Alchemy Questions

Hello Jason and the Superbeings.

I’m not sure if this is the right place to ask this question, but I didn’t see a place to send questions on your alchemy page. I am interested - very interested - in purchasing and working with Lumin. And also with Origin and Currents, but for right now, it is Lumin that seems to be calling me the most.

I noticed on one of the alchemy pages that you said that heavy metals in the body can block or impede the effects the alchemy. I smoke and drink daily… Do I need to do some sort of a physical cleanse first before starting to work with the drops? A part of me just wants to get started, and I feel that the Lumin will help my habits sort themselves out, but I am curious if there is some preparation I need to do in advance.

Thank you!

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  • There's an additional alchemy that is supposed to facilitate the heavy metal detox as well as a foot bath.

    There's also an MD-holder Superbeing who spoke about the process of methylation by using a Zinc with a conjugate acid like Gluconate to aid the heavy metal detox. This has yet to come up in my studies but I believe the guy who said it, do as you feel. 

    Pre-rolled cigarettes are practically laced with various stuff like lead, benzene and cadmium. You're most definitely not getting JUST your nicotine kick... I get that cigarettes are fine companions and smoking is a relief-inducing routine but damn, it definitely makes life harder in one's later years. Changes your voice, inhibits your athletic ability, expensive and so on.

    You needn't cut these things sharp. Allow yourself to advance slowly, seriously, be patient and be prepared for the whole 'back and forthness' of the 'quitting and relapsing cycle'. Every relapse builds your fortitude and informs your total wisdom. :)

     Once you try the Alchemies, some habits will lose their grips on you, it's perfectly natural. 

    I think that's about all I can think of, I wish you all the best and kudos on making steps to the '''right''' direction. 

    On an additional note: suffering is totally optional, seek out this book for an initiation into a 'deeper' esoterica a la right-hand-path. The egregore of the practitioners who apply the doctrines inside this book will aid you in your pursuits if you reach out. Ultimately however, the end-goal is to find your personal daemon, Ahimsa, the Holy Spirit, Ar-Rahman (?), the voice of God within.

    Do as you will either way.

    Cheers :D 

  • Hi, Katy. Since everything I make is a detoxifier, there's no time like the present to get started. Here's what your guides are calling for, in this order of priority:

    • Lumin
    • Purazyme (as Paisios points out)
    • Currents
    • Helios Gold Liquid

    If you continue to smoke, you'll be continuing to add cadmium to your pulmonary system, thus blood stream, thus delivery and storage in your cells, especially the fats. BUT, the combo as given will curtail the accumulations. Cadmium is extremely hard to detox from, so add zinc to your supplementation and, even with smoking, you'll start to chip away at it.

    Here's a couple good resources here on the site to get a nice grasp of these processes and how important they are:

    Welcome aboard! 

    -- Jason

  • Thank you, Paisios, for your informative reply! I clicked on the book link and have already read the forward and acknowledgments and am about to start the first chapter. It is already very thought-provoking.

    I've been getting intuitive hits to buy a foot bath for months now, and plan to finally do so soon. I think I didn't before because I wasn't ready to make the lifestyle changes that would make using a foot bath (or other detox methods) truly useful. But I am now, and I believe that the alchemies, especially Lumin, will help with that--and most of all, will address/ adjust me in relation to/ all the bigger life issues and questions that drove me back to these unhealthy choices in the first place.

    The other info you've sent me, I'm not familiar with, so will be looking into it deeper.

    I've quit smoking three major times in my life (about a year each time) and it is definitely a real push-pull. This time, I've decided to be gentler with myself and accept who and where I am right now. I've learned from various teachers over the past year that judgment = attachment, so I now try to cut out self-judgment as much as possible. Not only in this but across the board. Still... the desire to leave smoking behind for good is evident in the fact that I found this page and community and the alchemies--or they found me(!). It's exciting either way.

    Thank you for your support. I agree that, as you said, "Ultimately however, the end-goal is to find your personal daemon, Ahimsa, the Holy Spirit, Ar-Rahman (?), the voice of God within." That is what we (especially the seekers) are all doing, to greater and lesser degrees and with greater and lesser success at different times. It's one helluva ride and process, isn't it?

    Cheers :D

    Paisios Papapavlou said:

    There's an additional alchemy that is supposed to facilitate the heavy metal detox as well as a foot bath.

    There's also an MD-holder Superbeing who spoke about the process of methylation by using a Zinc with a conjugate acid like Gluconate to aid the heavy metal detox. This has yet to come up in my studies but I believe the guy who said it, do as you feel. 

    Pre-rolled cigarettes are practically laced with various stuff like lead, benzene and cadmium. You're most definitely not getting JUST your nicotine kick... I get that cigarettes are fine companions and smoking is a relief-inducing routine but damn, it definitely makes life harder in one's later years. Changes your voice, inhibits your athletic ability, expensive and so on.

    You needn't cut these things sharp. Allow yourself to advance slowly, seriously, be patient and be prepared for the whole 'back and forthness' of the 'quitting and relapsing cycle'. Every relapse builds your fortitude and informs your total wisdom. :)

     Once you try the Alchemies, some habits will lose their grips on you, it's perfectly natural. 

    I think that's about all I can think of, I wish you all the best and kudos on making steps to the '''right''' direction. 

    On an additional note: suffering is totally optional, seek out this book for an initiation into a 'deeper' esoterica a la right-hand-path. The egregore of the practitioners who apply the doctrines inside this book will aid you in your pursuits if you reach out. Ultimately however, the end-goal is to find your personal daemon, Ahimsa, the Holy Spirit, Ar-Rahman (?), the voice of God within.

    Do as you will either way.

    Cheers :D 

  • Hi Jason. Thank you! I'm so excited to be here!

    I immediately took a screenshot when I read your reply. The distilled, step-by-step advice is something I will be coming back to again and again.

    I'm also about to read the page-link you sent. Thank you so much for what you're doing here, and for sharing it with all those who find it. I found it through your book, which I just read last week (or the week before, time runs together). It was awesome and I forwarded the link to at least three other people as I was reading it. Like you, I adore short and to the point when it comes to the big issues. They are not always easy to master...but they are sure as hell simple!

    I have a lot to digest following your and Paisios' replies. I am definitely going to start with Lumin. I literally felt it calling out to me through the screen on my phone. It is powerful, and it intends--and is going--to work with me; I could sense that just by looking at the photo.

    I have some financial things to clear up in the next few days, but after that, expect a Lumin order from me. Yay!

    I can't wait to look at the other alchemies you listed, too. You said my guides are calling for them in that specific order, and that feels right. I always sense my guides with me, and I talk to them, but I don't always hear them clearly. One of the things I would love to do is to connect with them in a more clear and certain way.

    Many thanks,


    JD Aliix said:

    Hi, Katy. Since everything I make is a detoxifier, there's no time like the present to get started. Here's what your guides are calling for, in this order of priority:

    • Lumin
    • Purazyme (as Paisios points out)
    • Currents
    • Helios Gold Liquid

    If you continue to smoke, you'll be continuing to add cadmium to your pulmonary system, thus blood stream, thus delivery and storage in your cells, especially the fats. BUT, the combo as given will curtail the accumulations. Cadmium is extremely hard to detox from, so add zinc to your supplementation and, even with smoking, you'll start to chip away at it.

    Here's a couple good resources here on the site to get a nice grasp of these processes and how important they are:

    Welcome aboard! 

    -- Jason

  • A longtime member asked some questions about alchemy, still unsure as to its purpose and effect. This was my reply. I post it, yet again, so that we can keep this conversation and knowingness in the forefront of member thoughts. 

    The alchemy I make has three basic purposes, although the guides/controllers for every user will put them to work on any of thousands of tasks. The first purpose is to clear everyone of everything that cannot move into the new energy paradigms. You know how an anchor is light while it's in the water, but heavy once you get it to shore? The new energy paradigms are that shore. It's all the old programming, karmic debts, emotion- and thoughtforms, etc. Everyone comes into this with thousands of those. Those are the types of things that have enabled off-world controllers, like the reptilians, to keep humanity in a closed loop of reincarnation. A better word for that is "recycling." That isn't to say it was never part of the larger scheme, but it's now time for that act to come to a close on the world stage.

    The second main purpose is to give access to this mental construct, Earth, to beings who can better serve this transition by NOT having to take on a gross physical vessel to do their work. So every user of what I make is an access point. My alchemy, because of what I am, makes users access portals for the highest level beings possible. So, in effect, my alchemy is for the world first, and the user second, although the user greatly benefits in terms of what is most needed as set forth by their own guides/controllers/higher selves.

    The third main purpose is to create a group dynamic of users who don't even know they're of the same team. That group becomes a massive vortex for processing all of the sludge dumped from humanity into Earth's meridian system. Very few of the thousands of users of my products are aware they are on a team and being used in this way. They're almost always too busy trying to ascend or "win" the spiritual advancement race.

    It's important to note that things like Ascension were invented to keep people's conscious minds busy with bullshit while the real work takes place. This is pretty much how our ABS training works.

    The clearer the individual, the clearer the group, the clearer the vortex to take that energetic sludge and transmute it.

    As for your life's purpose, like I've said a thousand times, you're living it, and have never NOT been living it.

    All that make sense?

    • This reply was deleted.
      • Katie, I can tell you this without hesitation or reservation. Were you not using the alchemies, you'd be having a much MUCH harder time, physically and mentally, acting in that capacity. 

        I used to tell people all the time: it'll be five, ten, twenty years down the line, and then you'll know you used this stuff.

        Are you back from Burning Man, or is that where the ceremony was?

  • Well, if keeping alchemies and their functions to the forefront of our awareness is a goal, then why not change the 'Welcome' text at the Superbeing's homepage to suit that purpose? It's the first thing anyone sees when they check things out here anyway. Considering that a lot of people might be too shy to voice their concerns in the first place, a reassuring & reaffirming text up there would be especially beneficial. 

    JD Aliix said:

    A longtime member asked some questions about alchemy, still unsure as to its purpose and effect. This was my reply. I post it, yet again, so that we can keep this conversation and knowingness in the forefront of member thoughts. 

  • I ordered Lumin! Can’t wait to get it and start working with it. I am also planning to be on the call that’s happening in 35 minutes, so meet y’all then :).
  • haha  just the other day I put some Crysal in a clear glass of water and froze it.  It formed a beautiful vortex. Which made me realize that after six years of taking alchemy. I must also be some mean cleaning alchemical machine. And no joke about higher beings coming into play.  How funny all the times we host angels unaware.. Also Katy  when I first discovered this place I was trapped in the poppy fields and for me  alchemy means freedom from drama, drugs emotional blackmail no more energy vampires, cant even touch the level I am at. And as you keep going you as your vibe starts going up  everything changes and I went from a broke very unhappy addict to  the person I always was on the inside  a powerful being in my own right, and if you stick with us  Jason  like Morpheus will show you the truth and  when you find out for yourself what it is really all about  you will be so surprised. :)  I am still not over the surprise  :)  but its all good   the only thing you have to lose is all the BS of the world  :) 

  • That sounds wonderful and I can’t wait!!! I can already feel it subtly influencing my life in good ways. It’s like we both know our meeting is nigh. Lol. Thank you for sharing your experience with the alchemy.

    Sandy said:

    haha  just the other day I put some Crysal in a clear glass of water and froze it.  It formed a beautiful vortex. Which made me realize that after six years of taking alchemy. I must also be some mean cleaning alchemical machine. And no joke about higher beings coming into play.  How funny all the times we host angels unaware.. Also Katy  when I first discovered this place I was trapped in the poppy fields and for me  alchemy means freedom from drama, drugs emotional blackmail no more energy vampires, cant even touch the level I am at. And as you keep going you as your vibe starts going up  everything changes and I went from a broke very unhappy addict to  the person I always was on the inside  a powerful being in my own right, and if you stick with us  Jason  like Morpheus will show you the truth and  when you find out for yourself what it is really all about  you will be so surprised. :)  I am still not over the surprise  :)  but its all good   the only thing you have to lose is all the BS of the world  :) 

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