Abadi and Michael Warner are now friends
Jun 26
Arielle Elaine Zimmerman and Michael Warner are now friends
Feb 17
Michael Warner commented on Paisios Papapavlou’s status
"Life is wonderful. Now onto the medical question. 
Doctors are largely being replaced by nurse practitioners but that is more of the body-health-care route. Doctors are also becoming hospitalists because the hospitals pay better and offer better…"
Jan 21
Michael Warner commented on Mary Klockler’s status
"Thanks for the heads up, Mary. Too many scams nowadays. It can be a challenge to find my real emails!"
Jan 5
Michael Warner replied to Molly Helene's discussion A Compendium of Gems and Nuggets
"Looking Back
The answers are boring - it is the questions that contain all the mysteries.
The destination is bland - the journey is where all the adventure is.
Everything is pointless until you experience it - that is all the points wrapped into…"
Jan 3
Nathan and Michael Warner are now friends
Nov 21, 2023
Michael Warner replied to JD Aliix's discussion ABUNDANCE POTENTIALS
"I've never traded anything but I have always had an interest but my dad is a retired banker and very fiscally conservative so any advice I ever got was 401(k) advice. He loved mutual funds but his father loved investing in companies and watching…"
Nov 21, 2023
Michael Warner replied to JD Aliix's discussion ABUNDANCE POTENTIALS
"Well, I missed that one completely. Sorry, Nathan. I didn't get a chance to read any of your posts. I was waiting for a breather before I dove in. I went to post the thing about the Cliff's Notes version and refreshed the page only to find it…"
Nov 20, 2023
Michael Warner replied to JD Aliix's discussion ABUNDANCE POTENTIALS
"Not you Nathan. There was someone on here going by the name Nate Dogg who had filled this particular discussion with over two pages of posts. He was trying to get people interested in some crypto currency. It looked like he was soliciting. That guy…"
Nov 20, 2023
Michael Warner replied to JD Aliix's discussion ABUNDANCE POTENTIALS
"I was about to ask Nate for the Cliff's Notes version. I take it he didn't understand why we're here. I spent a day with a guy kinda like that. Always positive. Good guy."
Nov 19, 2023
Michael Warner replied to Molly Helene's discussion A Compendium of Gems and Nuggets
"Always loved this video and song! What was the deal with big hats and the Nineties? The lyrics seem to be more relevant today...
Nov 18, 2023
Michael Warner replied to JD Aliix's discussion THE EVERYTHING THREAD - OCTOBER 31 PORTAL CALL
"I don't have anymore questions but my role might. And yes, it is possible to sense your own script in "real" time. "
Nov 6, 2023
Michael Warner replied to JD Aliix's discussion THE EVERYTHING THREAD - OCTOBER 31 PORTAL CALL
"What you said combined with the video on "Not Real People" that I finally watched has my head spinning round and round, which, of course, is when things make sense. Everything exists as its own opposite and other nursery rhymes for the kids! 
I do…"
Nov 5, 2023
Michael Warner replied to JD Aliix's discussion THE EVERYTHING THREAD - OCTOBER 31 PORTAL CALL
" I was curious about the NPC thing a while back but it doesn't really do anything for me anymore. I think JD said something along the lines of does it matter? If I have a soul, if I don't, whether or not my friends and family do? What does that…"
Nov 4, 2023
Michael Warner replied to Chris Elamri's discussion EMF Protection?
"The shift in nature might be due to the presence of weak spots in the generation of our current matrix. There are only 4 generators out of the original 12 making it, I believe, weaker in less populated places as there is less reason for it there.…"
Nov 3, 2023
Theo and Michael Warner are now friends
Nov 1, 2023