
  • Dream: Timeline Gitch?
    At 5am this morning I dreamt that my son had not got up in time for work - I dreamt I went into his room at 6.45am (he starts work at 7am) and said to him " Roman why are you not up for work" to which he repied " because I'm so ill, just not feeling well."
    I went back to sleep - as I had woken and checked the time. My alarm goes off at 6.45 and I can't hear any movement or see any lights on, so I get up and go into my son's room and said "Roman why are you not up for work" to which he replied "because I feel ill, Ive not slept."

    So what I dreamt actually happened an hour later, to a tee - to the exact detail and dialogue!

    • This one is intriguing, Kirsten. I imagine the alchemies, practices and various initiations have a lot to do with you getting clear and clean enough to have a greater degree of responsibility endowed upon you. The greater the responsbility, the greater the wisdom, the greater the reach into higher (or less physical) realms, and the greater the power.

      That it bled across from the dream state is also intriguing, although it doesn't quite have the dream quality to it as much as it was a prescient vision of it out of the standard timeline. That's the feel I have.

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    • Share everything you feel needs sharing. 

  • So this morning I was walking to the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee and my husband was on a video call with his work and I heard him talking and he was saying he wanted to ask a question and I thought to myself I bet its about his company's swag  and a minute later he asked the very question I had just thought in my head...  another example about 3 monthgs ago  was leaving the store and as I walked by the pharmacy part I had a vision pop in my head of my mother in law standing in line but she was not there.. I went to my car, realized I had forgotten a few things went back in bought items and again was passing the pharmacy and lo and behold she was there, so I stopped and chatted for a minute before going on my way... 

    • For sure this group is expanding into those kinds of psi abilities. Is it happening more and more?

  • Hello! Happy to be here. First post. I dreamt recently that I was in a reality simulation where everything was fake and beings put me there to convince me "it's heaven". I felt trapped in a world where there was no escape but everybody was "happy" living in whatever reality simulation. I had memories of seeing Akkadia or something like that and shifting through landscapes while feeling watched by "dark beings" and knowing they could read my mind but not something deeper. Then suddenly I realized that I was there in "stealth mode" and about to utterly explore into white light to destroy whatever their doing but then I woke up. 

    • Hello, Chris. And welcome aboard. You have successfully described the Earth Sim with this dream. Everybody who would find us is probably in training.

  • I am sharing two dreams which occurred in the space of a few months. I will write two different posts for ease on the eyes and on the brain.

    My black cat Arya Stark and I walk toward a small and simple house. I front of the house is a long line of women dressed in saris. A few are simply draped while a few are dressed in very expensive silk saris. By the time I got in front of the door many women told me that they came to see to get help to conceive a child because the y had heard that I am the goddess and I had helped a handful of women.

    They followed me inside of the house insisting that I help them I continued telling them they were mistaking me for another person and that I had no such power. I was terrified by their conviction that I was able to facilitate such miracle for them.

    Then one woman threatened to hurt Arya Stark so that I would feel the pain of being childless. I got very angry. A violent tornado came and shredded the house in pieces. I remained calmly seated with Arya Stark by my side. The women must have left. And I woke up from the dream.

  • Dream # 2

    I am a simple girl from the countryside of what today we call Afghanistan.  A very rich family have seduced me to come live with them under the guise they would teach how to write screenplays.  (Very anachronistic proposition.)   My favorite room in this huge house, which is a palace is the father’s library.  I am fascinated by ancient these ancient looking books which seem to contain wisdoms and secrets privy only to the nobility class.


    His son is madly in love with me, but I don’t know this yet.  In fact, the whole point of my being in that house is to marry him because there is something coded in me that makes the two of us compatible.  Despite that “special code” in me, the father finds me unsuitable to marry his son because I am from a peasant class.   


    I am in the library wowing over one book after another.  I don’t know how to read but I understand everything in the book.  The son, who is handsome and dressed like an Indian price came to get me.  I asked when will my classes on screenwriting start.  He says soon and urges me to leave the library immediately because his father would be excessively angry if he were to find me.  Instead, he led me to his bedroom, which also looked like a temple.


    There were statues of Indian deities, and I recognized the statue of Ganesha which stood not too far from the bedroom door.  There was a huge bed made of mahogany wood and aptly fit for a royal couple.  An Indian priest was there waiting for us.  Being a simple minded and extremely innocent thought nothing of the whole scene.


    The son and I held hands and stood in front of the priest.  And I suddenly fell in love with him.  The priest started a ritual unknown to me.  And when it ended the son, and I climbed in bed together which was decorated with hundreds of rose petals.

    Then the bed started to levitate reaching at least 20 feet high and so were the statues.  They even became animated.   Both the girl in the dream and the me dreaming this suddenly realized I just got wedded.  And now it was time to consume the marriage.  Although I know that’s what I am going on, I am not privy of the act itself.  The girl in the dream experienced the start of an embrace, knows what’s going on but can not see nor feel the unfolding of the act of love making.  The dreamer has not clue at all of what’s going on.


    Act 2

    Although I am part of the family, the father has still not accepted me as his daughter in law.   The son – my husband is preparing for a mission to free hundreds of women being captured from my native town.  When we got there, we were met by an army of men who had been waiting for us and our warriors.  It seemed like we were betrayed.   My husband and his men fought valiantly before they met their death.  I tried to blend amongst women villagers.  But the boots I wore, which signaled my association with nobility gave me away.  I was arrested and sentenced to be beheaded.


    Women came to protest my brutal sentence but unfortunately, my sentence was carried out.  I got beheaded ---- fortunately one blow did it.  The men in the courtroom rejoiced.  My body lays in one corner and my head in another.  I don’t recall seeing a lot of blood on the floor. 


      Somehow my body reanimated itself.  It got up and walks toward the head, picked it up and reattaches to the body.  Stunned into silence, the men parted way for me to casually walk out of the local courtroom.  I get into a taxi (again very anachronistic)  and the driver takes me to a small town.  The driver took me to a woman’s house who was waiting for my return so that I could help her conceive a child.  Again, I doubted myself and told her I was not able to do so.  She said of course you can.  You helped me last time.  I had no idea what she was talking about.

    Then I remember my husband teaching me the secret of creating a miracle.  He said all you must do is you wanting the person desires Then, let your heart remember the love you feel for me.    

    The memory of that teaching gave me the confidence that yes -- I could be a co-creator of that miracle.  I put my hand on her womb and saw a golden light.  She was instantly 9 months pregnant.


    The driver took me back to the palace where I was coldly received by my father-in-law who blamed me for his son’s death and imprisoned in a room.  I was miserable.  One day, I could hear my husband’s voice on the other side of the door.  I was filled with hope, and I yearned to be with him immediately.   He said if I needed to open the door myself if I wanted to be with him.  I poured turmeric and water on the floor and turned into a paste I turned myself into a double headed sneak and rolled on the paste to help me slid under the door And I made my way to the other side of the room.

    And I woke up from the dream.


    Interestingly , through my hypnotherapy practice, I am supporting a client overcome the stress, the doubt and everything else that comes along with IVF treatment and creating the right mindset that affects the chances conception.  I think these dreams were preparing me for this works way before data showing a worldwide drop in fertility in the past two years. I should say that in my last two sessions with my clients my left eye teared and no heightened emotions caused that to happen.  I remember my heart wanting her to conceive a child and my heart pounded with love for her.    Last week she shared with me that her treatment was successful, and she is officially pregnant.  Send her loving energy that her pregnancy delivers a healthy baby.




    • I meant to write consummated the marriage  -- not consumme (Smile)

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