On January 20, 5 major planets will be in alignment for the first time in 10 years. This will last for about one month. It's beauty, to my understanding can be mostly appreciated from the sky in Australia. The 5 planets are: Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn Venus and Mars. I don't know what it means alchemy wise... but thought I would share.

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  • Yes any astrologers out there who would like to comment here on the significance of this alignment please DO!

  • Fascinating, and thanks, Theo!

    It was mentioned, in a session to Xupra, by the enjoined intelligences, the sentients in communion, of an alignment.

    yes, Astrologers, come forth and speak!!


  • Yep...this is cool.

    On 12/20/15 I had sent out notices "here" for a house party to be held on 2/12/16.  Being called...Aquarius "Star Party".  To later discover this alignment a bonus, as it will remain and be visible through mid February.  

    Revisting this occurrence now, once again brings into focus the number 5.  Seems to be standing out on front stage right now.  

    Watch this.....(I'm laughing...cause I have to!)


  • 2969561095?profile=original

  • Just bumping this one back up.

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