This thread is for all tips on anything that can build wealth in the coming paradigmatic dynamics (you like those fancy words?). I decided to set this forum up because in the digital assets space/s there is a lot going on, and a lot of it is designed to build wealth fast. Add your contributions at will! 

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  • If you are a trader and like analyzing crypto charts then this website is a good one for you to know about. I love it because you don't have to purchase a premium member acount on Trading View. Dexscreener.com provides the 8hr and 12hr candle stick charts which is a paid feature for Trading View Pro. Stochastic RSI, Fibonacci retracement, Moving Averages indicator tools are some of your best friends to use. You can find those features under the indicator tab.



    • I've never traded anything but I have always had an interest but my dad is a retired banker and very fiscally conservative so any advice I ever got was 401(k) advice. He loved mutual funds but his father loved investing in companies and watching that company grow as a voting member. So, I just "played it safe". 

      Fast forward to when I can lie to my parents if they are going to talk me out of something has opened a whole new world for me. Yea! (my parents are nosy just like me) So this discussion is a long time coming. Thanks for the tips and, yes, I fell in love with data analysis working for a VP of production at a large factory. I don't know why but I am already intrigued by the gaming crypto as the gaming industry has been fleecing people since Candy Crush. I'll probably start there. 

  • This is a really awesome tool I just learned about. It's called https://bypass.exchange/

    Bypass exchange is a telegram bot that allows NON KYC crypto transactions that are completely private.

    So if you don't like sharing your identity while swapping crypto, this is one of your best current options.

    Coach K Crypto walks you through how it works in this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhygUpcNdhc

    KYC = Know Your Customer

    Your CEX Aggregator
  • If you want to search for the different categories in the crypto space. On the main page of Coingecko.com under the "Catagories" section shows you the list of different projects all over the cryptoverse. 12296621668?profile=RESIZE_930x


  • Mozaic is about to get sent. SEND IT!


  • Green orders flooding in now that previous resistance has turned into support.12296681456?profile=RESIZE_930x

  • Making some L Reuteri super yogurt right now. Check this out... 


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On Monday last week my IonCleanse foot bath arrived and the next day started a focused cleanse, incorporating the Blue Emerald Alchemy method described on the Purazyme page, alongside the Medical Mediums 3-6-9 advanced cleanse. I am 8 days into the…

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7 Replies · Reply by JD Aliix Mar 13
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4d and 5d

Hello, I have been wondering for awhile now why when you look into "new age" movements a hundred years ago and the way they talk about 4d is very similar to the way current movements or circles describe 5d when they discuss less dense experiences. …

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