We will be having a gathering the weekend of August 21, 2017, for the total solar eclipse. We'll be camping on private property near Humphrey, Idaho, and then driving South around 30 miles to get into the totality shadow. This is going to be a big deal, the biggest celestial event yet in these modern times of rapid transition. We'll be beginning to gather on the property on Saturday, August 19, and we'll be staying till Tuesday afternoon, August 22.

Directions to our campsite:

PLEASE USE YOUR ODOMETER. Can't stress that enough. 

Go to Dubois, Idaho, which is 275 miles north of SLC. North of Dubois, Idaho, is Spencer, Idaho. 3.8 miles north of Spencer is the Stoddard campground Exit. Take it. At the bottom of the ramp, check your odometer or zero out a trip meter. Go right and look for the sign "West Camas Creek 10 Miles.' That goes onto a very nice gravel and dirt road. 14.5 miles (give or take a half mile depending on how accurate everybody's odometer is) along that road is Alan Canyon, which is not too far past the Steel Creek Campground turnoff. Allan Canyon has a sign. 1500 feet up that road is the spot. I'll put out a sign that says TSB Eclipse.

I understand that starting on Friday they're going to make I-15 Southbound into a northbound, which should help a lot. But it might be smart to have an alternate route mapped out.

There are going to be a lot of people up here, but I think Dubois will have gas until the end of the weekend. Not sure about that, though. I think I would continually check for available gas all the way north, for instance in Tremonton, then Malad, then whatever's next. I think I would look up 'convenience store [next city]' and call them to see if they're open and have gas. If you're able to gas up in Malad, you really only have about 200 miles to go.

There's a creek running through the camp. One of our members has purification in mind, but it might be as simple as iodine, the taste for which I don't like. If it were me, I'd bring enough for a gallon a day. Nighttime lows will be mid-40s, but while we're up very nice mid-50s. Sweatshirt and shorts for me. Daytime will be cool to almost hot. But bring rain gear and plenty of layers. It can change fast.

Our spot is beautiful, spacious with plenty of shade, and Monday night's party will be one of the best parties in the history of the world.



  BUT! We plan on making lighting vibes with fairy lights and lasers of a beautiful nature so we shall be illuminated in a different sort of way. So, if you must have smores perhaps your propane stove will suffice. 

They might be enforcing bear safety food storage, which means we'll have to keep coolers in cars, OR in certified Storage containers. And if you don't want your car torn into by a bear at night then the trick is to take the coolers way off into the forest and let them have it. Obviously, during the day, there's no problem.

Having said all that, I give bear sightings about 1 in 1,000 odds. We are thinking it's not so much bears as Rangers that we will be concerned about. As not having the cooler properly stores is a potential citation. 

The way around it?

To bring dry goods to eat, which can be hung high on a pole in 5-gallon buckets. Backpacking food is a great option but a little pricey. I think as long as you keep coolers in cars when driving away from camp, and then for the safety of the car haul it out into the forest at bed time to hide it from what I think is going to be WAY undermanned ranger staff, we shouldn't have any problems.

 It's a Party: Please be aware, we do party, not like rock stars, but we do enjoy our festivities in expanded and blessed ways. And I won't be surprised if a few people who DO party like rock stars show up, which means you might want music and earbuds. Just FYI. Monday night will be the official party, with loud music (presented by me), glow toys, fire, adult beverages and plenty of deep and meaningful exchange. This is children friendly, and if something occurs which makes it unfriendly, it would be met with swift rectification. 

Where: Spencer, Idaho, about 17 miles north of Rexburg, which happens to be in the center of the totality shadow. We will post exact mileages and directions here within a few days (today is July 24).

Lodging: This is a camping situation. If you're flying in, you'll want to get in touch with REI Rentals for camping/cooking gear - 801.486.2100. There will be no hotel/motel lodging of any kind available anywhere within fifty (or more) miles of this place. It's been sold out for years.

Traffic/Crowd Considerations: This area will be swarmed under by an estimated 500,000 people, except where we are. Our Plan A is to get on an excellent camping spot at about 6500-7000 feet. If we're unable to find one, our Plan B will be to gather on some private property available to us. Either way, we'll have no crowd to contend with. If you try to arrive on Sunday or Monday driving North from Utah, you could get trapped in bumper-to-bumper traffic on I-15 that might be impossible to get through. 

Conditions: Unless something unseasonable occurs, it will be warm in the day, and cool to cold at night, as low as high-40s, and as high as mid-60s. Of course, it's camping, so you'll want to have everything you need for inclement weather. Layering, as always, is the best way to go. Camping basics: sleeping gear (pad, bag, pillow, tent), cooking and dining gear, cooler, food, beverages of ANY sort, tons of water, bug-spray (Bounce dryer sheets work very well as a repellent - you just rub them on), sunscreen, swim gear. If you decide to go the way of cafes or restaurants, Dubois, Idaho, is 13 miles to the south and has gas station pizza (which looked pretty good, actually). Rexburg, Idaho, is 40 miles south, and has a all varieties and qualities. Idaho Falls would have plenty of options, but it's an hour away.

We are in bear country, and so we'll be taking certain precautions. If you can, get some bear spray.

Travel Suggestions: If flying in front out of the Intermountain Area, you'll want to fly into Salt Lake City International Airport, rent a car there, go get your rental gear (if renting), and start up I-15 towards Idaho Falls, then onto Humphrey, Idaho. If driving, you don't need our help or suggestions, but if you have questions, post them in this thread.

Recreation: If you'd like to make this trip be more than a few days with us and turn it into a vacation, there is TONS to do and see in this area. The majestic Tetons are to the East and easily visible from everywhere we'll be. Yellowstone National Park is not far. The Snake River runs through this valley, is beautiful and big. It runs right through Idaho Falls, where there are fishing adventures, boat tours, tubing, rafting, etc., etc. Simple Google searches will yield all you need. Nearby are the famous St. Anthony Sand Dunes. You can rent ATVs from PMS Dune Rentals: We can start a conversation about some group adventures, if you like, such as tubing the Snake.

If you decide to turn this into a vacation beyond the days we list above, we can make arrangements for you to camp on the property. And if not that, it's possible you'd be able to find lodging for any time up to Friday the 18th, should you decide to do it that way.

We won't know where we'll be until the previous Thursday or Friday. I'll be going up early to get a spot. Where we wind up, and detailed instructions, will be posted in this thread, one of the last posts. It will be entirely up to you to stay apprised of the goings on. It would be a big-time bummer if you weren't paying attention and didn't know how to find us.

Come to this party. You will leave as a different person. 

List any questions in this thread.

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  • Here's a link to solar eclipse observation tools such as glasses and filters:

  • I feel prompted to give a little nudge here. If Jason says it's going to be a big deal, IT WILL BE A BIG DEAL.I just want to say just going out and hanging out with several Superbeings, I had a big shift, and was so easily able to shift some patterns that had been looming in my energy field for, well maybe my whole life. I mean EFFORTLESS! I was out there in June for the Solstice, and didn't choose to change my plans, but to just go back again. That is one of the things that gives me great pleasure in my life, is to go be with the ONES that I resonate the most with. So I am here to say look at your plans, count your coins, pack your bags, take some time off work, and please come. We have so much fun, and we also do it cheap. We camp, buy our food, and the fellowship, and getting to see and feel each other in person is the very best. Please come, I know it will be EPIC! It always is!!!

  • I bought a five pack of cheap solar glasses to share wit y'all.  :D

  • Got my glasses and scheduled a couple of days off.  Let me know the plans and place.  Cheers!

  • We'll be doing a reconnaissance soon of the location. What we can reveal right now is that an outright paranormal event has provided for us. We have a member who has relatives that own property in Humphrey, Idaho, which is about 20 miles north of the northern-most umbral shadow. That's incredible, almost as though these folks and their property occurred into being just for this event. Humphrey, Idaho, is north of Dubois. We'll be gathering at the location as soon as the previous Friday. The owners might want us to help a bit around this horse property, so a day or two early might be both practical and gives us time to hang out. I believe it has two outhouses. It's a camping situation.

    Then, Monday morning, we'll all drive south as far as thirty miles, thus the purpose of our reconnaissance. The horrendous traffic in southeastern Idaho will all be coming north on I-15 into Idaho Falls and Rexburg, and so we'll not get into that mess, at least along the main corridors. It's estimated there'll be 500,000-600,000 people around that area, and so that all by itself will be an extremely potent event.

    To summarize, we'll be getting up there on Friday, Saturday or Sunday, 18th, 19th, or 20th. Monday, we'll experience the whole thing. It's only 2 minutes 30 seconds of totality, but they're way fun to watch before totality as they move into alignment. Then the real party will be Monday night, with party materials, glow toys, magic orbs, transcendent substances, music, dancing, shifting into alternate realities...the usual fare. Then we're out of there on Tuesday. 

  • If that doesn't temp you, I don't know what would...

  • Awful nice of these folks to let us gather/camp on their property.  I expect to be there no later than Saturday mid-morning.  I would be more than happy to help out with some chores or whatever.

    I was already super excited for this event but I can feel it just got turned up a notch with the new "Eclipse" alchemy!  Whoo!  Thanks a bunch!

  • Im fantasizing here.. but heck, that's where creation starts.... where's the airport in Idaho one would fly into ?

  • You'd fly into Salt Lake City. It's three hours up the road from here.

    Thia Belajonas said:

    Im fantasizing here.. but heck, that's where creation starts.... where's the airport in Idaho one would fly into ?

  • Hey Thia- 

    We would love to have you.

    If I were going to do it - I would think strongly about flying into SLC rather than an Idaho airport.

    The biggest airport in Idaho is Boise ( there is probably a small one in Idaho Falls ) but I imagine that would be pretty expensive to fly into directly. Boise looks like it is 5.5 hours to the location we would be going and it's all the way across the state. And we are closer geographically. I would coordinate with someone who is also headed up that way. So I would fly into SLC airport and look for someone who could take you or carpool with you or split a rental car etc.

    That is what this forum is for! It is for possibilities and networking to make something super cool happen! If you are inspired and feel the pull investigate the potentials. :)

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