROID APPS: There are "client" versions of this superior audio system available for iPhones and Androids. They're in the App Stores under Ventrilode for iPhone, and Ventriloid for Android. Ventrilode for iPhone has a $5 "Plu

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9243059260?profile=original9243059079?profile=originalThis is Cardinal Grand Cross Central for our upcoming event. We're having a Supramind gathering on Thursday, April 24, at 6 pm MDT (-7 UTC). Although this isn't the official peak, it's an auspicious time for our gathering for a number of reasons, pro

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9243055686?profile=originalWould you like to help us out, keep this show going?  It means a lot to us if you do, and we thank you thank you thank you.

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