Beginning 2018 Update

Merlin Power Stones - our ovens for making these are being rebuilt this week. They got lost in the mail for a week, and so we're experiencing the usual delays that come with living in today's world. We should have them back by around the 8th. 

Alchemy - The end of this month features a total lunar eclipse. It's a big one. There will be an alchemy for it, and it will be extremely powerful. There are other alchemies in the works that require the ovens, and so they'll proceed apace after we get them back.

C60 - This could take a while. If you want to get C60, just get it from a reputable source.

Heavy Metal Detoxing - We're looking more and more into these units. They're not what they seem. There is something very powerful going on with them. I'll attempt to describe. I filtered, dried and weighed what came out of me in one session. It weighed 1.2 grams, and there was probably about another .3 grams that were lost in the process of filtering and pouring off excess water. It turns out, there is another .2 to .4 grams of solids that don't become the moss-like precipitate, meaning that they stay as dissolved solids that you don't see in the foot-bath tub. It also turns out that what you're seeing in the water doesn't become visible solids until the stuff reaches the water, where the electrical charge then precipitates it out of the water. So in other words, when the toxins come through the feet, they're not in the "gunky" form you see in the tub, but are clear. Because I did a test session with distilled water, which remained clear but became slightly beer-colored, we know those plates don't donate their own mass through electrolysis unless our feet are in the water. There is no explanation for how that could possibly be unless the only way for the plates to precipitate the metals and other toxins is because of the presence of the feet (or other body part). This means that our feet, the plates and the water are becoming not just a closed circuit, but are becoming one in a way that's hard to explain. These  machines are far more advanced than meets the eye.

As it turns out, the plates lose 1 gram of their own weight per session, so long as your feet are in the water. If they're not, the plates don't lose any of their mass, and that is just crazy to me. This means that the .5 to .8 or so grams is what is coming out of our bodies per session. The ionic charge is not just causing the toxins to spill into the circulatory and nervous systems. It's also changing the wiring of our nervous systems. 

If anybody can think of anything else they'd like an update on, please just ask here in this thread.

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  • I'd love to hear anybody that is taking C-60 what results you are feeling. I ordered some from the that Jason referenced. It was a little uncertain about their integrity because of all the shipping issues, but mine came in two weeks no issues, other than having to run down the mail man to sign the out of the country postage. I have taken one whole bottle as of now. I have been taking about a teaspoon daily, and have listened to several of the recordings on YouTube, and some suggested a large dose, so I took 2 tablespoons one Saturday. It did give me some gas, but I guess it is scrubbing away at my intestines. 

  • I'm glad you brought this up. It reminded me to stress that I won't be making it. I like Juva better, and it turns out to be the only one I use every day now.

    Cheryl said:

    I ordered four months' worth literally one hour before JD said he was going to start making it! I'm toward the end of the first bottle. I'm noticing increasing energy and sense of well-being. I also seem to have a little more mental clarity. Love it. Will keep taking it. In combination with the ion cleanse and the alchemies, I really feel a nice boost in just about every area

  • Jason 

    Are you still recommending taking the C-60. I am researching the benefits appear too good to be true. Also remind me again why "people like us" should look into it.

    JD Aliix said:

    I'm glad you brought this up. It reminded me to stress that I won't be making it. I like Juva better, and it turns out to be the only one I use every day now.

    Cheryl said:

    I ordered four months' worth literally one hour before JD said he was going to start making it! I'm toward the end of the first bottle. I'm noticing increasing energy and sense of well-being. I also seem to have a little more mental clarity. Love it. Will keep taking it. In combination with the ion cleanse and the alchemies, I really feel a nice boost in just about every area

  • I enjoyed my bottle of c60 but after a while I stopped noticing any effect with it. I don't know if I ran out before I needed to uplevel my dose or not. I did feel like it was cleaning me inside. Has anyone noticed that happening to them? Does not mean it's not doing its thing I just stopped getting the physical energy iI was getting after a time.

  • I've been taking mine a while now and noticed a bit of a slowdown after about a month. At that time, I halved my does (to one-half tsp daily) and it seemed to work just a well as a full tsp did before.  Eventually, I started playing with shalajit and hydrogen water so effects started to mix to the point where it was getting hard to tell what's what.  That being said, after 2 or 3 months with the C-60, I still find myself wanting to take it.  Not as much and not as regular.  A little less than 1/2 tsp a few times a week seems to do the trick now.   My body seems to get sluggish if I wait too long between does.  My guess is that there's some sore of saturation point that you can reach and maintain once your get the feel for it.

    The combination of things I'm using now, in conjunction with the alchemy, are producing physical changes that are no less than magickal. Chronic, long-term conditions are healing and a complete physical re-alignment is occurring.   In fact, I've had to add flax and chia seeds to my daily diet just to provide enough lubricating fats and anti-inflammatories for all the moving that my joints are doing.

    I also feel like I'm starting to think more clearly, heal emotionally and become more "open."  Every daily alchemical dose has the chance to be a mind-blowing experience and I've learned to appreciate and value things that I used to take for granted. Intelligently, methodically and ruthlessly cleaning out my systems has been one of the best undertakings of my journey and the one that has yielded the most surprising results.


    Mary Betts said:

    I enjoyed my bottle of c60 but after a while I stopped noticing any effect with it. I don't know if I ran out before I needed to uplevel my dose or not. I did feel like it was cleaning me inside. Has anyone noticed that happening to them? Does not mean it's not doing its thing I just stopped getting the physical energy iI was getting after a time.

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