This is Abhishek's Xupra adventure posting area.
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Welcome to the Great Awakening! Did you know that was what was happening right now? Although events have not played out the way Age of Aquarians and New Age Thought always assumed, we are in fact in the middle of it. What surprises and fascinates is…
Read more…This discussion is for any questions, clarification or comments to do with my book, The Simple Truth - Fast Path to Freedom. You can get it on Amazon in paperback or Kindle formats here.
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Read more…This thread is for all tips on anything that can build wealth in the coming paradigmatic dynamics (you like those fancy words?). I decided to set this forum up because in the digital assets space/s there is a lot going on, and a lot of it is…
Read more…Hello Tribe! Blessings all! So I would like to invite folks that have a question they want answers to to put it here in this thread and I will inquire the I-ching about said query and do my best to interpret the answers. This is for entertainment…
Read more…On Monday last week my IonCleanse foot bath arrived and the next day started a focused cleanse, incorporating the Blue Emerald Alchemy method described on the Purazyme page, alongside the Medical Mediums 3-6-9 advanced cleanse. I am 8 days into the…
Read more…Hello, I have been wondering for awhile now why when you look into "new age" movements a hundred years ago and the way they talk about 4d is very similar to the way current movements or circles describe 5d when they discuss less dense experiences. …
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ame: Abhishek Saxena
Date: 16/11/2016
Begin Time: 10:35 AM
End Time: 12:09 PM
Self Assigned Coordinates: 161116
Session Form: Xupra
ATMOSPHERE: serene, exciting
TOPOGRAPHY: humps, hills, undulating
SOUNDS: breezy, steady, rhythmic
OUTSIDE SPACE: natural, shadowed
INSIDE SPACE: boundaried, empty, surrounded
TASTE-SMELL: vegetation, aromatic, pleasant, fresh, wet
AI/EI/D: Loosely similar to Duchess falls Panchmarhi , India
P1 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: Falls, medium/large water body, deep blue/purple tinge
P2 VISUAL: blues, purples, whites, mixed, twilight
P2 TEXTURES-SURFACES: rough, wet, grainy, hard, liquid
P2 MASS-DIMENSIONS: thick, bulky, solid, dense, large, dominating, huge, tall, towering verticals, flat horizontals
P2 MATERIALS: water, plant, stone
P2 SHAPES-STRUCTURES: column, towering, tall
P2 MOTION: direction: from top to bottom
P2 CONCEPTS: gratitude
P2 PURPOSE: pleasant, serene , meditative
P2 PHONETICS: mmmmmmm
P2 MOVEMENT 1: ME1: draw symbols to explore the emotions and energy of the scene.
P2 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: ME1SY2S1: pleasant, gratitude
ME1SY2S2: serene, uplifting
ME1SY2S3: balancing, grounding
ME1SY2S4: improve conductivity in body/mind
P4 THINGS: water, plants, stones
P4 NON-THINGS: scene as in story/comic books.
P4 WILD CARD: water fall, with lake kind of water body
P4 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: water fall with, at least two prominent streams of water flowing down, blue/purple atmosphere , vegetation around.
After seeing 'themes' these words come out strongly , as purpose
adjustment, realignment, integration
THEMES: recreation, cleansing
TYPES: natural scene
P5 SECOND AWARENESS IMPRESSIONS: The song waterfalls by TLC comes to mind strongly , I have not heard it in ages . The visual part of it dont remember the lyrics as such and are not relevant to the scene (?) .
also I remember I visited a place in India called gangtok, sikkim. In that resort in evenings they had 3d imgery of dancing in folk songs over a man made lake/large water body much much bigger that life size, not exact but closest depiction.
Idea is non physical human like images larger than life dancing as in folk songs over a lake in backdrop of water falls. with still a bluish/purplish atmosphere. (in a nutshell).
P5 SECOND AWARENESS QA: Q: What is happening around here?
Ans: Mela (hindi ) .
english translation : Mela is a Sanskrit word meaning 'gathering' or 'to meet' or a 'fair'. It is used in the Indian subcontinent for all sizes of gatherings and can be religious, commercial, cultural or sport-related. In rural traditions melas or village fairs were (and in some cases still are) of great importance.
I FEEL: Celebration, Mela word above best describes it.
PSS: As I entered the scene , it was twilight. cool environment . Atmosphere was serene and exciting. There were humps, hills and undulating terrain. Sounds were breezy, steady and rhythmic. Outside spaces were natural and shadowed. Inside spaces were boundaried , empty and surrounded. smells are of vegetation, aromatic and pleasant . Taste were fresh and wet.
There was a strong sense that I am near a waterfall and visually it felt loosely like Duchess fall, Panchmarhi. I have captured this as deduction at this stage.
P1 Freeform descriptions are Falls, medium/large water body, deep blue/purple tinge.
Visuals had strong sense of blue and purple with whites also. The contrast was mixed and twilight. Textures and surface data shows rough, wet, grainy , hard and liquid. Masses are thick, bulky, solid, dense, large and dominating. Dimensions suggests huge, tall, towering verticals, flat horizontals. Materials are water , plant and stone. Shapes and structural data suggests column, towering and tall. Motion was from top to bottom (as in a water fall). Concepts are of gratitude, purpose gives pleasant, serene and meditative. Phonetic sound is 'mmmmmmm'.
ME1: draw symbols to explore the emotions and energy of the scene.
ME1SY2S1 brings pleasant, gratitude
ME1SY2S2 suggests serene, uplifting
ME1SY2S3 brings balancing, grounding
ME1SY2S4 brings improve conductivity in body/mind.
P4 Things gives water, plants and stones. Non-things suggests 'scene as in story/comic books' and Wild card brings water fall, with lake kind of water body.
P4 description says water fall with, at least two prominent streams of water flowing down, blue/purple atmosphere , vegetation around. After seeing 'themes' these words come out strongly , as purpose adjustment, realignment, integration.
Themes are recreation and cleansing, Types is of a natural scene.
P5 second awareness impression are The song waterfalls by TLC comes to mind strongly , I have not heard it in ages . The visual part of it dont remember the lyrics as such and are not relevant to the scene (?) . also I remember I visited a place in India called gangtok, sikkim. In that resort in evenings they had 3d imgery of dancing in folk songs over a man made lake/large water body much much bigger that life size, not exact but closest depiction. Idea is non physical human like images larger than life dancing as in folk songs over a lake in backdrop of water falls. with still a bluish/purplish atmosphere. (in a nutshell).
P5 Q&A
Q: What is happening around here?
Ans: Mela (hindi ) . english translation : Mela is a Sanskrit word meaning 'gathering' or 'to meet' or a 'fair'. It is used in the Indian subcontinent for all sizes of gatherings and can be religious, commercial, cultural or sport-related. In rural traditions melas or village fairs were (and in some cases still are) of great importance.
I feel a sense of celebration with word 'mela' best describing it.
Summary: Initially I just sensed waterfalls and water body with vegetation all around as described above.Blue/puple tinge to atmosphere is very prominent throughout. In P5 I also sensed shadow like beings dancing like having a celebration, gathering.
Coordinates: Xupra-221116
Name: Abhishek Saxena
Date: 22/11/2016
Begin Time: 11:26 AM
End Time: 12:40 PM
Session Form: Xupra
TOPOGRAPHY: humps, inclines, rises, flats
SOUNDS: chirping, breezy, rhythmic
OUTSIDE SPACE: cavernous, airy, natural, shadowed, hollow
INSIDE SPACE: vast, spread out, open, ample, far-reaching, impressive
TASTE-SMELL: floral, salty, sunny
P1 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: seems like natural terrain, forest like surrounding, not very dense , daylight
P2 VISUAL: greens, oranges, yellows, mixed, brilliant, glowing
P2 TEXTURES-SURFACES: rough, smooth, silky , cloth, rigid, natural, permeable
P2 MASS-DIMENSIONS: dense, immovable, bulky , wide, vast average,
P2 MATERIALS: skin, cloth, water, metal, minerals
P2 MOTION: still
P2 MOVEMENT 1: ME1: Move me to 'him' , the warrior
P2 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: Strong feeling of with someone or I am wearing a Roman warrior attire , with weapons like sword etc (or both). like a warrior from 'movie- 300'. Its a jungle like setting.
ME1: A six foot plus well built warrior like figure , straight from the movie '300' ,
W: You're shown your true nature , a warrior , you're one of us or say I am another version of you. trust yourself there is not much you dont already know.. and what you dont you don't need it anyways.
(tone of this 'other' guy is kind of scolding me )
P4 THINGS: metal, skin, cloth, leather
P4 WILD CARD: metal blades, sword, spears, warrior, leather/metal dress warrior dress.
P4 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: After that last conversation with warrior, Shiva also comes to mind, or would say something like Shiva has descended and warrior is no longer there.
THEMES: spiritual
TYPES: natural scene
P5 SECOND AWARENESS IMPRESSIONS: Now I have blue colored shiva in front of me , in padmasan , floating 2 ft above the ground. and he is smiling , and on the verge of laughing.
(will write the background of this encounter with Shiva in PSS, after the session, I kind of know why he is smiling/laughing).
Me: So you again ?
S: yes, you need to understand I am not 'the god' you somewhat 'hate' , or dont like much, and that is alright . understand the this figure is just a symbol which you're familiar with , it means many things to many different people. anyone can use this symbol to communicate , and some of it might not be correct in your view. but thats just your view/opinion and is correct only for you.
(There is a lot of feeling to it , which cant be described in words)
I FEEL: slightly 'caught off the guard' , surprised after seeing Shiva , not the first time though. also know that it was not Shiva the being but Shiva the archetype. if there is any such distinction.
PSS: In a nutshell, I was in a sparsely forest like environment, day time , with greens all around, and somewhat warm weather.
There are two scenes to it , one with a roman warrior and other one is with Shiva. and also I will write a few sentences regarding my previous 'encounter' with Shiva.
ME1: Move me to 'him' , the warrior
P2 Freeform : Strong feeling of with someone or I am wearing a Roman warrior attire , with weapons like sword etc (or both). like a warrior from 'movie- 300'. Its a jungle like setting. ME1: A six foot plus well built warrior like figure , straight from the movie '300' , W: You're shown your true nature , a warrior , you're one of us or say I am another version of you. trust yourself there is not much you dont already know.. and what you dont you don't need it anyways. (tone of this 'other' guy is kind of scolding me )
P4 Freeform :After that last conversation with warrior, Shiva also comes to mind, or would say something like Shiva has descended and warrior is no longer there.
P5 second awareness: Now I have blue colored shiva in front of me , in padmasan , floating 2 ft above the ground. and he is smiling , and on the verge of laughing. (will write the background of this encounter with Shiva in PSS, after the session, I kind of know why he is smiling/laughing). Me: So you again ? S: yes, you need to understand I am not 'the god' you somewhat 'hate' , or dont like much, and that is alright . understand the this figure is just a symbol which you're familiar with , it means many things to many different people. anyone can use this symbol to communicate , and some of it might not be correct in your view. but thats just your view/opinion and is correct only for you. (There is a lot of feeling to it , which cant be described in words)
I feel slightly 'caught off the guard' , surprised after seeing Shiva , not the first time though. also know that it was not Shiva the being but Shiva the archetype. if there is any such distinction.
Background: I underwent a QHHT session in October 2014, and in that session Shiva came , It had me uncomfortable during the session , due to my dislike towards all religions and gods. the session helped me in many ways , some of which are not apparent at that time. so basically when during this session Shiva again came , he was smiling/ laughing as if teasing me 'here I am again' , but this time he explained (or I explained to myself) which I will ponder upon.