Kirsten Todd replied to JD Aliix's discussion THE EVERYTHING THREAD - OCTOBER 31 PORTAL CALL
"I just listened to the recording of the She-King call and did the meditation - wow! that was powerful.! I saw the Magdelenians dancing to the music in a woodland glade - one at first, then two then four then others joined in circling around each…"
Nov 9, 2023
JD Aliix and Kirsten Todd are now friends
Oct 12, 2023
Kirsten Todd replied to JD Aliix's discussion Dreams, Visions & Astral Experiences
"Dream: Timeline Gitch?At 5am this morning I dreamt that my son had not got up in time for work - I dreamt I went into his room at 6.45am (he starts work at 7am) and said to him " Roman why are you not up for work" to which he repied " because I'm so…"
Oct 10, 2023
Kirsten Todd posted a photo
By Kirsten Todd
Oct 1, 2023
Kirsten Todd is going to Galactic Truth 1
Oct 1, 2023
Kirsten Todd updated their profile photo
Oct 1, 2023
Kirsten Todd replied to JD Aliix's discussion COMET ZTF & THE WHITE FOUNTAIN PROJECT
"Is there going to be a meeting tonight? Just asking because I'll have to set my alarm for 2am!!!"
Feb 7, 2023
Kirsten Todd replied to JD Aliix's discussion THE BOOK PROJECT
"Number 1 for me. the energy in that image is amazing. number three hasno soul - really commercial, number 2 not sure the illustrator really grasped it"
Oct 20, 2022
Kirsten Todd replied to JD Aliix's discussion THE BOOK PROJECT
"Ive just finished the book!! its brilliant!! I think I have a few questions forming!!"
Oct 13, 2022
Kirsten Todd replied to JD Aliix's discussion THE BOOK PROJECT
"Hi Jason,
I would like to be part of this group and I have tried to buy Sembria from blue EMerald but Im outside of the US in the UK and it wont ship to us yet - do you have any plans to ship to the UK via Merlin Alchemy? I have also put myself on…"
Sep 2, 2022