This discussion is for any questions, clarification or comments to do with my book, The Simple Truth - Fast Path to Freedom.
You can get it on Amazon in paperback or Kindle formats here.
This discussion is for any questions, clarification or comments to do with my book, The Simple Truth - Fast Path to Freedom.
You can get it on Amazon in paperback or Kindle formats here.
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Welcome to the Great Awakening! Did you know that was what was happening right now? Although events have not played out the way Age of Aquarians and New Age Thought always assumed, we are in fact in the middle of it. What surprises and fascinates is…
Read more…This discussion is for any questions, clarification or comments to do with my book, The Simple Truth - Fast Path to Freedom. You can get it on Amazon in paperback or Kindle formats here.
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Read more…This thread is for any questions and discussion on the various alchemies available here.
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Read more…Hello Tribe! Blessings all! So I would like to invite folks that have a question they want answers to to put it here in this thread and I will inquire the I-ching about said query and do my best to interpret the answers. This is for entertainment…
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Jaze, Bam! Spot on, to the point. You deliver... the simple truth. Tears to my eyes, albeit happy. Beautiful. Concise. Incredibily powerful. Accessible. All on one page. Naked in plain site. Full disclosure. Big smile. Heart shining. I am dancing as I now bend on one knee with hand to head then heart. Thank you.
Jason, what's your take on the notion of forgiveness? Self-forgiveness, more specifically, like: "I know I just thought a bunch of judgemental negative stuff about myself and others and I'm creating more crap in my life and I suck at this creating-my-own reality stuff but I forgive myself for having gotten caught up in all the BS programming I chose to be born around and I know I'm going through a process of releasing and integrating."
So in this sense forgiveness is really like a mix of acceptance, understanding, and love. It's a way to release judgement without judging the judgement.
I never thought much about forgiveness (given all the baggage around the term) until fairly recently, but Bashar has mentioned a few times in the past couple years that the vibration of forgiveness can neutralize the negative effects of thoughts and actions. It seems that if you're able to forgive yourself for thinking and doing things that aren't serving you, you're recognizing that that stuff is coming from a less-developed part of yourself and you're bringing light to it and healing it.
I've been beating up on myself for a few years for buying into negative beliefs and the idea of tapping into the vibration of forgiveness has felt to me recently like a way to accept and integrate old, negative programming while staying in a higher, more understanding place.
I've seen forgiveness discussed a lot in A Course in Miracles and a few other channels, but Bashar talking specifically about the vibration of forgiveness being almost like a tool we can tap into just seems and feels like an exceedingly powerful tool. The word seems to combine the ideas of accepting and releasing at the same time.
I will take a stab at your question, mainly as an exercise in self mastery. Based on what I am learning, there is nothing to forgive given that everything is happening according to plan. To forgive means that something wrong took place, that one party was in the right and the other in the wrong. And such a perspective also assumes that one has been victimized. That's not taking responsibility, and therefore it becomes a relinquishing of one's power. if there's anything at all needing to occur it is a process of letting go.
Ryder said:
Thanks for the reply, Theo.
I'm talking specifically about self-forgiveness regarding holding onto and expressing limiting, 3rd density beliefs. My goal has been to place my trust in empowering beliefs but the limiting ones keep popping up. Suppressing limiting beliefs has not worked for me for any extended period of time but various forms of accepting those beliefs has seemed to neutralize the charge on the thoughts while allowing me to disidentify with them.
Ultimately I suspect forgiveness is doing a kind of work similar to that of the white flames.
And so what I'm describing ends up looking a lot like what you said, Theo: there's no need to struggle or fight with my limiting beliefs because becoming aware of them and accepting them without trying to suppress them is how I let them go.
Or in other words: how do I take responsibility for my creations without blaming myself for "slipping up" and trying to suppress future "slip-ups"? I get that there's no need to forgive someone else because it's my responsibility, but I'm trying to figure out the best way for me to stop blaming myself (neutralizing the karma, removing the charge) while also taking responsibility on some level (integrating limiting beliefs as a necessary and valid part of being a 3rd density human being).
"The Simple Truth-One Year to Freedom" is a very concise and easy to follow program! Thank you.
I look forward to the upcoming workshops!
Maybe 17 years ago I was in a seminar on manifestation with a group of about 25 seekers. We did the same thing. I was almost last so could give it some thought. People were, "I want ten million. That should do it." The lady giving the seminar said, "Is that after taxes?" "Oh, you're right. Erase that. Let's make it fifteen million."
When it got to me, I said, "I want an acorn made of gold."
Diane said:
I used to tell people ACIM was a truly effective system IF you knew everything that needed forgiving, and IF you had the cognizance and discipline to be aware of it and do something about it as it happens. Therein lay the rub. Very few people have the ability to probe within and find everything that needs to be cleared by any method, including forgiveness, but it doesn't mean that over time some way or another it won't crop up into conscious attention. That's what makes our system so powerful and efficient. You don't need to know what's in there, since the alchemy does know and does the work.
Also, recognition of the expression itself is 70% of the battle, especially if recognized ahead of time. So if, for example, you're watching yourself express something you KNOW you're about to take up in flames, you're in effect forgiving yourself for doing it, only from the vantage point of a more expanded level of being. It's the same vibe. The only alternatives to this are to 1) suppress it, or 2) beat yourself up for expressing it, both of which are the diametric opposite of forgiveness or recognition/flames.
But I get that you're probably not referring to past expressions. In the case of catching stuff in real-time, for people on our level the setback for the forgiveness angle is that even when you're forgiving yourself, it implies to some level of consciousness that you have done something wrong, when in fact this is never the case. The "some level of self" being referred to, for example, might be what the Hawaiian Hunas refer to as the unipihili, which is a conscious, self-aware, discrete entity that is part of you that often becomes a ghost, for example, when someone is finished with the body and off preparing for what's next. This is all covered in detail in story form in Tales of Mastery under Mastery above.
Forgiveness in real-time is for Consciousness/Perception Level/Layer 1 and 2 folks, for whom right and wrong still exists as a valid concept. Forgiveness makes sense to them, and is a necessary action to get past much in their lives, to cease being trapped by what they refuse to forgive, which is always about being wronged. Once they start encroaching into Level/Layer 3 consciousness, they begin to see forgiveness as a device of the self-righteous, and like most of us get about the process of forgiving themselves for having forgiven others for having done nothing but volunteer to "wrong" them.
So partially embedded in mass consciousness is the connotation of what the word means. Your unipihili, for example, will NEVER be able to understand that you have chosen all the ways to be wronged, and therefore for it forgiveness is the only way out. By the same token, someone who is firmly ensconced in Levels 1 or 2 would not be able to relate to what's said in this post, which means that self-forgiveness is a viable device for them.
In the end, it's about the level of expansion you're on.
Ryder said:
There'll be Stone workshops beginning next month, and there will be a lot of overlap between the two, since the Stones are also about want.
Cheryl said:
Yeah, forgiveness is a loaded term and isn't the best (or, rather, it's only suited for certain levels of awareness, like you said), but I haven't been able to come up with another term that captures the same feeling/idea. I guess "recognition/flames" is pretty much it. I'll keep mulling this over. Thanks, Jason.
I'm excited for everything coming--I'm going to try to make the conference call tomorrow (unfortunately my kid's bedtime is around the same time as the calls--but that just means I have to plan ahead with my wife).
Jason said:
I snipped most of your post so I could address one thing in it. This one is just so big to eventually clearly see and grok. You are not a 3D human being if you think above the purpose of the 3rd density. Those are native to this experiment, the 3Ders, MUST think as they do for the success of the project. You are a 5D or 6D being borrowing a 3D body. As you remember what you are, you elevate out of the 3D perception stratum and into the 4D, 5D, 6D or even 7D strata, depending on where you're from, even though you're apparently still here.
So you know how a lot of people are aware of, talk about, even complain about, the fact that humanity has been meddled with on and off for the past tens of thousands of years? We're the meddlers. We come in as higher strata beings in order to "pull" 3D humanity up with us to a higher level. We do this because it's time, not because it is noble or god-like or what should be done or, Existence forbid, that they're just not acting the right way. That's why we use phrases like "once this planet is fully in 4D." What that means is that it will take another 1000 years for it to be fully in 4D, meaning virtually everyone in it is operating at 4D consciousness and what that level in the evolutionary cycle is for. Then we'll all be finished, for a time, and leave them to grow on their own in 4D. If they need help down the road, we'll be back. We did this with 3D here too. We left them on their own for a very long time. And I say "here" because we do it all over the place.
Now, what's exceptionally important to understand at this point, is that those we came to help out are just us, exactly as those helping us "from above" are just us. Once that is fully incorporated into your understanding, everything else is just details.
Ryder said: