Digging In!

What your take on the idea of Digging In? Some concepts off the top of my head that relate are runner's high, turning the other cheek, maybe even non judgment? Depth, wormholes, rabbit hole, levitation AKA falling up, riding it out some buzzwords that come to mind

Any stories where you chose to risk embarrassment or comfort and reaped major rewards for it?

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  • I feel like I have told this story a few times. Hope it's not old for yall who have been around. When I woke up in 2010 I came to some shocking revelations about my life. I supposedly had it all, a steady job, a devoted husband, a house with a dog ( did not want kids) and living the american dream but I was not actually happy and I was really sick physically and in pain 24/7. I did not know what was wrong with me but I felt profoundly lost and unhappy. 

    I don't know if I would recommend this at all but I realized that in order to live my truth that I needed to make some very drastic changes and just exit and leave my life. Mary needed to die in many ways.  I left my relationship of 14 years, I quit a job that I did not enjoy ( I had some savings) and I took a leap of faith that if I positioned myself for my purpose that I would find it or that it would find me. Somehow I just listened to this burgening inner guidance and so many wonderful things happened and continue to happen.  My wildest dreams started to become true. It was extremely risky and very humiliating in some ways to live my truth as I embraced this new for me mentality of "this is a hologram and my thoughts are creating my reality" and basically everyone thought I had lost my mind. I can imagine the rumours. I just accepted it and realized I did  not care. It's not so out there now but at the time I think my friends thought I had joined a cult was taking this weird alchemy and it had fried my brain! :)  I knew that I was doing the right thing, and that I was giving my partner at the time ultimately a better chance at happiness cause I knew I was not a good partner for him at all.

    It was uncomfortable in many ways. I gave up my home and the little bit of equity I had poured into it, I sold all my nice things, that I spent years accumulating due to a humble income. It was scary because I had no money coming in and did not know what I was going to do next. I basically burnt bridges when I left town in some ways by not speaking to people whom I did not think could really hear me anymore and whom had a negative influence or vibe. It was all worth it. It was the right thing to do. 

    Non- judgement is an interesting one. I feel like our current state of our nation is the perfect example of practicing non- judgement. There are so many triggers and mostly it's all division oriented. What if we operated a different way? What if broke out of binary perceptions and saw each other as humans and not the labels. I feel as though Origin has helped tremendously with returning me to a less judgemental place. 

  • Well said. 

    Mary Betts said:

    I feel like I have told this story a few times. Hope it's not old for yall who have been around. When I woke up in 2010 I came to some shocking revelations about my life. I supposedly had it all, a steady job, a devoted husband, a house with a dog ( did not want kids) and living the american dream but I was not actually happy and I was really sick physically and in pain 24/7. I did not know what was wrong with me but I felt profoundly lost and unhappy. 

  • What you said Mary got through to me. I too currently ( or possibly longer ) been at a sort of plateau when it comes to my existence. The sensation of a critical mass but having no clue at all where to go or what to do. Even further, I was recently in a car accident that I caused and typically when these events occur it means something is shifting and all I can do is ride this wave of uncertainty.

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