A few things I am curious about

Hello everybody, I am a freshman here so hopefully I won't offend anybody with my incompetence :-) . If anybody could give me satisfying answers to at least something that bogs me, it would help me a lot.

#1 What determines intelligence of human being or beings in general? Since all humans should have roughly similar brains, and what I mean by this is that we are more alike than we are different, what is it dependent on? Is it the level to which my soul is "familiar" with this reality according to number of reincarnations in this density? Or is it maybe self serving? = I choose the body and "handicaps" for the lessons I wanna learn that particular life? Or is the starting point more or less the same and it depends on what we do? F.e. I noticed me surpassing everybody else around intellectually shortly after I started playing piano (around 7 years old) and lately I have read an article connecting brain development with musical instruments - using both hands independently etc and thus creating and strengthening neuron pathways. But then again, it could just be coincidental in my case and in general, because my brain started evolving rapidly around that age.

#2 Was Sitchin right about Nibiru orbiting Sun? Are Annunaki people creators of our specie as we know it? If yes, why is there no evidence of the planet passing Earth around 2000 years ago? He is arguing, that those periodical leaps in human civilization development (10800BC, 7200BC, 3600BC) were caused by Annunaki interfering and sharing their wisdom. There was arguably the movement of Jesus around the year 0, which I don't think was the work of Annunaki, because it doesn't really fit the way they were supposedly treating us before according to Sumerian tablets (if his translations are correct). Also, how does their interference with the surface link to the hollow Earth? If they supposedly looked for gold to fix their atmosphere (why if they lived inside their planet?) wouldn't the rest of guys occupying Earth at that moment have a problem with that?

#3 How does us not remembering previous lives help us evolve? Wouldn't it be easier for us to focus on what we are really supposed to do here if we actually had any idea what that is without having to figure it out first? Isn't the world in despair mainly because people don't remember? Or is that maybe the ultimate goal and challenge? To suffer in ignorance in order to embrace the dark side? If that is the truth, does it mean that figuring this out was necessary in this lifetime for me and it is time to move on?

Honestly I feel like I have had enough of this world, according to how distinct it all feels to me.

I think I subconsciously knew how manifestation works and was working with it my whole life until when I was around 22 and studying college and suddenly came to realise, that investment banking isn't really the answer for me. All started to fall apart and I stopped believing it would all end up good eventually and had a pretty depressing period. Turns out I just needed to do some more thinking and set up some foundations of my beliefs, so that I am strong in arguments when facing criticism from basically everybody for giving up on life goals made of money.

Thank you for taking your time to read this, I will be happy to discuss any opinions.

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  • Also, if this world transcends into higher density in some sort of a energetical fingerprint of every thing, is that what makes vinyl records so desirable for some people? Because it is basically a sound wave, which is energy, transformed into physical form?

    Is there something like sacred geometry projecting into music? I suppose there has to be, different sound order/duration/intensity design triggers different responses and also sound is a vibration, so it has to affect us on the very basic level of being.

    Also, what effect on human body and mind do bass and sub bass frequencies have? Since they penetrate through whole body and some people (me including) find it pleasurable to have bass pumped into and though their bodies? Is it maybe what caused those subcultures which were affected by it the most (early 80' and 90' techno, garage, breakbeat and eventually what evolved into jungle and drum'n'bass) to be very peaceful and respectful? The PLUR slogan - Peace, Love, Unity and Respect which was the ultimate mindset back then seems to have evolved out of nowhere, hence my curiosity. Could it be maybe, that the energy in form of sound could put people in meditative states and the bass flowing through their bodies enables them to follow into trance-like state, where they eventually pull peace&love from their subconsciousness? With the help of very high serotonin levels induced by ecstacy?

    If you think those questions don't belong here, then tell me, I will continue searching elsewhere. :)

  • Is it possible to manifest a whole new reality inside another reality based on a memory and share it with other souls?

  • Wow dude, tons of questions! I honestly dont know all the answers... But here is what I would like to share. I think intelligence is what YOU make of it. Cause honestly everyone has different skill sets in different ways that can be defined in their own way. Like what about emotional intelligence (EQ)? Its completely different from IQ and someone can mark all the answers on a test right with that but could be having horrible relationship issues.... and on the flip side someone could be not a perfect a linear thinker and complete tasks correctly but they seriously understand how you feel and can support you in ways that make no sense. There needs to be a balance... In the end game we are ALL THE SAME. We are created from the same INTELLIGENT ENERGY. However, if your a talented musician and ambidextrous I think that suggest that your two brain hemispheres are communicating with each other more efficiently than lets say 90% of the population. Sooooo good job! I have no idea about Niburu nor do I really care on that one haha... Reincarnation is a crazy subject. I REALLY think you should look up Dolores Cannon and her material as I have no doubt that will answer your questions... Just search Youtube for her and you will find great stuff.... You would be shocked to know what we all went through to end up in the same place.....;-).. ALL sound, light, and physical matter is made up of waves.... which translate into energy.. So if there are some frequencies you love then ROCK ON...There is some cool stuff called Idoser on spotify (https://play.spotify.com/artist/4Jjt73CbYlN7eWK8ETBbbL) essentially you wear headphones and it syncs your brain to certain frequencies that simulate other types of conciousnessess....... WAAYYYY COOOLLL .....And for your last comment... Bro..... YES. (in short, there are probably many technicalitys to this stuff)... and anyone reading this please feel free to correct or critique any thing I have said.   

    Hope that helps!!!


  • Thanks for interesting insight!

    We may all come from the same source but are very unique in nature. I feel like I need my Ego to stay in the uniqueness, maybe that is just an illusion, but wouldn't the very nature of me disappear with my body&ego? Or maybe it is just my handicap, to be really gifted and still decide to leave.

    I will check the Idoser, sounds cool :-)

  • Can you say some more on I-Doser, in your experience type of consciousness it helps explore, etc. it seems to encourage syncing of left right hemispheres...
    Thanks in advance

    Artemisprime said:

    Wow dude, tons of questions! I honestly dont know all the answers... But here is what I would like to share. I think intelligence is what YOU make of it. Cause honestly everyone has different skill sets in different ways that can be defined in their own way. Like what about emotional intelligence (EQ)? Its completely different from IQ and someone can mark all the answers on a test right with that but could be having horrible relationship issues.... and on the flip side someone could be not a perfect a linear thinker and complete tasks correctly but they seriously understand how you feel and can support you in ways that make no sense. There needs to be a balance... In the end game we are ALL THE SAME. We are created from the same INTELLIGENT ENERGY. However, if your a talented musician and ambidextrous I think that suggest that your two brain hemispheres are communicating with each other more efficiently than lets say 90% of the population. Sooooo good job! I have no idea about Niburu nor do I really care on that one haha... Reincarnation is a crazy subject. I REALLY think you should look up Dolores Cannon and her material as I have no doubt that will answer your questions... Just search Youtube for her and you will find great stuff.... You would be shocked to know what we all went through to end up in the same place.....;-).. ALL sound, light, and physical matter is made up of waves.... which translate into energy.. So if there are some frequencies you love then ROCK ON...There is some cool stuff called Idoser on spotify (https://play.spotify.com/artist/4Jjt73CbYlN7eWK8ETBbbL) essentially you wear headphones and it syncs your brain to certain frequencies that simulate other types of conciousnessess....... WAAYYYY COOOLLL .....And for your last comment... Bro..... YES. (in short, there are probably many technicalitys to this stuff)... and anyone reading this please feel free to correct or critique any thing I have said.   

    Hope that helps!!!


  • You know if you meditate on those sounds there is a lot of interesting frequencys to explore. Generally the experiences are unique but I get into a real cool fun loving mindset that I enjoy. I usually do the sacred simulations and chakra stuff. Check it out!
  • Hi, d'Ebil.

    what a fun post. i can appreciate where you're coming from. first off, you're a brilliant, intelligent individual. that aside. here's what you've gotten into, by joining this site. and keep in mind, that this is not just our position, it is, also, the truth. we all here embody different traits, each has it's own emphasis, specialty and perspective. here are some replies based on the trait i represent.

    #1. who you are is not human. it is not real. this planet is a simulation. you are a simulation. you are not a discrete you, existing only in this current form, age and person. you are embodying, that is the purer form of you, like a master root, spreading into the quantum forge of this planet, the temporal flux of civilizations and ages, and what some might call 'past lives,' simultaneously, concurrently, contemporaneously, other alternate selves. in other words. there is a version of you currently residing in ancient Egypt, another of 'you' in what appears to be a French colony some time in the 1800s, as well as others including your modern 'analog' as Faist, here and now. each are of the bigger you, divided, in a sense from and spilling off of the master feeding waterway of your 'group essence' off world originating from a realm of the Great Mind that is not even technically a planet but a symbol. Earth is our experiment, it is our solar incubator. we insert ourselves into our projects. taking the form of creatures, plants, concepts, weather systems, thoughts, animating the structure of 'sentient living beings' from within. we do this everywhere. we have our reasons. and there are many exquisite possible rationals to explore.

    but no reason better than simply saying that we are curious and that we love what we do. it brings us joy.

    there are versions of incarnate forms of your being which appear similar to you with small alterations. there are other examples where the differences are intensely distinct. different genders. different races. differing levels of intelligence. none are superior, all serve their purpose, none are here to learn anything, all of them are you.

    now, if what you mean by 'learning,' is 'experiencing,' then from that point of you i suppose you might say we are here to learn. but, you come from a highly advanced and expanded purified manifestation of the divine will of the Great Mind to such a degree that there is honestly nothing here that you can learn from this 'sandbox,' this earth, that your 'home essence,' 'planet,' or, 'people' haven't millions if not billions ago surpassed, if they ever had to learn it at all. because it simply wasn't necessary.

    there's an efficiency to the universe, even in the messiness of life, so, no. this planet is not really for you. you are here to serve this planet through the closing hours and seconds of the last day of an age, that was the species of man.

    now, there are beings, shards of the great will that have been splintered off and sent into this human experience to matriculate through the ages, here since the beginning to develop with a kind of evolution as the hominid, though it is in all honesty, not that. but could be understood as such.

    a race of beings that are here to learn something. primarily, it is not a technology, or science, or a religion, but rather compassion. and to learn to choose, to invoke their own will, to either choose to serve others or serve themselves a light or a dark path. and the truth is, this light or darkness, either way, leads inevitably to the same one moment billions of years down the line, where all things artificially divided are restored to a single knowing of itself. and made whole.

    i know you've seen it. there are obvious differing classes of awareness on this planet. what one might call an elite or more evolved form and a what might be thought of as a lesser or less mature form. and there is one to which you belong more than to the other. one class that is here to evolve one that is here to help. one is not better than the other, everything has it's place.

    there are 'levels' to the mind. not for any other reason than it allows us to conduct our work, to play. and the levels are nothing more than an elaborate organizational structure that mitigates the level of forgetting and so the access each level or density of awareness has to the all, or the great mind, or what some call the infinite. god, whatever. remember it's just one great mind, of which we are in each part whole and in each whole only a part.

    on earth, in this density, this level of the great mind, we call this level, 3rd density. it represents basically, the highest level of forgetting, to play in this greatest example of limitation in the all, one must be born into an avatar, completely forgetting who you are and through the course of what appears to be the linear motion of time, though that too is only a simulation, slowly brought back into full awareness of yourself, like the frog in a boiling pot, slowly raising the heat.

    there are many good reasons why things are done this way, the primary reason being, viability. who you really are cannot be inserted fully into a physical being, the level of purity would cause a failure of the host, death, or miscarriage. it is what it is.

    now, the beings who have been tasked with 'evolving,' into human beings and then on to the next level of 'physical being,' which technically is no longer human but hominid in appearance, are currently being harvested. taken spiritually into the worlds that best represent and serve their next developmental stage, joining like minds, where they will continue to observe and make choices, to understand, to fail, to make adjustments and navigate their expansion through many lifetimes and many worlds along a course, until, with their 'group,' or as it becomes the case, 'social memory complex,' an expansive term that represents a change in the concept of the individual self in relation to the group where like minded awareness transforms into a state of sublime synchrony that moves beyond all notions and ideas of self or group, where all parts are the whole and the whole is truly in every part, as a matter of their combined and individual will, they reach a level of expansion where they join the galactic confederation of presences, intelligences and other forms of the great mind, on the high councils, as a member, to perpetuate and serve the ongoing master project that we, on this level of understanding, as humans, conceive of as the universe, but is admittedly so much more than that.

    so, how this translates specifically, into your discrete human experience, is tailored specifically to how the trait you represent best serves the viability of the project, and also, as you are many discrete presences through out space and time, on this planet, simultaneously, places you in a context of your own dispersed essence, no one version of you is superior to the other, but where you choose to expand your awareness and thus, serve, fulfilling your mission, your reason for being here.

    you are by the sheer force of your own being always going to stand out, there is no better or worse. in the ways that you appear to be lesser or weaker you serve just as well as when you have strength. and in many ways, you serve more greatly, as it only inspires a greater strength and compassion in others to aid you. though it is always you that is aiding them.

    there is no randomness. everything is a choice. but the choice may not always be apparent on such shallow pools of awareness that we currently float within on this planet. we are a very very deep mind whose intentions and plotting, it's great architecture, run intricately throughout and within the omnicosmos.

    #2 we are game masters. we have full access to all levels of depravity and sincerity, to heroism and villlany, to truth and deception to achieve our end goals. we see no difference, as a cosmos, between the destruction of planets and the beauty of a flower on a spring day, if it brings us closer to our goals. so, to that end, in our high councils, we convene and discuss how best to move forward. now, at times, it seems that things occur that do not go according to plan. but, it is always a plan, on a higher level, always the will of a more pure aspect of a godlike awareness that things unfold as they do.

    we invented the rules to give order to chaos, to allow creation, to give rise to beings with a will and power to subvert the rules and restore variation or pliability to the rigidity or structure of the universe. so that it becomes both flexible and hard, so that it can withstand wayward stress and remain adaptable. this is our wish, above all else, to form a level of collectivity that embraces these traits.

    which rules? primarily, non-intervention or the prime directive. basically, a hands off, let's see what they do approach. because we are by our nature such control freaks, micromanaging the universe, that without allowing things to find their own way, nothing novel or nuanced would ever result. and we need novelty and nuance; we've already seen what our heavy makes for; an inferior product. having none of the desired traits of a truly usable spiritual metal, again, flexibility and hardness.

    so, we operate in a way that follows the letter of the rules, and the spirit of the intentions of the laws. in human parlance, the idea is called a deus ex machina. a god machine. we are not allowed to descend from the heavens and fix anything, much less human problems. again, it's not about fixing the details, or particulars of the story to any particular end, not about bending our will here upon the humans, we are only concerned with the viability of the project and the function of the planetary systems as they enter the end game of an evolutionary production chain. as the newly minted conscious forms roll of the assembly line and onto the lot.

    so, we manipulate others to do our bidding. employing a rogues gallery of galactic fiends each representing various levels of either a service to others or a service to self aesthetic and awareness of the great mind. (i.e., 4th density, 5th and so on).

    so we needed to restart the human project. for various reasons, basically, new opportunities arose, alterations and new directions, but to act upon them required that we move through the correct channels and in compliance with the various regulations, and within an abbreviated window of time. so we used alien species that believed to be acting in a selfish manner, to alter and edit the human genome.

    it's one of our tricks, to speed along evolution, it's not our only trick, but it's certainly an effective one. we use opportunities when they arise, and again as nothing is random, the path of least resistance always provides us with an all too perfect solution for the 'problem' at hand. and so, in the galaxy, there are no obstacles only opportunities.

    now, bear in mind, the histories are heavily polluted with misinformation regarding why certain species were here and what they were looking for and why things are the way they are. it is, to a certain degree, important to not get bogged down in the facts, and if you take into account the fact that this one version of reality represents one of many, than the facts would be different in another parallel existence. though the truth would remain the same. and the truth is greater than any one fact.

    the dark forces on this planet and off world have a vested interested in misinformation and division. but they are apart of the game and a part of the plan, even if they don't know it.

    and technically, we do and can at times, make a big entrance, space ships on the lawn and all, take me to your leader, share a pizza with the king and queen kinda thing, but only when it doesn't effect the natural development of the species. as there are periods of development where the species hasn't fully reached a moment of individuality sufficient to incur any collateral damage, but awkward and needing of guidance, where an intervention is necessary. particularly, as was in the case of earth, in instances where the evolutionary process was rapidly sped up, to meet other galactic deadlines, where we shared agriculture and other qualities of civilization. our job is to build worlds, essentially, and over the billions of years we've gotten very good at it. so we have our short cuts and what not.

    and, to close this response, i understand the frustration that can come along with the human experience. i truly do. but, the truth is, you chose to be here, and it is an honor to be here. why? for the same reasons we go to an amusement park. and choose the scariest rides. for the thrill of the uniqueness of the experience.

    nowhere else in all of creation is it possible to experience the kinds of things you can and have experienced here. in part, because, the emotions are too damaging to the galaxy, they have to be contained in a suitable environment, a monitored place, a engineered time space.

    or as the humans call it, earth. and lastly, in case it wasn't already apparent, yes, we, including yourself, are the aliens. though we scoff at the term, it's highly inaccurate, but nevertheless, true.


  • Thank you!! Very detailed and very helpful!

    I have finished the book Keepers of the Garden by Dolores Cannon and got the feeling that I was in contact with extra terrestrials many times during my life, even though it seemed strange at first, I am quite sure now.

    I used to have dreams about aliens kidnapping me a lot when I was a kid, I was very scared of them, even the melody from X-files would give me goose bumps even though I never even watched the series, I only had it associated with aliens. Then those dreams went away, but I still feared them.

    What changed that was a strange very lively dream I had a couple months back when I was really struggling with my life. In the middle of the night, I sort of woke up in the dream and I found myself in front of a forest along with many other people, all of a sudden something like a projection of a human-like person appeared above the forest on the sky, it was huge, I think it was a male, he looked very similar to humans, but there was something about him that was very distinctly not human. He started talking to us all about something that sounded very important, because he was speaking really seriously and gave me the impression of utmost importance. In the middle of his speech, I asked him a question, I think the question made him really curious about me, so when he spoke again, he was speaking directly to me and said something like "I cant answer that in front of everybody else, we will have to meet in private" and invited me to a tall building that was behind that forest. When I got there, he was already waiting for me, sitting behind table. I asked him a couple of questions, I dont remember them all, but I know one of them was about other worlds and I also asked him, if they will let us destroy ourselves, to which he replied that they will do everything they can to stop that from happening, I dont remember the questions anymore, but I remember that I tried really hard to come up with questions that he wont think are stupid and also that I had to ask really specific things to get answers I wanted and that I woke up in the morning and felt really happy and satisfied with answers he gave me, and I had that happy feeling for a few more days after that.

    A couple days after this dream, I had another, very short, I was on a meadow and saw an alien aircraft coming towards me, then light surrounded me and I felt like I'm being lifted into the aircraft and felt really joyful. However, I don't remember anything after that, but again, I felt really happy after I woke up and not at all in despair as I used to feel around that time.

    When I'm thinking about the first dream now, I got the feeling, that when the 'big guy' was talking to the crowd, he was kind of trying to appeal to us to let go of fear and embrace love. Also I felt like everybody in the crowd knew what he is talking about and felt a bit ashamed that they went astray, he was very authoritative, dunno if that is the right word, but nobody even thought of arguing with him, we all felt he is very right about what he is saying and that it is in our best concern to try to understand his message.

    It didnt feel like a dream, but maybe I just have very brisk imagination.
    What do you think?

  • Chance that was a Super Solid reply... Bravo... I need to catch up to you but I think I will disappear if I try to approach infinity;-)

    Mr. Faist... Those dreams sound legit and awesome... Im glad you are getting more clarity on stuff here. It keeps going! 

  • you're wonderful, Artemis. and d'Ebil, i'm glad you have a better grasp of what is happening, context as it were.

    Your reads and intimations concerning your dreams are dead on. And you understand or have a grasp on the larger game at play here.

    dreams are just as real as imagination are just as real as reality itself. in truth, they are equally valid examples of the one mind; they are the one mind. so, to experience a truth within a dream, even though it may come in the western mind's perspective that views dreams from a diminished and childlike point of view, regarding the information as some how of less value or less worth, in many ways it has greater validity than the experiences of this world, of the waking life we regard to be exclusively or uniquely real. and all things in contrast become fictional.

    everything is fictional. everything is as equally real and unreal as anything else. imagination is by far more powerful than reality and without it, reality would not be possible.

    so these dreamed events did happen. and as is so often times the case, many so called abductions or rather 'check-ups' by the monitoring factions, of which we have enlisted many many species, each taking on the task of certain aspects of the project, will call up participants or gather them from sleeping states, and mentally bring them aboard the various vessels stationed above, outside, or with in earth orbit, or in another dimensional coordinate that to us would appear as invisible though the ship is very much there. though beyond the reach of our brain mind's ability to conceptualize.

    these ships and their various species, themselves members of the galactic confederacy, exist in a more mental reality than the physical one we experience here. so to them, it is far easier for them to access us, and we, far easier to accept and participate with them when in the more exclusively mental states of dreaming, and the various deeper brain wave states, then the more physical 3rd density earth flesh states. or the selves that process reality through the membranes of the body and it's various conductive filters and neuromuscular hydraulics, and sense organs (i.e., eyes, tongue, mouth).

    most likely, those who you perceived, those quasi humanoid entities, were in fact what you might associate as your home species. or the family pod you most identify with. though this is not always the case.

    i encourage you to both keep a dream journal if you have not already begun to do so and also to begin the ABS training. it's really a perfect match for your type of lucid mental states. and for everyone for that matter. the effects it will have upon you are truly beyond marvelous and it will aid the planetary project immensely.

    i, myself, am also frequently taken to the various grey vessels. where, i participate both as a subject and as lead project administrator of the various experimentations. so, i've been on the receiving end of terror, and also on the soothing calming explanatory position of an administrator, presenting a broader understanding of the events unfolding and how, even as it may not seem one is willing to participate, that nothing can happen to you without your agreement on some level of yourself, and that most likely, the agreement, if not always, is on the higher levels of your being that originally submitted to the earth project experiment. so much of waking life, or superficial existence is in actuality more asleep and in a dream than even dreaming is that most of our work is done on the deeper levels of the unconscious and the deeper brainwave states.

    the necessary preconditions of acceptance and receptivity are just so difficult to achieve and maintain with any level of utility for our work, that is, without ABS training and the full alchemical program underway with the participant, that we prefer to work in the mental dream realms. and even when one has met all the preconditions, the work is simply easier in the mental realms.

    reality is much like a bloom on a plant. pretty to look at, designed to gather and hold your attention, to lock in your perspective and funnel it into a sensory experience that we often over look the rest of the plant, it's structure and underlying root system without which the bloom would not exist, could not exist, and that will carry on even after the rose has wilted away to produce still yet more beautiful blooms.

    the realities are very temporary and built with planned obsolescence.

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