Detoxing from heavy metals could be the single most important next step anybody on the entire planet has to make to move significantly forward on the human potential front. It’s already leading a few of us to spectacular results. The other article and discussion thread to check out is here:

Let’s tell a little story about “physical” embodiment. Early on in this universe’s life (one of an infinite number of universes), experiments in embodiment didn’t do so well. What I mean by that is that the body-inhabiting intelligences, the godsparks (souls, if you like) remembered what they were too quickly and readily and they’d just leave the bodies – experiment over. Dense, lasting, forgetful, materialism became imperative to experiment as deeply as possible what it means to be in a “material” body. This made it so that “godsparks” would stay in the bodies, and for huge tracts of time, experiments were constantly refined to create the most dense possible “physical” experiences.

Planets themselves are carefully prepared to offer any given experiment elements it needs for the experience itself. We’re being shown, one piece at a time, some fascinating things about Earth’s properties and therefore what those offer in terms of needed, planned, experience. It has, once again, to do with heavy metals.

It turns out among the most toxic of them all is cadmium, and it’s in, once again, everything, including tap water, coffee, processed and refined foods (i.e., hydrogenated oils), and seafood. It’s very male, and it has its harshest effects on the kidneys, the cardiovascular system, brain tissues, the nervous system as a whole, and it gets caught up in bone, fascia, muscle tissue, organs, and the list goes on. It can be instrumental in causing the entire spectrum of disease. It’s so toxic to brain tissues, it can result in dark and violent thoughts. Absent any root-causal programs, it can cause anger for absolutely no reason or trigger. It’s behind arthritis, heart disease, kidney disease, adrenal disorders, and the list goes on and on.

It’s also completely integrated with designed aging, and is behind the shortening of telomeres. Telomeres are caps that protect DNA and its information, and as they shorten, degrade, biological aging happens. Why? Because Earth is a planet where aging is part of the needed experiences for the success of the experiment. But, guys, that’s going to start changing, and we’re being shown some fundamentals on not just stopping it, but reversing it.

Cadmium so closely resembles zinc, it tricks the body into thinking it has plenty of it. It can also do this with magnesium, manganese, selenium and calcium. In that respect, it’s like a virus, where it debilitates its host, yet lets it live, and can actually give feelings that the health is perfect and all is good. It’s very stubborn, and continues with its tricks the minute you start detoxing it. In this way, it behaves as a crutch, and while tricking the body in this way, it boosts adrenal activity, placing it squarely behind adrenal disorders, panic attacks, elevated heart rate, high blood pressure, and again the list goes on.

In a more metaphysical way, it’s directly involved in grounding us in physical life. As stated, it’s very male. Grounding often includes diseases and physical symptoms. Of the many characteristics and properties needed for the Earth DNA experiment, the presence of cadmium was an important one. It’s expressly one of the reasons Earth was chosen.  Without my own physical problems, I’d have never been present enough in my body to be fully effective at what I do. Cadmium, all by itself, is the most important of the pervasive toxic elements helping to keep godsparks “asleep,” feeling separate, dense, and therefore unready to transcend the host, as it were.

It has obviously become time for us to become less “our bodies,” and the discovery of cadmium as a culprit of this level should show us that we indeed have immense things rolling towards us.

Now, to detox from it, you have to put “real” zinc in. The body will then recognize it and begin adjusting itself to throw out the imposter. Selenium, calcium citrate and magnesium can also help. Binders, such as Biosil and Zeolite can also be a big help. Using only supplements, cadmium detox can take years, and that’s being careful to discontinue taking it in, which isn’t easy to do. I wouldn’t even attempt it without the heavy metals detoxing footbath talked about in this thread.

Detoxing from it also brings us to Meridian Matrix. It’s why Merlin brought us to it at this time. Cadmium also gets into the meridians, and from them it needs to be cleared. We’re being shown healing techniques using Puramyds and Meridian Matrix that can change things with astonishing speed. Meridian Matrix gets in and clears the meridians of the presence of cadmium, no matter how subtle its form, and then carries those same cleansing codes on into organs, bones, tissue, vessels, arteries, and the list goes on. Importantly, it slows down, if not completely stops, telomere degradation, eventually stopping the aging process. We won’t know how true this is for years, but I myself am living proof of what it is doing, and I’m frankly stunned by it. Very soon, we’re going to begin our free workshops for Puramyds and Meridian Matrix. Everyone is welcome, but the workshops will be of little use without these powerful tools.

Full heavy metal detoxification could take the most disciplined person at least two years to accomplish. Using Puramyd, Meridian Matrix, and A Major Difference’s IonCleanse footbath, I’ll be free of heavy metals within the next 10-14 months, depending on how much cadmium intake I can eliminate.

The only ionic footbath to buy is this one:

They have a home unit called a Solo. There are many ways to acquire it. If you buy it outright, we get a referral fee. You have the option to apply the referral fee to a store credit for our products, or to receive a check or PayPal payment. They’re usually $250.

It’s impossible to stress how important it is to get the metals out of the body, and if you don’t think you have them, you’re wrong (unless of course you’ve been heavy metal detoxing, without taking any more in, for years, OR you’ve used the footbath method. The metals are a designed buffer, like a metal blanket, to keep us from extending our subtle senses into higher works. Getting them out extends our neural network into the stars, increases cognitive function, reduces pain, and the list continues on for pages.




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  • I've been using the ion footbath for years. It is so gratifying to hear it promoted here. Now, I'll need to get with it and acquire the catalyst for accelerated action.

  • Hi,

    I became aware of the problem with heavy (toxic) metals several years ago and completely agree with you Jason about the importance of eliminating them from the body. You are correct in seeking safe ways to accomplish the task. The body has a natural way of doing this called the “metheolation” process that requires Zinc to facilitate the elimination of Copper and other toxic metals. But many people live with chronically low Zinc levels. A heads up here *** Not all Zinc is the same. We found that using Zine Picolinate OR Zinc Glucanate is better that using a plain old Zinc supplement. It seems that Zinc is hard for the body to absorb directly from the G.I. tract and no matter how much regular Zinc you take, there’s a good chance it might just pass on through with no effect. However, when Zinc is conjugated with an acid, like Gluconic Acid or Picolnoic Acid, it is broken down in the stomach (instead of the intestines) and then is absorbed directly from there (the stomach) without going through the transit of the small and large intestines. More bang for your buck! I used to recommend taking 50mg per day... and like you said, it takes awhile but at least the wheels of progress have been set in motion. Cheers!!

  • Thanks for this, Dr. Lewis. I did forget to mention in that post the zinc I'm using, which is an asporotate. It seems to be doing the job, but if I have to dump them down the toilet to get a picolinate or glucanate, I'll do it in a heartbeat. I know I've started to get into the cadmium, but we can always be more efficient. I have felt differently since the first day using zinc, selenium and calcium citrate. For whatever reason, I'm to add magnesium sometime down the road. My organs, muscles and bones are feeling better, but at the same time I can tell the cadmium is fighting me, and I do have detox symptoms frequently, which includes fatigue, blooms of red on my skin, prickly feelings all over, along with fantastic chills. Most importantly to me, my cognitive function is really spinning up.

    George M. Lewis, M.D. said:


    I became aware of the problem with heavy (toxic) metals several years ago and completely agree with you Jason about the importance of eliminating them from the body. You are correct in seeking safe ways to accomplish the task. The body 

  • Hey, no need to change because you’re following the same principle... Aspiratate—> Aspartate Family —> Aspartic Acid. So the Zinc you taking is conjugated to an Acid as well, facilitating immediate uptake!! 

  • I've been using Zinc glycinate.

    George M. Lewis, M.D. said:


    I became aware of the problem with heavy (toxic) metals several years ago and completely agree with you Jason about the importance of eliminating them from the body. You are correct in seeking safe ways to accomplish the task. The body has a natural way of doing this called the “metheolation” process that requires Zinc to facilitate the elimination of Copper and other toxic metals. But many people live with chronically low Zinc levels. A heads up here *** Not all Zinc is the same. We found that using Zine Picolinate OR Zinc Glucanate is better that using a plain old Zinc supplement. It seems that Zinc is hard for the body to absorb directly from the G.I. tract and no matter how much regular Zinc you take, there’s a good chance it might just pass on through with no effect. However, when Zinc is conjugated with an acid, like Gluconic Acid or Picolnoic Acid, it is broken down in the stomach (instead of the intestines) and then is absorbed directly from there (the stomach) without going through the transit of the small and large intestines. More bang for your buck! I used to recommend taking 50mg per day... and like you said, it takes awhile but at least the wheels of progress have been set in motion. Cheers!!

  • What are your thoughts about aluminium? It seems to be the metal that the controllers are desperately trying to force as much as possible into our bodies. Will it react with the electromagnetic waves in a negative way especially once they roll out the 5G network?
  • I've had some luck with homemade hydrogen water. L-Malic Acid + 99.5+% pure magnesium bars + boiling water. Bottle it in a flip-top beer bottle and then chill it rapidly without bursting the bottle. In theory, it creates negative ions that bind to junk in your system and push it out. I'm not sure exactly what it's getting rid of, but it does seem to clean out something that other detox methods I've used have not. To both my partner and I, it has a more immediate and more pronounced mental effect. It definitely pushes stuff out the old-fashioned way, but as a bonus, the side effects include the malic acid and magnesium soothing your aching muscles and healing your overworked nervous system.

    In a very former and very stupid life, I used to do a little bodybuilding and have tried all kinds of magnesium supplements. One's like the generic “Cal-mag” formula where you mix the magnesium with calcium and an acid were always calming to muscles and nerves. Others didn't work. I also used to take zinc supplements and will echo what the Dr. already said. They're not all the same and the ones mixed with an acid do work better. ZMA, a popular sports supplement, is a mix of zinc, magnesium and vitamin b6.

    Since I started serious detoxing several years ago, think no more chemicals in the house, homemade soap, 100% organic diet, 100% filtered water, etc., I have craved minerals like crazy. I've sought them out from all corners of the Earth and have even gone as far as eating raw volcanic soil. Over time, this near obsession with consuming bulk amounts of minerals on a daily basis has gone down. I think this is because my digestive system is becoming more effective at extracting what I need from the food and because I've zeroed in on my favorite mineral sources – Juva Peak and Himalayan Shilijat from Gilgit. Since adding these in, my daily intake of fresh fruits and vegetables actually seems to work. In other words, the presence of the minerals allows me to “feel” how the individual foods affect me. This makes it a whole lot easier to eat better, without even really trying.

    Consuming sufficient nutritional and “energetic” substances, literally makes my bones relocate. My body snaps loudly and things re-position. It scares the crap out of pinks and it hurts, but it is kind of funny. I've changed so much physically that I've been checked over carefully twice this year because, “I don't look a thing like the picture on my driver's license,” and I'm starting to get where all that “Help me jesus, shapeshifters are among us!” panic may be coming from. It's a wild trip, from either viewpoint.

    Anyhow, I tell that story to say this. I've been diagnosed with more than one horrible disease that hangs some false name on this process of my body and spirit trying to correct itself. Like I said, the process is painful and I can get caught up in a state where I have the energy to heal myself but I just can't seem to place it in the right spot. This can be a dark place. Full-blown physical shock, unconsciousness, wild emotional swings, the whole bit. It's awful and it can be tempting to think that there's a quick fix, which I'm pretty sure there isn't, or that there isn't any fix at all, even darker, but I don't believe that either.

    As I've progressed through the alchemical line here, I've kept finding the next thing that seems to work for me. There's tons of things that I've been shown through this process and by having the courage to trust myself and test out those things I feel like I'm starting to get better. Meridian Matrix is already starting to take this to a new level and, like the other alchemy, seems to be taking the jagged individual notes of my life and conducting them into real music.

    As a quick end-note: DMSO, d-phenyalanine and plant allies have been helpful to me for pain. Your mileage may vary.

  • I think Aluminum is an issue for many espcially if you used deodorant that contained aluminin back in the day or cookware that had it in it.

    I think if you are using silica that would be an EXCELLENT binder. I understand that certain waters like Fiji have high silica content and you can make your own. I got Jason some liquid Biosil which is really sold or advertised for skin hair and nails but it's recommended for aluminum binding on respected heavy metal detox websites. 

    Luke B said:

    What are your thoughts about aluminium? It seems to be the metal that the controllers are desperately trying to force as much as possible into our bodies. Will it react with the electromagnetic waves in a negative way especially once they roll out the 5G network?
  • J.R. would you please post the link where you bought the Himalayan Shilijat from Gilgit?

  • Soda pops are industrial-grade solvents, excellent for cleaning engines and mechanic shop floors, although I find it hard to believe anybody here would drink soda pop ;-D. But if you've ever been a soda drinker out of a can, you've essentially poured an industrial solvent containing dissolved aluminum down your gullet. The solvent leaches the aluminum out of the can.

    On big business deodorants, you're essentially smearing aluminum chlorohydrate onto your lymph glands, although I think at least a few of those have stopped including it.

    Oh! the things we do to stay in these bodies!

    Mary Betts said:

    I think Aluminum is an issue for many espcially if you used deodorant that contained aluminin back in the day or cookware that had it in it.

    I think if you are using silica that would be an EXCELLENT binder. I understand

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