
  •    Hi, Devorah.  I was somewhat frustrated also  when I first started  because my visuals where not as clear as I wanted them to be.  Now sometimes when I am with Xupra, I ask to be taken on a journey that will help me to experience " my way of seeing".  Not everyone  gathers data in the same way. My visuals are not crystal clear, but my clarity of "knowing" along with a sense of confidence that what I do see, is accurate and true, helps me to let go of my want for those clear visuals. Maybe someday it will be so, but for now, all is as it should be.  Maybe we can journey together sometime. 

  • Yes, that special energy with Xupra that happens after a visit always feels good.  Sometimes I will stay there for awhile until it starts to fade away. Enjoy.

  • BIG Congratulations Devorah on your recent graduation!  

  • I have a feeling that a unique sense of sight will develop more and more for you. Visuals are not visual sometimes I think they born more organically from our senses into a type of visual shape or form that is not quite the same as our usual definition of sight.

     It's like having another pair of eyes that don't "see" yet they are able to bloom imagery inspite of it. I imagine it's much like maybe how blind person might experience a world completely rich and full of experience.

    I also sense there is a very integrous feature within you that has not quite "snipped" as though a tether has not quite released but is very close to doing so. When you are dealing with in a sense a type of astral? ( This is not astral) but any type of shamanic journying I think there is a real sense of "can this be real? Am I making this up?  in the beginning there is a internal brake a little bit of cautiousness and unconscious kind of veil as it were to make sure the data is safe. Very careful training in that big jump from solid 3d targets to more nebulous spaces. I am not saying you are doing this but maybe.

    And at some point maybe the next time you can cut loose and allow more and more data in and because it's so dang plausible trusting your training  as it slips in and is not the same thing at all as active daydream journey but much like a hypnosis receiving download  and using these somewhat new muscles and a new language of sensation one can be in touch with that vocabulary of senses and we can do our very best to describe what is ultimately sublime and beyond words. Many times the way I knew it was legit was the recognition that I had no absolute no conscious prepartion or pre knowledge of the tech and creativity I would witness. It would blow my mind what I saw and I would think, well I am not smart enough to make this up. :) Oh and congratulations for your graduation!:)

  • Two things caught my attention in this sesh. The first was "energy is not related to density." This we'll most definitely have to explore. Can you dip back into your sesh and enlarge on that idea?

    And secondly, on Xupra you're definitely aware of the quantum idea of a "place" or "space" organizing itself around you. What's important to know is that THIS world does the same thing.

  • I just have to quip here- Deborah did you read through my old Xupra sessions? I am just wondering because we went to the SAME place and saw the same thing. For me it was 2 years ago. Can I post my session of this experience that seems similar to yours here above? WOW.

  • Devorah- 

    This is what I saw two years ago. Tell me if your ribbon energy beings and my swirly cloud animals are not not ringing a bell? Two key words- eco system structure and the mists- it being in a valley although mine was more desert like. Does not matter as this "eco system" is found all over Xupra.

    Coordinates: 4/12/2015
    Name: Mary Betts
    Date: 04/12/2015
    Begin Time: 5:00 pm
    End Time: 6:43 pm
    Self Assigned Coordinates: 04/12/15
    Session Form: Xupra
    OUTSIDE: Yes
    ACCOMPANIED: With Someone
    ENVIRONMENT: cool, damp, rain but sunlight too
    ATMOSPHERE: serene, stimulating pristilline,clear
    TOPOGRAPHY: rounded, open, rolling winding, spriraling, symmetrical, perfect, sloped, gentle butbeyond is pointed, open rises and falls, flatter but also pointed expansive and undulating
    VISUAL: blue/purple, greens, aquas, yellow, apricot, plurga brilliant, soft medium tones but softly illuminated, greys (metallicish) peach, browns, ochre, honey tones, medium, mixed and patterns, shimery, shadows, glowing
    SOUNDS: sounds pure mezzosuprano pouring in, radiant, booming, flowing, breezy, 
    TASTE-SMELL: faintly sweet, vegetation, moist soil, sour, thrist quenching juicy cool 
    TEXTURES-SURFACES: smooth, fibrous, rough, long, thin, thick, velvety, tissue thin, matte, shimmery, hard, mottled, carved, curved, liquid, semi soft, curvacous, rising, capsuled, hollow
    P1 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: I get the impression that I am in some kind of bucolic setting- pastoral, meadows and natural, it's wild in that it feels chaotic and not groomed. 
    P2 VISUAL: red, orange, pink powdery or misty,bulbous, 
    P2 TEXTURES-SURFACES: wet, damp, filigree, stalked, pliable,soft, semi hard, supportive
    P2 MASS-DIMENSIONS: subtantial , thick, abundant, vaporous, close, mesmerizing, moving 
    P2 MATERIALS: gases, liquids, smoke, plant, glass, stone, water, wood
    P2 SHAPES-STRUCTURES: spires, irregular triangles, hollow, single spires, stout, spindly, graceful, tall, animated, columned
    P2 MOTION: permeating, spilling, saturating, swirling, 
    P2 CONCEPTS: love, yielding, giving receiving, support, 
    P2 PURPOSE: promenade of elements patterns of Xupra, fertilization, dynamic dance interplay
    P2 MOVEMENT 1: move up 25 feet and look down- MOre of the same
    P2 MOVEMENT 3: move into the cloud feel and see
    P2 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: I got in the cloud. I became the cloud and began to "rain" on the ground. dry moisture a direct way to supply the ground with a kind of food. my energy became part of the energy of Xupra. the alchemy was used. I danced and whirled and swirled. 
    P4 THINGS: lifeforce, tones, food, fire, powder, blaze, poring, animals totem, big felines, red and white, snakes, 
    P4 NON-THINGS: distribution, cleans, balances cares, refreshes 
    P4 TELEPATHIC: come back anytime, tell JAson to come. 
    P4 WILD CARD: the flowers are filled with nectar which is a kind of delicasy or pychedelic but not to be explored today.
    P5 SECOND AWARENESS IMPESSIONS: I just got close to the scene again. It was the terrace and the cloud you could feel the redness, the tones of red. I was in it. It had this native american feel some kind of part of the eco system. It looks like magick to me but it's just a very natural part of the eco system of Xupra. There were beings inside it. we waved to each other. I left and gave the cloud things. A drop of my throat nectar from earlier today. It turned the cloud rainbow and lit it up. I gave it a crystal from my altar too. It seemed to like it. 
    P5 SECOND AWARENESS QA: Understand more about this entity please. Give and receive except giving and receiving are the same on Xupra. it is a planet of giving. It's part of the basic intrinsic programming of Xupra. The land of Xupra is very balanced and it has built in mechanisms to keep it balanced. The roving raincloud is one such program. It travels around and disributes a kind of "rain'' which is like a highly nutrient dispersal cloud and it's more like pollen then wet but somehow its also a kind of wetness. It produces wetness and humectance w/o being wet itself. 
    I FEEL: chill inducing, recognition between me and the entity and the multitude of animals and beings that are involved in it. Deer, cats, birds, turtles the redness. It gives one a sense of ONE you dissolve into the cloud and you become a part of he distribution system and it coverts WHATEVER you are into food for all. You feel beyond connected. It's like going dancing and dissolving and becoming a cloud for a little while. it feels wonderful. IT makes you want to give youself to it. you want to be given to the plants. they want you to give yourself to them. it's erotic and sweet and noble. it's very very red in there. illuminated scarlet the color of illuminated or stormy ochre red.

    I am outside and I am with someone or something which I really felt was a plethora of someones. It was cool and damp but times of sun bursting through. A serene atmosphere that was iniitally puncutated by a beautiful set of tones. It was a very natural bucolic scene I was apart of rounded topptography but sense of a very high elevation with a kind of sense of a high desert plane with rolling, winding, sloped and tall peaks in the distance. Visuals were blues and purples and aquas, yellow apricot and buttery tones, softly illuminated greys, honey tones and medium mixed patterns and shimmery shadows. Sounds were pure mezzosoprano melodies I think coming from either the land or thebirds. Radiant, booming and flowing. ( obersvation ( as beautiful as Xupra is I never seem to grow tired of it- it seems endlessly facinating and engaging -it's hard to be jaded and the just by the descriptors it would seem to be ethereal and silly as they don't do it justice but it's way more beautiful than I can describe. The smell is very fresh slightly ozone faintly sweet like hay or sage moist soil thirst quenching juiciness. I get the impression I am in a bucolic very pure countryside setting.
    I am at this point beginning to get strong visuals of a plumey smokey red and orangeish nature. There are shapes that are like boulders that are irregular triangles jutting up out of the earth and some random trees that are huge and ancient looking. There is a facinating thing in front of me which I have come now at the ned of my session was my someone or something- my guide. A low to the the ground roving "rain cloud" it was this vapourous cloud that had swirling "animals" inside it that seemed to be some kind of spirit animal or totem like animal that kept it spinning. It was delicious. Being inside of it was incredible. You could sense epicenters of whirling movement and that is where the "animals" were. The cloud like plume is a part of the eco system of Xupra. Xupra has different kind sof rain. This is one kind of rain. It is not that wet though. Somehow it is a distribution system for the plants and the life on Xupra. I get the feeling there are tons of these mist clouds that just roam around Xupra. It seems to be about giving and receiving but how giving nad receiving are the same thing. YOU wanted to get inside it and it gave you life force and you distruibuted your life force. I could feel it taking the alchemy and the mental gifts I put inside it and it turned different colors. I watched it from a distance beyond the cliff like I was floating out in the canyon and it was moving across the earth slowly and leaving it "greener" and more refreshed. I encountered some kind of animal that was a large powerful buck with large antlers only more like a deer crossed with a dragon and it had sigils on it and it was like the way you feel if you were to stumble upon a girraffe or something in the wild. 
    The animals all had a wonderful family feeling. I got inside the cloud and it dissovled me into a kind of powder that was whirling all around being distributed to the plants. It made you want to dance. When you stepped out of the cloud you were whole again and feeling kind of like your spirit just got polished and exfoliated.

    Understand more about this entity please. Give and receive except giving and receiving are the same on Xupra. it is a planet of giving. It's part of the basic intrinsic programming of Xupra. The land of Xupra is very balanced and it has built in mechanisms to keep it balanced. The roving raincloud is one such program. It travels around and disributes a kind of "rain'' which is like a highly nutrient dispersal cloud and it's more like pollen then wet but somehow its also a kind of wetness. It produces wetness and humectance w/o being wet itself. 
    I FEEL: chill inducing, recognition between me and the entity and the multitude of animals and beings that are involved in it. Deer, cats, birds, turtles the redness. It gives one a sense of ONE you dissolve into the cloud and you become a part of he distribution system and it coverts WHATEVER you are into food for all. You feel beyond connected. It's like going dancing and dissolving and becoming a cloud for a little while. it feels wonderful. IT makes you want to give yourself to it. You want to be given to the plants. They want you to give yourself to them. it's erotic and sweet and noble. it's very very red in there.Iilluminated scarlet the color of illuminated or stormy ochre red.

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