It has been brought to our attention that an immense wave of upshift energy is blooming from within the zeropoint of Earth’s fields and 3D presence on September 2. This wave should last for about 3 days. For those who walk in balance, clear (or at least somewhat clear) of their baggage should feel a radiant warmth, good feelings, and recognize new horizons in the landscape of our hearts and minds. Even those who are only minimally sensitive to energy will feel it. For those who refuse to be raised, who are unaware of the quantity of baggage weighing them down, it could be rough, maybe very rough.

To make this transition as smooth and loving as possible, I’ve been directed to make an alchemy. This alchemy has been sitting in a sealed bottle in the dark for almost a year, just waiting for its time to come along. It arose from the first stages of an alchemical operation I’m not really at liberty to discuss. It contains gold, platinum, indium, and bicarbonate of soda, all in a matrix of tonic water. Until that operation, I had no idea that tonic water had been used by all the great alchemists at some time or another. We’re calling it XWave.

You can get XWave here.


For everyone, it will raise the frequencies of your dense and subtle bodies to match that of the next plateau, even if it takes longer for those who are still not yet cleared of everything that has to go.

For those mostly clear of all that old stuff, XWave will fully incorporate the messaging codes coming through, and will transcribe those instruction sets onto our DNA. It will smooth out any potential of rough waters, and fill us to the brim with the love that is the carrier wave of this signal. It should be noted, that even among the most crystal clear of us, it could still be a little rough, even when using XWave.

For those medium clear of everything that must go, XWave will facilitate the later, delayed reaction, conditions for the full incorporation of what’s described in the paragraph above. It will also smooth out, to varying extent, any roughness or difficulty in the rapid upward ascent.

For those who still pack around lots of baggage, it will do the same facilitation as mentioned in the previous paragraph, and will also do its very best to smooth out the transition, and the difference between using it and not using it could be drastic.


What this alchemy does through us for the planet is of course the higher priority.

Our use of XWave will flow a wide sampling of our own codes blended with the blooming wave into the shared consciousness grid, helping to a high degree to smooth out this upward jolt for everyone on the planet who wants to progress, even factoring in how small our group is. For those who don’t want that, those who are stuck in the status quo, it could get pretty rough. There isn’t anyone who won’t feel this on some level. An accelerated portion of people will exit the plane.

This all came out of the clear blue, and so we weren’t prepared for it. Therefore, for our international friends, get it as soon as possible so that you can receive it prior to the “bloomination” (I like that new word!). Even if you don’t receive it in time, just ordering it will help. Plus, of course, it will capture the surge’s “genetics” and help with everything afterwards. The full effect of this wave, as it unfolds in 3D, will continue for months.

Of note, it could be the death knell of the Donald Trump administration. It remains to be seen. He himself will be at a semi-conscious choice-point for his own life, affairs, and how he conducts himself, both as a man, husband and father, and as a figure on the world stage. What he does in the coming weeks will be big for him. I project at the very least we'll witness his already wobbling house of cards trending towards a more precipitous tremor. This isn't a judgment - he's made his own bed, and although it's already smoldering, it could burst into flames.

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  • Hey Cheryl,

    I am not sure that Jason knows about the Event but I don't think it's the same thing. I don't know if I buy the Event narrative that I have heard from the QHHT folks. It feels like it there could be some truth to it but maybe the sessions were people viewing things from an astral perspective or energetic perspective and not a earth material level one? 

    I don't know what to make of all those sessions about the event or people channeling Deloros about the Event bc these are potentially people that could have been feeding themselves a diet of Event sessions and maybe they are just channeling a fantasy whereas the Deloros Cannon sessions and books where people were dissassociated  and talking about certain things were often not educated on the things they were channeling which lends them more credibility in my eyes. 

  • I think Mary has mentioned to me that the instant ascension wish-fulfillment crowd has shifted their collective wish to some spectacular event that will change all the world in the blink of an eye or something like that? Like Christians, they seem to need dates to replace 2012. I think David Wilcock is still pitching that spiel. Maybe you could point me at an article or channeling or something?

    In any case, this isn't that. I doubt anybody in the new age world even knows about what we're being told.

    I think it's important to make clear my view of things. The potential of a "blink-of-an-eye" shift is real, but everything is based on probabilities, just as quantum mechanics, through 120 years of testing, has firmly established. Right now, such an event has a low probability. There are many reasons, but two of the top of the list are:

    1. this world is far from ready for it (half the world still kills people for being gay)

    2. it requires a critical mass of participants to be on a certain level of awareness

    Both time and the expansion of awareness are speeding up exponentially, which makes it hard to project. Just enjoy the ride, and when Imagi is in full swing, we'll be doing some bigtime work to nudge it along.


  • This hasn't been the first time I heard something regarding Mr. Trump in the near future and him being "shaken". I believe he's been doing a good job so far and hope he can make it through whatever turbulence that may be coming. Considering the political climate these days I trust I haven't doomed myself by admitting support for him here...

  • Kinda curious but what is it you support about him and on what would you say he has done a good job ? What is his appeal?  I really want to know how people come to those conclusions. I know you are not the only one around who thinks that way and I gotta know the answer. 

    I'll recommend for viewing, the documentary The Great Hack. It's on Netflix and it's really good. It's pretty interesting and it's not so far into it presenting itself as right or left just "this is how your data is being used to shape your reality, your opinions."

    It's a good question to ask.  How do you know if you support a candidate or a president when everything you see and hear and read is being spun on a bias carefully crafted for you and bought and paid for by the person who wants to be in power?  I think the word that keeps rising is exploitation. It's like is it a genuine  connection/relationship if the person who approaches you already knows how to tailor themselves to make you like them? 

    Or is that something that ultimately does not really bother people? On one hand facebook provides me a stunningly accurate black hole of exquisite shopping choices. They know what I like. And that disturbs me and amuses me at the same time. 

    Everything is an ad now. People are brands. Consumers are consumable. Humans are products. You are a commodity. Your information, your essence is not yours. Your won over opinion was designed based on carefully extracted study on your personality and your emotional triggers. They crafted a good advertisement  tailor made to your upbringing ,whether your are center, or left or right, your demographic, your salary, your facebook feed sensibilities, they exploit your hopes, dreams, desires, fears, prejudices, and mine your private feelings and won your support to whatever they wanted to mold you to want and that has made someone very very wealthy. What a game!

  • I'm not so sure this is the best place to get into this. This being an announcement thread and the subject matter doesn't feel appropriate for what this site is about. If you'd like to discuss this I'm all ears in a PM or if Jason is ok with creating a discussion about this in the forum.

  • Y'all may also want to check out The Minds of Men documentary by Melissa and Aaron Dykes of Truthstream Media

    And if you want more info on the roots of propaganda, here's a good video called Meet Edward Bernays, Master of Propaganda:

  • We do not have to give up our essence. I am a sovereign being and I do not consent to being manipulated.


    I AM ETERNAL, embodied at the moment inside of the human skin/body suit, and am “created” by the Infinite, Immortal Creator of ALL THAT IS.

    I claim all rights as such, and FULLY RESERVE them for my living being, while having NO EARTH BOUND AUTHORITY standing between my living being and Prime Creator unless designated by my conscious and fully informed consent.

    There is NO tacit consent anywhere present in my life, ever!

    Consent for everything must be asked for, the reason and situation explained to me completely, and terms negotiated which are fully current and up to date, before any consent can be assumed or presumed.

    And so it is!  

  • And...

    Right on Mary and thank you Cheryl. ❤️❤️

    Love you Terry.

  • Anybody who is awake is sickened by Trump. Those who are truly awake see the bigger picture, and thus his role for what it truly is. In that way, for the truly awake, the nausea is by and large eradicated because we can look upon Trump and know what he is (soon to be was) really for.

    On a 3D level, which represents less than 1% of the EM light spectrum (see Cheryl’s graphic), he hasn't done anything at all to label as a good job. However, he's been spectacularly successful at dividing the country (and even world) and fomenting hate, discord and divisiveness. Those are his successes and what he'll be remembered for. Politically, the only good job he's done is to force the Conservative and Religious Right Agenda upon the country and world, which is trying to turn US governance into a Christian-centralized power structure, and to once again do everything in its power to oppress women. What's scary (were I in fact capable of fear) is how close they've come, although everything they've done will eventually be reversed or overturned.

    What they didn’t plan for, however, and which was the real purpose for their maneuvers and machinations to begin with, was to piss women off and cause them to come out of the woodwork and begin their campaign to take over. So, as I’m always illustrating, the “bad guys” are always - like literally nonstop - doing things to cause the “good guys” to move ahead on the most-needed path. Empowering women is at the top of the list of deployments to accelerate this transition and restore the Earth Holodeck to a more nurturing way of being.

    But he's a dichotomy, his position, his role. He was the first president since before and after Carter to not be a hand-puppet for the World Machine since Lincoln. Hilary was well liked, constantly harped on “children’s causes,” but she's a card-carrying member of that organism of organisms, and like it or not she's in fact linked to the child sex-trafficking rings for which Jeffrey Epstein is presently in jail and for which he will soon be tried on literally countless counts. They're close friends. That whole thing's going to blow the lid off a cascade of indictments that could eventually see heads of state, corporate giants, and royal families be indicted for kiddy porn, institutional child abuse and sex trafficking. All part of the Great Disclosure, which is happening all around you if you know how to see it. But I digress.

    Trump's election threw a major wrench into the gears of the World Machine, upsetting a lot of really bad people. That one event, his election, cleaved a gap in their erstwhile impenetrable wall and loosened their grip on control. For that, we have him and the Electoral College to thank, on bent knee. But he’s served his purpose and will be ejected from office upon the next election. They won’t impeach because that basically pre-absolves him of his crimes, and there is a very good chance charges will be put before a grand jury to consider indictment after he’s no long president. Which of his crimes to start with will themselves be hotly debated, provided anybody wants to waste energy bringing him to justice.

    As for the Corporate Hydra that steers the First World’s perceptions around, and like Mary says turning people into the “product,” that has two sides to it. One side: it’s awful and exploitative and dystopian, and nightmarish. The other side: it’s bit-by-bit causing the people of the world to function more in unison. This is the very reason social media was and will continue to be installed. To get people to see and function as one. We see birds and fish all flying and swimming, their paths in absolute unison. They’re doing it according to the rhythms of nature. Humans are doing it because powerful and smart people are pulling their strings.  

    So, while the Machine uses it for exploitation, the Machine itself is coming apart and will eventually go away from our timeline, leaving their apparatuses in place. That means they’re installing systems now which will give way to the people of the selfless path to function more and more in unison, as a single undivided people (and mind). That has to happen before Galactic Management will let Earth join the galactic governance, statecraft and diplomacy table. Galactic Management, some very high-level beings and close friends and loved ones of mine, doesn’t give one iota of care about how the eventuality of global oneness comes about, mainly because on their level, many of the world’s most powerful “bad” people are just Galactic Management in bodies carrying out roles with a high degree of skill and professionalism.

    So, once again, we have the Dark to thank for spending all that money and committing all that energy to develop the systems we will eventually modify to be optimized for the selfless path. If you want to know why Earth had to be a melting pot to blend all this incredibly diverse DNA and its ancient patterns of behaviors, just ask and I’ll do another essay, but it's discussed a bit in Lyssa Royal's The Prism of Lyra.

    We of course are here to help balance and clear things as much as we possibly can, and as frequently as we possibly can. It’s up to us, and only us, to keep ourselves clear of the programming. I’ll give an example: if you have not done clearing work for advertising, you have imprinted upon you, your fields, secreted away deep in your psychography, every ad you’ve ever seen or heard or read since the day you were born. All the Machine has to do is send through codes to trigger those hidden “ad modules” to catalyze the designed responses and perceptual agenda. They do it all the time, through every form of media – especially, believe it or not, through weather reporting outlets (it shouldn’t be a mystery, it’s one of the most oft-checked media types consumed). So, if you want to be free of all that advertising, put Imagi to work. Anybody who’s been through the full course of our alchemy, however, is already clear of it. It would take Imagi a month to rid you of it, so deeply ingrained and well-hooked is it all, and it would probably take at least 3 sessions, and probably more like 5.

    Now let’s swing this little diatribe back onto Trump. While the morally indignant might look down their noses at the hate and divisiveness he’s helped to engender by being such a polarizing figure, in the larger scheme the highest priority on this planet is to get people to make the selfless:selfish choice. Everything we do places that imperative at the top of the list. If you want to know what you’re purpose is, I’ll tell you, and it’s two-sided: 1) to help clear, balance and smooth out this transition, and 2) to help create the conditions for native Earth humans to make the selfish:selfless choice. If you were in your deity mind, looking down on an incredibly complex game board (and that is exactly what Earth is), how would you do it? You’d get together with your creative team and come up with circumstances that can be implemented to cause people, en masse, to make that choice. The more heated and tumultuous the global circumstances to deploy, the more it is in the forefront of the collective attention, and the more rapidly the choice is caused to be made. In that light, heated divisiveness is a most potent tool to cause people to make that choice. We wonder how Trumpians could be so completely catatonic about the mind-bogglingly stupid and insensitive things he says and does, but consider in a very concrete way that it was a method to cause them to make the choice, and to therefore prepare to live the next 1000 embodiments with that choice, whichever one it is. To do that, to successfully pull that off, they have to be hypnotized and myopic and hateful in their perception of things. 

    Everything the alt-right agenda is trying to do is basically to reinstate everything that oppresses and controls (see the abortion debate and the alt-right’s dogged desire to limit women’s choices). That is the Dark Forces, the World Machine, simply implementing “recruiting strategies” to steer “souls” into the dystopian world for their next 1000 embodiments. If you are someone who agrees with the oppression of minorities, the renewed subjugation of women, that whites are God’s chosen, then you have made the selfish choice to move onto the dystopian path that awaits about 40% of the planet’s native DNA population. You ever wonder why so many dystopian movies seem to be filled with white characters? (Nobody reading this will have had the need to make that choice, however. You did that millions of years ago.) Once again, I personally can only thank an Immense Mind for maneuvering a buffoon like Trump into that role, and so astoundingly important was that role and every effect which has cascaded from it and will continue to for decades to come.

    As for sovereignty – the equation goes like this: sovereignty = awareness. The degree of one’s sovereignty is directly proportionate to one’s degree of awareness. That’s why the world is run on secrecy, because so long as you keep it hidden from the people, they can’t aspire to sovereignty. I am absolutely sovereign simply because I’m the most awake person (undivided perceptual unit, or UPU) in the room. If sovereignty is your objective, then wake the hell up.

    The beauty of having awareness on this nearly unlimited scale is that you get to see things from both the eyes of a demi-god and the eyes of the human which was birthed from that demi-god. It’s fabulous! Wondrous! Head-shakingly astonishing to witness this game being played, and to be integral with it. It’s the best TV series ever, replete with characters who’re clueless what they’re really for, and yet deserve, each and every one of them, an Oscar for their performance, Trump especially. In his case, what is funnier and more endearing than a court jester who thinks he’s been invited to a State Dinner for his rapier wit, monumental intelligence, and conversational skills? And yet in reality, he was invited to dinner to play a role about which he is as oblivious as he could possibly be, a necessary trait for that role.

    It’s the very definition of the Court Fool, and yet in the largest view, the Court Fool is often the most potent role on the stage. 



  • Huzza Jason! Excellent essay. You have a knack for making me smile as I contemplate and reflect.

    Please do write one up on the DNA melting pot. And yes! Everyone, read The Prism of Lyra if you haven't already.

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