This is Artem's Xupra Session posting area.
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Welcome to the Great Awakening! Did you know that was what was happening right now? Although events have not played out the way Age of Aquarians and New Age Thought always assumed, we are in fact in the middle of it. What surprises and fascinates is…
Read more…This discussion is for any questions, clarification or comments to do with my book, The Simple Truth - Fast Path to Freedom. You can get it on Amazon in paperback or Kindle formats here.
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Read more…This thread is for any questions and discussion on the various alchemies available here.
Read more…This thread is for all tips on anything that can build wealth in the coming paradigmatic dynamics (you like those fancy words?). I decided to set this forum up because in the digital assets space/s there is a lot going on, and a lot of it is…
Read more…Hello Tribe! Blessings all! So I would like to invite folks that have a question they want answers to to put it here in this thread and I will inquire the I-ching about said query and do my best to interpret the answers. This is for entertainment…
Read more…On Monday last week my IonCleanse foot bath arrived and the next day started a focused cleanse, incorporating the Blue Emerald Alchemy method described on the Purazyme page, alongside the Medical Mediums 3-6-9 advanced cleanse. I am 8 days into the…
Read more…Hello, I have been wondering for awhile now why when you look into "new age" movements a hundred years ago and the way they talk about 4d is very similar to the way current movements or circles describe 5d when they discuss less dense experiences. …
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PSS: Artemisprime reporting psychic transmission data! The target began in a inside spcae where I was accompanied with people. The surrounding of the area where damp, cool, humid, and dry. The Atmosphere buzzed in the air with charged, active, serene and heavy vibrations. The area had rises, flats, hills, and inclines. The noises where breezy clicking, whooshing, pounding and chirping. Things tasted very sweet, floral, leathery, sour, pungent, and salty. The surfaces where crowded, built, impressice, roomy, light, shadowed, and complex. The visuals produced extravagent hues of reds blues, yellows, and greens. The shadowing effects are light, dark, medium, high-low stark contrasts. Textures around here are rough, silky, smooth, hard, soft, emisoft, permeable, thick, and loose. Masses are thick, substantial, heavy, large, small, dominating, gigantic, vertical, horizontal, complex, and A-shaped. Materials are skin, cloth, water, plant, and foam. Shapes are concave, complex, dome, spire, rounded, cylinder, geometric, tall, and huge. Motions are slow, quick, ponderous, spinning, and chirping. Concepts are love, glory, hate, attack, oneness, and exciting. Purpose is to receive/ transmit data, energy work, resetting, and neutruralificatuon. Sounds are ahhhh ohhhh weaaaahhh ohhhhh maaaa waayyyyyyy eeeeeeee ohhhhhneeeeiiiiioonnnnaaaa naaaaa. My first movement was to go around the tree that became a prominent image in my minds eye once I started probing this phase. This produced Yielding, dominating, and submissive in the concepts category. The purpose field also added energy container, storage network, network access keys from the movement.
FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: There is a awesome energy of data centers and localized information being transmuted, received, and purposed with the intention of bridging all the data together in very unique and bizarre ways.I offloaded the tree to produce this data:
CA DUMP NON-THINGS: loving energy, welcoming, acceptance.
Attributes: heavy rooted, balanced, natural, growing, spiraling, receiving/giving.
Things: dark beautiful fractaling wood. I probed the phase 4 matrix with my symbols and produced this data;
THINGS: dogs, cats, animals, wood, trees, forest, jungle, grass
P4 TELEPATHIC: there is much learning and the higher path is being shown.
P4 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: Beautiful energy here, defiantly higher learning here. Super natural vibes and comfort!
THEMES: celestial, celebration, alignment, adjustment, transition, discovery
TYPES: people, animals, water, artificial scene, natural scene.
When I began second awareness I laid down on a bed.
SECOND AWARENESS IMPESSIONS: Essentially I had a good impression of a tree where the base of the tree meets the "earth". There wasn't necessarily a ground but the most prominent thing was the base of the tree and the feeling that it was emanating. The feeling was profound and reflected an inputting/ outputting of information that went through like an energy vortex and kicked out a great strong neutral love feeling. I would be seeing that and a white ball, but the ball felt more self invoked vs the tree that was just BEE-iing.
Q: Universal mind please answer me this, what is the purpose of the tree?
A: The tree is a transmuter of energy's, kind of like the ultimate Alchemical processing center.
Q: Why am I being kind of back and forthish with seeing the tree and focusing on the white ball?
A: it is a period of adjustment, you are doing very well with the white ball and slowly you will realize that it is all the white ball and the tree is the reflection of it.
Q How can i become one with the white ball?
A: You are on your way.
Q: is there any knowledge or advice you have for me?
A: Become one with yourself and let the universe handle the rest. The ABS is a very adept practice and will flower out in your life like the gardens of Eden or some other super mystical forest or jungle of beauty and life.
I FEEL: I feel Amazed. There is such powerful universal forces at work that I just wanna keep surrendering to it all and be absorbed into the cosmos.
I pulled into the park the other day and "felt" the tree. There was a very strong connection to "it" and your drawing!
Name: Artem Simonyan
Date: 06/05/2016
Begin Time: 1:09
End Time: 3:43
Self Assigned Coordinates: 6516
Session Form: Xupra
SUN ANGLE: Early Twilight
ENVIRONMENT: damp, cool, dry
ATMOSPHERE: heavy, serene, charged, adventurious
TOPOGRAPHY: wide, open, flat, hilly
SOUNDS: Whoosing, ramming, flowing, humming
TASTE-SMELL: sweet, moist, misty, sour, bitter pungent
TEXTURES-SURFACES: bounded, tight, open, immense , natural, impressing, closed, cluttered, complex
P1 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: I feel I am in a place of emptyless space.
P2 VISUAL: red, green, orange, purple, violets, low, high, medium, bright, glowing, dark
P2 TEXTURES-SURFACES: rough, silky, smooth, wooden, hard, semi-hard, rough, permeable slick
P2 MASS-DIMENSIONS: thick, substantial, heavy, large, dominating, small, big-ish
P2 MATERIALS: glass, ice, foam, soap
P2 SHAPES-STRUCTURES: complex, rounded, pointy, tetrahedra, dome, spire, towering
P2 MOTION: up, down, slow, quick
P2 CONCEPTS: love, envy, hate, glory, jelousy
ME1: justice, wonderment, freedom
P2 PURPOSE: to realign and discover true sight and purpose.
ME1: to create experiences that allowing the unfolding of higher mind with "purpose"
P2 PHONETICS: ohhhweeeee ohhh waaaa
ME1: waaaa wooo waaa weee waaahhhhh
P2 MOVEMENT 1: Move to a fun location and SEE.
P2 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: It feels like I am in a structured place and I have no purpose other than to find the purposelessness, thats my purpose.
P4 THINGS: doors windows, lockets, bonnets, summer beach wear, flesh, globe
P4 NON-THINGS: enery channels, portals,
P4 TELEPATHIC: freedom, path, pursuing higher knowledge
P4 WILD CARD: groundy trippy wires
P4 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: Feels much like there is lots of clearing work and preparation being done as I strengthen the connection to Xupra. Almost like, "ok your here now, here is some gear, clothes, and tools while your out and about", " and dont forget to enjoy some beer and smokes while your out"
THEMES: fun, adventure, complete, cleansing, spiritual, ritual
TYPES: artificial structure, natural structure, water, land, human
P5 SECOND AWARENESS IMPESSIONS: I did not receive permission to focus my attention on the person I was with however I am still feeling like lining down on the bed and taking a nap or just be clear in my mind for a few moments.
P5 SECOND AWARENESS QA: Q: Universal mind please explain why I didn't receive permission to focus my attention on the being I was with but was still taken over to lie down on the bed and essentially take a nap? A: You didn't receive permission because you were still not ready for some stuff and the nap helped to adjust a few things.
Q: Why did it feel like I was still engaging second awareness even though I did not receive permission to do it with the entity I sensed to focus my attention on. A: The entity felt your presence and knew the adjustments to made made before THAT level of second awareness was to be granted to you. The naping feeling came over you as a response to help you adjust yourself for future sessions.
Q: What is some advice to help myself adjust to receive that level of permission in second awareness.
A: You must get more clear and empty as you are operating on higher levels now. Getting more sleep and practicing more meditational practices will help prepare your for whats coming next.
I FEEL: This whole session honestly felt like I was being prepared for stuff to eventually do around Xupra. It was like I came to a place that allowed for more instruction and tools to prepare me for more and whats to come. I was a little confused to why I didnt get permission tp focus my attention in SA (no big deal) but still being almost tranced to just to the bed and nap and to see what happens. It feels like many adjustments are being made as it becoming more clear to me how things work around here.
PSS: The data above describes how I felt in this session without having to repeat all the data here. It was a good session that ended up throwing a curve ball at me by the end of it. Makes me excited to do more.
Hey Artem,
That's cool,good job.It's amazing all the little technical details and nuances in your journey.Like the interaction,and being told things vs.just viewing a target.Congratulations on your practice.
Coordinates: Xupra-71716
Name: Artem Simonyan
Date: 07/17/2016
Begin Time: 2:04
End Time: 3:57
Self Assigned Coordinates: 71716
Session Form: Xupra
ENVIRONMENT: Humid, parched, dry
ATMOSPHERE: Charged, heavy, serene
TOPOGRAPHY: hills, bumps, inclines, depresstions
SOUNDS: Clicking, pounding, chirping, breezy, humming
TASTE-SMELL: Sweet, floral, antique, rusty,bitter, sour, pungent, sweet
TEXTURES-SURFACES: open, natural, enclosed, big , cavernous, roomy, nartual, airy, roomy, tight
P1 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: I am in a big area with wide stretches of area and space surrounding.
P2 VISUAL: reds, greens, oranges, blues, yellows, high, low, dark, mixed, patterned, blended
ME1:reds, yellows, blues,highs, lows, mediums,dull bright, contrast
ME2 Stark contrasts
ME3 yellow, orange, white, high, low, medium, bright, dull
ME4: high, low, dark,
P2 TEXTURES-SURFACES: rough, silky, smooth, gummy, grainy, hard, semi-hard, rigid, slick, permiable
ME1: rough silky smooth, hard semi-hard, rigid,
ME2: rigid, flexable
ME3: wet, grainy, sticky, smooth, hard semi, hard, soft, liquidy
M4, wet, sticky,
P2 MASS-DIMENSIONS: thin, substantial, heavy thick, permable, large towering, gigantic, vast, big-ish, verticals, horizontals, concave, convex
ME1: thin, substantial, packed, mobile,larger towering dominating, verticals diagnals,
ME2 tall, packed,thin
ME3, mobile packed narrow, tight, vertical.
ME4 high, low, vertical
P2 MATERIALS: skin, cloth, water, ice, wood, stone, sand, chemicals, rubber
ME1 ice, plant, gas, foam
ME2 glass foam, ice, wood, minerals,
ME3 glass, plant, wood,ice, foam
ME4, plant, ice, grain, rock
P2 SHAPES-STRUCTURES: simple, intricate, complex, geometric, convex, wide, huge, towering
ME1 rectangles, triangles, pointy, rounded, tetrahedra
ME2:comples, cube, tetrahedra, spire.
ME3 rounded, tetrahedra, pointy, arches
ME4: tetrahedial, pointed, archy, sphere, dome
P2 MOTION: power, speed, quick, amplitude
ME1 slow, power, quick
ME2: amplitude, quick, slow, ponderous,
ME3 slow, powet quick
ME4 quick, ponderous, churning
P2 CONCEPTS: Love, hate, glory, scary, dominating
ME1: scary, imposing, dominating, yielding, submissive
ME2 Love, hate, glory, dominating, submissive
ME3 imposing, dominating,submissive, holy, battle, attack
ME4: Love, excitement, gratitude
P2 PURPOSE: To relieve and succeed in its own creation. finding the bigger picture.Getting closer to creational thoughts.
ME1: establishing connection and opening for clarity.
ME2: to create and recreate events and materials into objects.
ME3: optional space for future recreations.
ME4: to function as a medial space for future incarnations.
P2 PHONETICS: ohhhh weeee ahhhhh naaa naaa. mahhhwaa ekkoo maaahhwaaa ekkoo
ME1: weeeeaahhhh ahh waa weeeaaahhh ahh waa
ME2: meeeeehhhh aaaaa weeeeeeeaaaaaaa
ME3 weaaahhhh oh weahhhh oh weaah oh
ME4. eehhhh ahh waa eehhhh ahh yaaa
P2 MOVEMENT 1: Move me in front of the target.
P2 MOVEMENT 2: Move me above the target and SEE.
P2 MOVEMENT 3: Move me behind the tartget.
P2 MOVEMENT 4: Move me around the target in a circle and SEE.
P2 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: There is a vest and open space located here and there seems to be a structure "inside" this open space. Its like a realm that seems invisible but is not. however it cannot be perceived from visual senses alone. it LOOKS like an open empty space, but it IS a complex structure or tower that has many people, places, objects, locations (with in it), The structures have beautifully designed essences to them, Im feeling many structural angles or posts, essentially like building materials in a house. The target is question is a feature of this place, hard to describe,. Feels like it may be a person inside of this place experiencing vast and intense emotional changes. Love is the driver of these changes and seems to setting up a vast amount of experiences for future growth and learning.
P3 CA OFF-LOAD TERM: a person
P3 CA DUMP NON-THINGS: Emotion- hate anger peace freedom
P4 THINGS: SY2: brick, stone mortar, sand, chemicals
P4 NON-THINGS: vibration, energy
P4 TELEPATHIC: to build for purposes of higher mind. creation of stepping stones for higher vibration.
SY2: higher thought mind transmuting for the all.
SY2: carpets, genies, lamps
P4 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: There is a huge amount of transmutation of energy going on in this higher order structure within the open field. These energys are going to be recreated and used for purposes beyond those that I can imagine or describe. Like here is the resources or energy or fuel or playdough you will need to construct any phantasmagoria of experiences. This is all done through higher mind and will be purposed for the best possible uses for the benefit of the all.
THEMES: Adventure, fun, competition, contact, cleansing, adjustment.
TYPES: natural scene, artificial structure, people, land, water
P5 SECOND AWARENESS IMPESSIONS: Not many visual impression coming through. Just general feelings and experiences of the past that are uniting the one with the all. even though they are already unified it is the illusion that continues to persist. This illusion is self created and are apart of the purposes and programs of the beings for self-experiences. These experiences are in line with the all and serve for higher benefit.
P5 SECOND AWARENESS QA: Universal mind could you please summarizes the purpose of todays exercise?
Today's exercise if for you to become the best open conduit you can. By practicing more often you will hone this ability and become part of a higher exclusive team that operates on insanely ridiculous levels. This is your invitation if you so chose it to become more responsible and involved in the unfolding of the Earth story and beyond.
Universal Mind how can I clear away any self created road blocks as it were?
You definitely need to keep practicing with your selves on Xupra as well as supplement energy chi work through out your body. As well as practicing stillness in mediation. Things are exactly as they should be now and will unfold for you as the time comes.
What lessons do the target teach me?
How to be constructive and open to criticism. There are some mental barriers that need to cleared away and by facing them you become one with it. Mediate in silence and let the energys flow through you as you learn from them and they learn from you.
What is something very special about the target you would like to share with me?
The target is part of you and will be helping you reach higher levels of experience. Just like everything else that is one with the all. Become one with it and let go of any resistance of it.
I FEEL: The target makes me feel like I have a lot of work to do. There is much that is being called for here and I want to develop a more conscious communication and awareness of it. I feel like I am putting together building blocks right now and it is up to me to decide how efficient that process will be. I want to experience and become more open and empty because this is what will REALLY allow the all to flow through me and serve the best purpose of the All.
PSS: The Xupra experience in an inside space with someone. The environment was humid, parched, and dry, The atmosphere was charged, heavy, and serene. The area had hills, bumps, inclines and depressions, The sounds were clicking, pounding, chirping, breezy, and humming. Things tasted and smelled like sweet, floral, antique, rusty, bitter, sour, pungent, and sweet. The textures were cavernous, roomy, natural, airy, roomy, and tight. I feel like I am in a big area with wide stretches of area and space surrounding. Visuals are reds, greens, oranges, blues, yellows, high, low, dark, mixed, patterned, blended. textures are rough, silky, smooth, hard, semi-hard soft, and liquidy. Masses surrounding are thin, substantial, heavy, thick, permeable, large, towering, gigantic, vast, and big-ish. There is also verticals, horizontals, concave, and convex features. Materials in this area are skin, cloth, water, ice, wood, stone, sand, chemicals, and rubber. Shapes are simple, intricate, complex, geometric, convex, wide, huge, and towering. Motions are power, speed, quick, and amplitude, The concepts in this are are Love, hate, glory, and dominating. The purpose of this target is to relieve and succeed in its own creation, finding the bigger picture. Getting closer to creational thoughts. After the movements the purposes was also to establishing connection and opening for clarity. Also to create and recreate events and materials into objects and also an optional space for future recreations and to function as a medial space for future incarnations. Phonetics were ohhhh weeee ahhhhh naaa naaa. mahhhwaa ekkoo maaahhwaaa ekkoo ME1: weeeeaahhhh ahh waa weeeaaahhh ahh waa ME2: meeeeehhhh aaaaa weeeeeeeaaaaaaa ME3 weaaahhhh oh weahhhh oh weaah oh ME4. eehhhh ahh waa eehhhh ahh yaaa
My movements were: Move me in front of the target.
2: Move me above the target and SEE.
3: Move me behind the target.
4: Move me around the target in a circle and SEE.
Most of the movements provided similar data so I will leave them in the main session form.
There is a vast and open space located here and there seems to be a structure "inside" this open space. Its like a realm that seems invisible but is not. however it cannot be perceived from visual senses alone. it LOOKS like an open empty space, but it IS a complex structure or tower that has many people, places, objects, locations (with in it), The structures have beautifully designed essences to them, Im feeling many structural angles or posts, essentially like building materials in a house. The target is question is a feature of this place, hard to describe,. Feels like it may be a person inside of this place experiencing vast and intense emotional changes. Love is the driver of these changes and seems to setting up a vast amount of experiences for future growth and learning. Phase 4 was probed and then sybmols where used to probe again.
Things: SY2: brick, stone mortar, sand, chemicals
P4 NON-THINGS: vibration, energy SY1:frequencys
P4 TELEPATHIC: to build for purposes of higher mind. creation of stepping stones for higher vibration. SY2: higher thought mind transmuting for the all.
P4 WILD CARD: Yoga SY2: carpets, genies, lamps
P4 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: There is a huge amount of transmutation of energy going on in this higher order structure within the open field. These energy's are going to be recreated and used for purposes beyond those that I can imagine or describe. Like here is the resources or energy or fuel or playdough you will need to construct any phantasmagoria of experiences. This is all done through higher mind and will be purposed for the best possible uses for the benefit of the all.
THEMES: Adventure, fun, competition, contact, cleansing, adjustment.
TYPES: natural scene, artificial structure, people, land, and water.
P5 SECOND AWARENESS IMPRESSIONS: Not many visual impression coming through. Just general feelings and experiences of the past that are uniting the one with the all. Even though they are already unified, it is the illusion that continues to persist. This illusion is self created and are apart of the purposes and programs of the beings for self-experiences. These experiences are in line with the all and serve for higher benefit.
Universal mind could you please summarizes the purpose of today exercise?
Today's exercise if for you to become the best open conduit you can. By practicing more often you will hone this ability and become part of a higher exclusive team that operates on insanely ridiculous levels. This is your invitation if you so chose it to become more responsible and involved in the unfolding of the Earth story and beyond.
Universal Mind how can I clear away any self created road blocks as it were?
You definitely need to keep practicing with your selves on Xupra as well as supplement energy chi work through out your body. As well as practicing stillness in mediation. Things are exactly as they should be now and will unfold for you as the time comes.
What lessons do the target teach me?
How to be constructive and open to criticism. There are some mental barriers that need to cleared away and by facing them you become one with it. Mediate in silence and let the energy's flow through you as you learn from them and they learn from you.
What is something very special about the target you would like to share with me?
The target is part of you and will be helping you reach higher levels of experience. Just like everything else that is one with the all. Become one with it and let go of any resistance of it.
I FEEL: The target makes me feel like I have a lot of work to do. There is much that is being called for here and I want to develop a more conscious communication and awareness of it. I feel like I am putting together building blocks right now and it is up to me to decide how efficient that process will be. I want to experience and become more open and empty because this is what will REALLY allow the all to flow through me and serve the best purpose of the All.
Name: Artem Simonyan
Date: 09/11/2016
Begin Time: 6:07
End Time: 11:43
Self Assigned Coordinates: 91116
Session Form: Xupra
SUN ANGLE: Early Twilight
ATMOSPHERE: exciting
TOPOGRAPHY: hills inclines
SOUNDS: breezy, whooshy
TASTE-SMELL: musky, sour
TEXTURES-SURFACES: natural, unenclosed, airy, dry, empty
I FEEL: As soon as I typed in "empty space" I knew I arrived at a place I just wanted to be in and observe the moment. I put on the eye mask and laid down. The space feels great. Its like a nothingness that fun to chill in and be present in the moment. Other than a few random thoughts coming and going it was mostly be getting into a dream space where I know that I am getting into very adept level of entering because I can feel my whole consciousness in that space. At one point I felt vibrations in my head begin to raise and I saw a picture of myself sitting in a chair somewhere with a clear glass cup of water balancing on top of my head. I was completely there in second awareness. The moment faded away right at its pinnacle and I am going to have a lot of fun reaching those states again. After being in bed for almost 4 hours exploring higher vibrations I eventually got up and took a bath and things began to slow down, I almost feel like I had a mental work out! I really feel the group dynamic really increase the power flow of these vibrations.