
The Arcanum A.z.f. the final initiation of fire. How I built my solar body.
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  • Just curious but after speaking to a naturapath/doctor they told me that men need to orgasm and release at least occasionally just to maintain prostate health. I am not talking about wasting seed excessively. I had heard that a doctor had to tell an older man to masturbate to clear the pipes as it were. The prostate could be an issue maybe more common to older men but I have always thought that the no-fap was maybe a tad too extreme in general?  But, no question I see the benefits and of course for those addicted to porn as well I think the semen retention is a good practice overall. 

  • From my experience Mary, I would say yes and no. When I retained and had sex the traditional way - the body was expecting an ejaculation and that builds up a lot of pressure on prostate, then I would say definitely yes.

    When I learned how to dance with the energy fields, this changed and the pressure is gone. I dont think its necessary now, but I might be wrong. Time will tell.

    Generally speaking I think I would say its better to ejaculate for beginners, maybe once a month or so? Flush out prostate and relieve a bit of pressure. Possibly when you become more skilled it becomes more natural and body becomes accustomed.

    Nofap is kinda extreme and I think there is a very good reason behind it. Men have been raping themselves for years and in order to break the cycle (program), they need to go to the polar opposite and experience that fully. And then find balance somewhere in between.

    I also think sexual energy cultivation is not for everyone, just like everyone is not designed to be an adept, or do higher sexual practices or whatever. Generally speaking, yeah, men should definitely ejaculate every now and then. The energy builds up pretty swiftly and its a lot of responsibility and I have seen what it can do to people who are not ready for it or approach it without respect.

  • The existence of 'wet dreams' means that it is necessary to ejaculate every now and then. :) 

  • thats not true lol

  • Well, I could never escape wet dreams despite dropping masturbation habits, so I just accepted them as necessary. 

  • you set your own terms then

    you have a couple options 
    a) take control of your dreams

    b) cultivate your energy and restore balance of polarities

    c) take a hint and engage with a partner

    It all boils down to your body not being able to handle increasing amounts of fiery yang without its counterpart that would balance it. Sometimes even if it is balanced, you could have a wet dream simply because your mind desires a sexual outlet and goes for it in a dream if you wont let it happen while awake. If thats the case, becoming more aware in your dreams wouldnt help, because you would just grow increasingly frustrated and spiral out of control.

    If you dont mind wet dreams, its fine, your body is young and it regens fast. I didnt like them, they usually really threw me off balance mentally.

    I can hook you up with some literature, but honestly most of it is written for monks living in temples or caves that dont see a woman, ever. Which creates a pretty big gap for a westerner to adopt these practices. Nevertheless, its good to be knowledgable about basic principles and these books are very good at that.

    For me personally, it took me a lot of effort to admit to myself that the easiest way is to be with a woman. Not even necessarily in a sexual manner, oftentimes its enough to just spend time with a close friend. I remember reading once about Ghandi and how he would sleep next to his little niece, because he needed her yin to balance his yang. He obviously was retaining and cultivating his energy to a high degree. You can get yin from your "own" source, but honestly its quite difficult, especially if you are not well versed in this. There is also food rich in yin that you can eat, special meditations etc, all helps a bit, but honestly, a woman is far superior to all of it. A man needs a woman to really punch through, its as simple as that.
    I've spent almost a decade studying and practicing and had to admit 'defeat'.
    Without a woman, a man struggles.

  • Okey Jakub, you came to an interesting conclusion. I really appreciate being a part of social network where such a topic can be discussed by people with personal experience. Thanks guys.

    I experienced some of these effects while last year when I started cultivating. Wet dreams drove me crazy. Then it stopped and cuddling met all "needs". But after a couple of months without being in touch with any female ...Struggling could be the right word for it. So it brought me to the old habit soon and I feel how well ridden this old track is. Now I feel it's time to try it again and find a more sustainable way of cultivation. 

  • Maybe the answer has to do with how to properly manage sexual energy for health and creative power. I think Mantak Chia probably knows the answer but I don't know enough about Taoist sexual practices to know how to ground or process that potent energy. Tantra could be a good place to explore all that. Great ideas and discussion everyone!

  • Yeah Mary, Mantak Chia's work is where i started. Practices he suggests are quite rudimental but useful. I think all this is highly specific and varies from one man to another. I tried implementing his techniques to little avail. Others might find them perfect. Everyone has different capacity for sexual energy and also different influx of it. Then also if you are fiery by nature (im a leo), then your yang is as fiery as it gets. Maybe for capricorns its a completely different story. I dont know. Attempting to cultivate in your twenties is definitely very different to your 40s and so on.
    I only speak from my experience and I am by no means a master of this, although I have had some remarkable success. But again remarkable only when compared to the way I used to handle it in the past.

  • One of the best ways to quell sexual energy is to address the thoughtforms carrying that desire forward:
    Although they are energized by an unconscious part of ourselves, it is possible to consciously lay them down. This is the method in which Christian Monks may find peace, usually it's handled by the Archangels once a monk goes through a rite of passage:

    Carry out the preliminary visualization on the coloured lights on page 1 and then the Caduceus of Hermes meditation. It's quite powerful and I assure you it works... Written by Stylianos Atteshlis.

    For aspiring healers, this is something worthy of your time, look up Researchers of Truth.

    This puts a proper end on wet dreams, the reason I claimed it ceased working for me is because I went through a phase where I essentially had dropped everything spirituality related.
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