2037 Year of the Great Harvest?

Hi Jason, I happened to come across a recent channeling video on Youtube in which it was said that there is now a high probability (in the high 90 percent range), that the Great Harvest will occur in the year 2037.  During this event the Earth will go into a steeper tilt in order to create the appropriate magnetic inversion (stargate effect), as it births or splits off into a 4th density planet.  During this process of mitosis, as the planet cocoons itself within its own magnetic field, there will be 3 days of complete darkness (no Sun, Moon or Star light), everyone and everything on the Earth will be kept inside a black hollow magnetic sphere.  Also during these 3 days of darkness it is recommended that everyone remain indoors because the planet will be releasing a great deal of dense and intense energy as it goes through this process.  As you have said on this website, those who are ready -- who have moved onto a heart-centered path of service to others will transition into their 4th density body on the new 4th density Earth or even move onto higher densities; while those who are not ready and/or who choose to continue on a path of service to self will remain on a smaller populated 3D Earth.  I was wondering what the Merlin Collective's take on this might be.

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  • Nancy, can you please give a link to that video?

  • Here it is:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kKav5TEjT8&t=1680s

    Adronis is a collective from Sirius.

  • JD I would very much like to hear your thoughts, comments, ect. on this video. If you would please...

  • A lot of the information is pretty standard, like an increasing number of ships...all that. On a short list of the things I know is that upper-sphere people would NEVER give a date. That's as "illegal" as the Prime Imperative of non-interference with the trajectory of global species. The reason for that is if you look at any future, you change it. That's a quantum fact. Giving a date will have already changed the date itself just by directing Earth people's attention to it. People like David Wilcock would fasten onto the idea, but David is too wishful for an earlier arrival, and in any event everything Wilcock, et al, believes is coming is happening as we speak. These groups tend to talk about it in terms of a single event, 3 days of darkness, that sort of thing, but we're in the end game right this second. In many ways, the next 200 years is a single event.

    What do I believe is going to happen? Exactly what is happening, only faster and faster. Much more technology. Much more blending of technology with organic DNA. Far more powerful brains. We'll all die and come back and assume far more powerful bodies, minds, senses, and we'll have a good 9 senses online. 

    Final analysis...what "Adronis" projects, isn't going to happen, but, like his "channel" repeatedly points out...don't hang your hat on what I say. Believe what you most cherish. 

  • Thank you. That middle paragraph would be interesting to observe!

  • the body and the character is not the point. who you are you fear to lose, not the point. what will happen and how it unfolds, fascinating, but not the point. 

    it's the mind. only the mind. we are but mere spores in a quantum jelly fungus. self--aware nodes like beacons pinging light in a galactic night. the tones reaching into the rising harmony, tuning our pitch to an invisible cresendo that rises within us all, not individually but to the being sleeping, of which we are all an indivisible part.

    these are stories these facts. just tales. there is no great power in their meaning, just the geometry that organizes the archetypal energies into something we will accept from this small and limited form. so when the gate opens we will see, when the invitation is given we can read it, when the opportunity arises we will accept. and when we come to meet the face of that great saviour we will recognize only and just our own faces.

    what is the truth? nothing fantastic, just normal mundane life. nothing with lasers and teleporters and unicorns and flying winged white horses. just filling out forms, and paying taxes and saying please and thank you. and singing out of tune at birthday parties, and remembering to say i love you, to your family and friends, and strangers, and mostly the people you hate.

    no alien jesus. just a thousand sunrises and a thousand sunsets, and to be the one that saw them all.

  • I have been a follower on the adronis teachings for a while now.

    The never giving any date only an estimate which was a wide space in years originally by Adonis became a surprise when that video came out > I wont read into any of it because it didn't feel right .It was intriguing though.

  • Hi Matriarch, Thank you for reaching out and I agree -- I didn't/don't believe that there's a time or date for what some call the harvest and still others call the ascension of both humanity and Gaia.  In the quantum field, time and linear days do not exist -- there's just the NOW. I just wanted to get Jason's and the Merlin Collective's thoughts on the video which had been circulating on YouTube at the time -- 8 long months ago.  For me and from my experience, everything is energy vibrating at different  frequencies. What one experiences/creates in their "reality" is constantly changing based on the level at which one's consciousness is "vibrating" and on where one places one's focus/attention (this is what draws people and events into one's human experience and serves to provide lessons which, when "learned", then expands one's consciousness and supports its evolution -- Earth after all is a school for the evolution of human consciousness).  The keys are: knowing that one is a sovereign being, practicing non-judgment of people and events, viewing with compassion the roles everyone is playing in this 3D/4D "movie" and giving gratitude for everyone and everything that we experience -- for all is meant for our learning and growth in Self Mastery.  Our individual task is to raise our energetic frequency so that we can more closely align with our Higher Self or Super-consciousness and hold more Light and Love in our physical forms (as all of the Ascended Masters who have come before us have done and modeled). As more and more of us do this, then a critical mass will be reached within the human collective which will support more awakenings; thereby raising human consciousness to a higher, 5D frequency level. The changes humanity experienced in 2020 are merely the beginning, the starting point of this awakening and movement toward a higher and more expanded consciousness. I believe that the changes humanity will undergo in the next 10-20 years will be wonderful and can't yet be appreciated at this time of the dissolution of the old paradigm.  But this is the reason why many of us volunteered to be here at this point in human evolution -- we knew the task at hand would be challenging but we were also very excited to be a part of it and help it along in whatever way we could. 

    Matriarch said:

    Nancy. I was guided here for this particular thread
    The information you posted is in fact True.
    With the Great exception of time/date as there isn't one. There never is a Time/date for these things. only the allignment.
    One's personal allignment with circumstances of their own making.
    And also there are details....alot of other details which I cannot reveal here due to a fact that this team (whoever runs this site) and I are not in allignment and I am just passing through for my personal agenda and to share with those that I feel I need to along the way.
    If you wish to learn more however I am open to speaking about it in private.
    I have written a detailed description twice and both times the site lagged out and it was erased so its not meant to be posted here where people may have an adverse reaction due to nature of their Entitlement.

    I can beat reached at matildababaeva@gmail.com
  • We're in the Great Harvest right this second. All the choices have been made, and all those who refused have been removed, or soon will be. The date is now. Big things coming, but they'll be VERY 3D, of course.

  • I kind of guessed that.  As 2020 progressed I started to see it not only as a year of change but of humanity being presented -- by the almost black and white divisiveness it presented  -- to choose between service to self and service to others. I was even surprised by the challenges I experienced within my own family -- those that seemed to not be able to see what to me seemed obvious.  I was  even being told I needed to repent of my sins and accept Jesus as my Lord, and Savior because He was the only Son of God and the Second Coming was at hand.  If I didn't, then I would be judged by God as unworthy and my soul was going to be damned to spend all eternity in hell!  Needless to say I didn't capitulate.  :)

    JD Aliix said:

    We're in the Great Harvest right this second. All the choices have been made, and all those who refused have been removed, or soon will be. The date is now. Big things coming, but they'll be VERY 3D, of course.

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