The Cardinal Grand Cross we are currently in the middle of is as big as anything that has ever taken place on Earth in terms of opportunity to be a group momentum for influencing the materialization of a new world. This thing is bigger than December 21, 2012 by many orders of magnitude, bigger than the Venus Transit, than the annular solar eclipse of that same year, bigger than the recent lunar eclipse. It's HUGE. Some people would say it's about change. We don't. In link our thinking, it's about what is new. It's also showing us more than ever to be ever vigilant of our own thoughts, because bearing down on us like a freight train is a global atmosphere of thought-becoming-real NOW because carbon and spatial "physicalness," gravity itself, is becoming increasingly insubstantial.
There are many takes on this Cardinal Grand Cross out there, most of them reporting similar astrological information and benchmarks, so I won't try to "second guess" or "improve" on the experts, so to say, but I'll write briefly what I know to be true about the last couple of events, which include the recent lunar eclipse.
That eclipse was about two main things: 1) out with the old, in with the new, and 2) it sucked out of the Earth system much of the "gunk" people of the Earth have been letting go and off-loading into the grids, if you will, at least those who are at least a little bit awake. The out with the old, in with the new part of it segues perfectly into this Cardinal Grand Cross, because you could say the eclipse was the harbinger of what could be done, in energy and action, with this Grand Cross alignment, which actually began on April 7, and which is why so much has been so powerful and...well...WACKY lately. The eclipse also cleared so much out of here to optimize the effect of the Cardinal Grand Cross, which will officially end on May 9.
Since I am not an astrologer - but am perfectly aware of the deep and simple wisdom in "As Above, So Below," which began as a comment on astrology when it was one of the most legitimate sciences on Earth - I give some links to some pretty good articles below. A couple other things. Just doing a search for "cardinal grand cross" produces many results, so maybe you track down what you most jibe with. Secondly, we're ramping up to have a conference call gathering, and for those who want a deeper and more "together" gathering, we'll also be in SecondLife together on our private island in a seated circle. A couple pictures of Zupera, our island, and circle space is below.
At 6 pm MDT, 5 PDT, 8 ADT, on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday nights, call the below number and input the guest access code
Tel: 530.881.1400
Guest Code: 385281
This is going to be a unique and super fun event! Full of communion with sacred forces and great fun and friends! hope you can make it!
And, please, join us in SecondLife. it's an experience not to be missed! as genuine an group experience as being there, minus the plane ticket and jet lag!
I must say that I love going to Zupera, and Second Life. At first it is a little intimidating, but if you don't let yourself get too worked up, and just play and enjoy, you will have a blast. I do NOT have a connection with any other people like the one I have with our family here, so it is lonesome at times without interaction. I used to love to hear the chime on the chat here, and if I were in the kitchen doing something, I would come to the computer and join in. Hopefully we will commune like that more also. So, PLEASE join us. We have silly times, like when I was trying to change my avitar and couldn't get the undergarments off, then put the bathing suit on to go to Jamaica over top of it. Another time I am standing naked and bald on the beach in front of everybody, trying to figure out how to get dressed. It was worth the laugh! Fun too, you can be anything you want to be. Punk rocker, robot, or a dragon!
Here is Sooz2 riding a floating balloon with my bathing suit problem-lol!
Here is my avitar with swimming with her scuba gear on right beside JDAliix, below is just Sooz2 in her scuba outfit. We are having so much fun. It only takes a little bit to get behind the learning curve. I learned a ton tonight. Please come, the more the merrier!!
I was off playing by myself, and found this place to ride this. Didn't save the location, so can't tell you where it was fun though!
I'm naked, Chance is flying above me with his gear wings, and Jason's tiger. How CRAZY FUN is that. Oh, and please note my great big dragon tattoo!!
it's in your history
Susan said:
Oh, and on the picture that I am naked on, I should mention that I am learning to change my clothes, and that is another part of the learning process, how to get dressed and undressed. All fun! Thanks, Chance!
To everyone watching......
Things finally settled down enough for me to get involved and embrace Second Life. Just like the Suprasensory Training a resistance had to be met and dissolved. Instinctively I knew both of these programs/tools would be mind blowing and powerful. There are so many levels and layers to this. The change it is effecting has been instantaneous. I feel not only a closer bond but a responsibility for our island. The codes are flowing freely and gaining momentum with each addition. This means YOU! Please take the time to reflect and examine. Let's do this thing.......TOGETHER!
Many, many, many......many thank you's to Mary for helping me navigate wardrobe and finding stuff for me. I now look and feel HOT! It's most hilarious! And to Jason....your patience and help with the operating system has been marvelous! Thank you!
How do I find a new skin? A bikini? Scuba gear? I know there's a marketplace and all, but still exploring all that and I want it all NOW ;) so any specific places I can go instead of miring through junk? I did manage to find myself some freebie wings!! But really, I'd like to wear a bikini without the pasted-on underwear showing through :\