Mystery Bottle

On the very day I joined this site, I discovered something interesting but first I will let you know that in this bottle is a small amount of "MAG" (Monoatomic Gold) which was given to me as a gift from a good friend of mine a couple days prior to this discovery. My friend picked a random empty glass bottle he had in his possession to put the MAG in, without ever discovering these large characters on the bottom of the bottle even existed.The irony about the bottle printing on the bottom is that to me, RC represents my first and last initials, which by the way is 3D molded into the glass in Gothic or Roman type font style. Then there is the triangle which has a very high and significant meaning when it comes down to creation itself amongst other symbolic meanings like the 3,6,9 sequence and so much more involving sacred geometry. Then the number 6 to me could represent a small list of things but the first one is that I was born on the 6th day of February in 1983. Another thought pertaining to 6 is that I believe according to Kryon, the universal number 6 is Harmony. It could also signify something about the 6th Density or maybe all 3 conclusions simultaneously.Along with the character synchronicity of the bottle that I found to be even more intriguing was that I don't recall ever seeing a glass bottle in my life with the print being so large on such a small bottle. To me, that itself suggests it was meant to be very easily seen and could be read by someone with their eyes closed using just their fingers to read, like brail. I'm sure someday soon this riddle will get solved but one thing is for sure, I definitely feel like I'm resonating with this bottle big time now, while MAG resides in it with symbology that corrolates with the identification of my corporeal self. If anyone has an idea about what this might mean, please feel free to give me some insight. I'm sure any number of people would just tell me all it represents is the class of bottle it is or whatever and that it's just coincidental. I'm no longer a firm believer in coincidence, especially when it involves messages and synchronicities that are meant for me to see. I see and experience synchronicities on a daily basis but there are some that seem to require an interpretation or decoding of some nature to be aware of what the message is implying.I discovered vortex math on my own one day and it came to me so easily that I couldn't believe I never learned or knew anything about vortex math up until then. I did however know a little about the #9 being a "magic number," but not to the extent that 9 will always equal itself in any equation when multiplied by any other number and the answer is added together to equal a single digit, being 9. That blew my mind. What kind of revelation was this and what does it mean to me? Oh I can tell you, my mind wandered off with trying to put together theories about what it meant for me in this life but the only answer I kept referring back to was a simple one...... The number 9 is infinite in nature and is the key to infinite creation. Now I can reflect back on that and view it as a message from intuitive thought. The message is even simpler now....... I AM INFINITE.
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  • I like to think of these types experiences as "bread crumbs" for our path. A kind of mystic surprise for our delight and wonder. An affirmation that we are moving in the direction that is in universal flow. The fun thing though is CODE -it's everywhere. So, if one becomes more observant one will see the interconnectedness of everything and if everything is connected then that leads perhaps to a single denominator and a truer statement which is ONE. ALL IS ONE. This- all this we observe is math. Math Math Math.  When I look at that bottle symbol I see not a triangle but a pyramyd. :)

  • The triangle could represent many many things and it's applied in many many things that I've learned about. As of right now, I'm not aware of its true meaning and origin so therefore I can only interpret the triangle as a reminder that there is high importance and meaning involving the geometry of a triangle, and I am the "missing piece" to the puzzle. 

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