Milky Way - Gas Giant

This is in the video game we play, now in virtual reality. It's incredible.
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  • The pictures don't really do it justice. When you have the headset on and you can see a hologram projected of your body in a ship that has this in the windshield it's pretty mindblowingly beautiful. I have not yet seen this particular view but virtual reality is an absolutely stunning medium and I am way excited by what it IS NOW and what it WILL BE. I will have to write a post on my experiences with it bc it is soo powerful.

  • This looks like so much fun.  I have recently been attracted to virtual reality gear but don't know much about it.  What headset gear and program are you using?

  • HTC VIVE and the game loaded is called Elite Dangerous. BUT, oh Nancy there are so many games that are absolutely beautiful.  It's all just getting started meaning the graphix are not even where they CAN BE and it's already OMG.

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