Cosmic Agency Videos

A friend recommended I check out a video by this group. I wound up watching some of the content.  As always, use your disernment around information that is channeled but I thought this informaiton was particular sound in terms of my own experience around healing. Fascinating information all the same.

This is the one on addressing  "Was Jesus real? "  We didn't get a chance to finish it on our drive home but, I want to emphasize that we are not saying God is not real or you should believe this video. Again this is your own research, your own discovery process. I think it's possible that there were/are Jesus like beings out there, avatars, masters etc and perhaps they existed in this timeline. It also doesn't mean that the message of this character Jesus has no place or merit but it is a very compelling argument that Jesus may not have existed as we have been taught. You can imagine this a difficult concept because some people need a relatable figure for spiritual growth. For many he is not only lord but also a guru. This is to show that even what some would call "of the light" has been manipulated and co-opted by the dark as a way to control people. True connection with god does not need a bridge of church or religion. Pulling apart the lies inflicted upon us about all that will be a delicate process.

Video about Merlin and how he actually was a real person but eradicated by Cabal efforts

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  • I just listened to the replay of the call. Thank you, always wonderful. 

    To add to information about cancer:
    A view of cancer according to German New Medicine by Dr Hamer: (Google auto-translated for me into English)

    “The differentiation between the psyche, the brain, and the body is purely academic. In reality, they are one.”
    This is a huge body of knowledge linking various dis-eases and body parts to specific emotional conflicts, and showing that healing phase commences once the conflict is resolved:
    Reseña sobre los descubrimientos en la Nueva Medicina Germánica del Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer
  • This is VERY compelling indeed.  I feel that the statement about "true connection with god does not need a bridge of church or religion" is key here.  Thank you for sharing this.  

  • I thought it interesting that Josephus was a member of this Messiah group and that he claimed to be a seer. The New Testament is far too advanced to just be made up. If this is true, I would guess that Josephus was more or less acting as a "double agent". He could very well have been enlightened and saw the opportunity to subvert the original intent to a degree. Calling him a traitor is harsh if he is providing the wisdom. I know it says the material was taken from the Stoics but that seems convenient to me. My knowlege of the Stoics is very limited but someone would have made the connection a long time ago. There is one other hand at work at least from what I'm feeling on this one.

    The last lesson that Jesus taught the disciples was that of service to all. We operate under that banner here even though there aren't a whole lot of Christians (2 at my last count). This message could easily be part of the deprogramming that is supposed to be coming. Most Christians really don't know what the Gospels say so it is easier to rule out the whole thing and take Judaism along with it.

    Think of what was said about "render unto Caesar". The first thing Jesus asks is whose face is on the coin. The centurions say it is Caesar's. Then Jesus makes the statement. This is kind of important but it was left out of the video. I'm just not convinced. What became of the Roman Empire is very compelling by contrast. I love the stuff on the Druids and Shamans though. I also loved floating over all of those castles.

  • Thank you Mary ! 

  • Now I can't escape this thought that with everything being digital, is everything being rewritten? Acceptance and no expectations were my greatest take-aways from all of the Swaruu vids I watched (thanks, Mary!). In other words, nothing new. If I help people, I'm being self-indulgent. If I don't, I'm being self indulgent. To choose whether or not to not choose. The breakthrough is that there is no breakthrough. Everything exists as its own opposite. Shall I be the cause of my own destruction through pain or the effect of it? Does that lead anywhere? The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want, anything, anytime, ever. I think it all makes sense now. I wrote this so I wouldn't lose it later. Time for a nap. Maybe a cookie afterwards. Merge with the cosmos whenever that happens. Seriously, though, is pointlessness the whole point? I refer back to one of my first observations on this lifelong quest: eat more soup. Now I just have to figure out what I like in life (besides soup and being confusing). Any questions or suggestions?

  • I myself still have a great deal of digging to do on the veracity of the Swaruu videos, but no matter the veracity of the story itself, the technical information regarding this continuum's quantum structure, programming, etc., as an "unsanctioned matrix" is dead on. This is what I've known for almost 15 years. 

    On Gaia TV, there are more videos, more polished and professionally done, that cover the topics in a more cohesive and orderly way. They're titled "Galactic Messages." Gaia's video library is extensive anyway, and tons of the Secret Space Program information is found there under the title "Cosmic Disclosure." It has a free 7 day trial, so if you didn't want to pay, you could watch all the "Galactic Messages" videos before the trial expires.

    I'm probably going to make those required reading for the ongoing post-initiation unteachings and enlightenment calls, because they do a better job of explaining many part of this than I've been able to explain it.

    Happy viewing, and try not to get sick. 

    • Ha! I just searched for Gaia Galactic Messages and went to the site. It is the same gal that does the Swaruu stuff under the YouTube channel Cosmic Agency. Apparently there were multiple attempts across the globe to establish contact directly without using channeling a number of years ago. Gosia has been keep the lines of communication open for several years. I believe two Swaruu (I think this might be a social memory complex entity) lived on Earth for a while in the UK. Whether or not you believe the backstory, the information is compelling. Nothing like turning your mind into scrambled eggs to getcha clear!


      • I've been my digging, and the information is blooking into the most astounding knowledge I've come across in this contiuum. I'm truly rocked, and excited out of my mind about it! We'll be going into this a lot more. 

      • I've been doing my digging, and the information is blooming into the most astounding knowledge I've come across in this contiuum. I'm truly rocked, and excited out of my mind about it! We'll be going into this a lot more. 

  • Slightly off-topic, but as somebody with a daughter obsessed with Minecraft (and I've gotten into it), I really enjoyed the one about their ship:

    There's something really satisfying about generating a world and building on it block by block until you've got a well-designed and functional simulation.

    Sometimes I would feel like I had built a place I've been before, but had no idea what I was doing at the time... just digging and building things.

    So in that case, I think the technology we have access to is just like baby toys for what we're actually living in. I wonder what their list of bug reports looks like? We need a major upgrade!

    Why Minecraft, Pool Area and Main Garden (English)
    Originally written in English Credits:Text written by: Minerva Mari Swaruu Video intro…
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