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  • Pluto cave vision, Mt.shasta 2020 Digital illustration

  • From all of the art you posted here, I find this to be the most interesting, the intersection of warmth amidst the cold is seen to be supported by a double helical protrusion from the depth, where the ice is being forced to change states as a result from the temperature reaction. It is a visual metaphor of movement away from staticity through biological operations, life.

    I have to ask though, is this upside down?
    Either way its beautiful and all your art is quite unique! The ancients also listened to the whispers of the elements and I believe you will find interest in the art of Alan Lee. He wasn't moved by the aesthetics of ice, but he explored the same themes as you do.
    Ice is not only beautiful but it is functional. Maintaining temperature homeostasis of our planet by the merit of its reflective abilities as 'white snow'. :)
  • Thanks, Paisios for your input and perception of the pod...The pod is a direct experience at Pluto's cave on the shoulder of Mt.Shasta. Exchanges between advanced galactic communities and the inner earth one have at times released a pod-like crystalline structure in a 5d dimension portal. The pod is a bit of a 5d interpetation.

  • Would it be valid to say that the crystalline structure set there, is an amalgam of potentiality? It is being fed from the planet itself afterall, so I assume that energy is being directed to it from [x]. 

    Whatever could ruminate in there? 

  • Our English language goes only so far, though certain glyphs are more accurate in getting to the core...

  • I dig your art Skandar. Beautiful colors goin on there. 

  • Thanks, it's been quite the journey for the last 8 years of practice and evolving...

  • This is a womb analogy, wasn't it? I understand now.

    These pods are entrance points for collective energetic interaction with the planet. When and if such an interplanetary interaction takes place the receiving planet transmigrates the offered set of frequencies and sets within its cycle of potentiality, the capacity for 'alien' beings to project.

    Put plainly, frequencies from further stars become available to the planet. The astral entity labelled as 'pod' is a nexus in such a system.

  • interpretation of the pod is a fleeting moment in eternity...

  • Well, aren't most things in life experienced as 'fleeting moments in eternity'? 

    Existence is etched on this fleetingness, when someone speaks of impermanence, they are truly discussing motion;  the transfiguration of 'state A' into 'state B' , the stuff of life. When something moves, it has reason to do so, that reason implies that the state of the world is imperfect, if the world were perfect, there would be no reason to move. 

    Experience itself is based on linear motion: knowledge is remembrance of characteristics of 'state A', whereas wisdom is the manner in which 'state A' may transmute into 'state B'. We are ultimately powerless to stop the passage of time, in fact, we exist IN time, we attain insights by having set prior foundations, our judgements towards what was, is and may be infront of us, drives our ability to cognize the moment. I came up with interpretations of the picture before, but in light of new information I've amended my definitions, so, interpretations themselves ARE bound in time, they are as you say, fleeting. But it is only through maintenance of past interpretations that we may reach new ones, eventually, reaching a deep understanding of existence itself, which as said previously, is reliant upon motion - time - change.  

    However, even though impermanence is constant, does that mean we should dismiss it, or enjoy it for what it is and what it might be? This is how we give power to a moment, isn't it? You produced this image and set it here for us all to look at it, yet it roused someone to ponder to this extent, therefore, even a single fleeting moment has the power to shape the world... I've done what I could to break the ice, lol

    But the real reason I keep this discussion going because there's something about the shape of the pod:


    P.S: People who are as spiritually inclined as you, usually view the physical body as a prison, meanwhile that can be interpreted to be true, usually these people are also here for the purpose of sharing their experiences, so, thank you for all of this! I find all these uniquely beautiful! :D

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