Egregores and Why We Create Them

I really want to dig into this one. Let me know your feelings/perspectives on whatever this brings to mind.

For those who aren't familiar with this word that Merriam-Webster doesn't deem useful for English conversations anymore, it basically refers to entities that you and I or even we create, and are generally not "helpful" in the traditional sense. These negative entity attachments have many functions - specifically to cause disturbances, division, duality, disillusionment, dark thoughts, and other things that start with a "d". Although egregores can serve a positive role, for the purposes of this discussion, let's keep it to our perceived "problems". I'd like to include ACIM's (A Course in Miracles) "ego" in this too. After all we did create it albeit for a very specific function it would seem. 

So, brush off your addictions, the skeletons in your closet, and your 300-year-old dictionaries so we can dive right in. I'm hoping we can all take away something positive from this since that is what we do.

The first question I'd like to put forth relates to why we create them? For the most part, we are not aware of them or that we are ultimately responsible for their existence. Some have very specific functions such as keeping us in the game. This is done through deception (see, more words that start with "d"!) and manipulation. The "ego" is an ever present force in our lives until it is relieved of its duties. And in what ways have you thought you have achieved this dissolution only to find it hiding out in another area of your mind? What functions does it serve other than to keep us blinded to who we are? Does it take on responsibilities of its own volition?

Next, is how do we get rid of them? In this I'd like to explore addictions, habits, the way we see things, the way we don't see things. What does this process of exploration look like to you? How does our "role" play into this? We are here to better understand ourselves as fractals of the Monad, so what are your experiences like? Also, I'd like to delve into why, sometimes, we cannot do what we want. Looking at my life, I would guess that I'm obsessed with this struggle I've experienced it so many times. What is the purpose behind failure? Is there a purpose? How many egregores does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Why are we so drawn to escape this world? My own hidey-hole is fully finished and furnished, and decorated lavishly. I just don't want to hang out there anymore. What does it mean to "overcome"? Is there anything really to overcome, or are we to accept everything and how does that play out in your role if you've gone down the "dark path" of acceptance? Seriously on that one, I came across a Facebook post directing people to punch anyone who tells you "You chose this," along with further hateful instructions that followed. This understanding came from such a level of repulsion it was all surface level. I attempted to deepen that if only to make myself feel better.

Briefly, I'd like to go a bit into this "dark path" concept. I came to an understanding of non-duality and how it is generally perceived, and realized how everyone has been programmed to equate it with full on evil. Go ahead and try to explain child trafficking in a non-dualistic way and see how that goes over. Of course you wouldn't try that because your neighbors would immediately produce torches and pitchforks and a long rope with your name on it, but it is definitely intriguing to me. I was tortured as a child but not in the "evil way" and no one blames anyone. Haha! Yeah ... we're so brainwashed. 

So that is what I've come up with for a start to this journey into these mysterious entities. What are they, why are they, and what purpose do they really serve? Can we just walk away from those that we want to, or is there something else going on that we also planned? I'm in a state of limbo currently, and I don't have a clue about anything right now. I guess I've been following that which leads me without question for a while. I've been taking alchemy for two years now, doing training exercises, reprogramming myself, unlearning everything I can and I still don't feel like I'm in control. What kind of egregore did I create? I can't even faze it - not one bit. Progress yes; extrication no. What kind of journey did I sign up for? Is this reality? What is control? Kinda spooky.

There. This should be an easy one. Let's hear the stories!

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      • Well, I see it for what it is now and I'm a little stunned. Watching Mari explain how the neurons connect with the soul and Source and listening over and over to how alcohol blocks this, I finally understand that this is exactly why I started my own escapades with alcohol. I was begging for that disconnect. 

        I already had clinical depression added to my life's curriculum vitae as well as some probable anxiety in my early teens. The psychotropics either didn't work or were very dangerous/deadly. I'm guessing that was when something got jumbled/distorted with my own connections to the vastness of self. The depression was caused by parents/teachers/expectations unmet, while any connection to that which was unseen was, in my family, something that happened only to "weirdos". 

        Booze was "normal" and it certainly worked as designed. I could tolerate life and that was enough. "Living life to the fullest" was like having my own pet unicorn: it just didn't exist. Even when I caught a glimpse, ruin followed. I was trained well. 

        Now I'm trying to remember back on all of this and I don’t have the memories. It was too long ago, and I've spent a lot of energy trying to forget my life back then. I think I have enough, though, to move forward. I was trying to disconnect from the overwhelming power of who I was - I think that happens all the time. I found a way that worked and was unapologetic about it. Slowly it became a larger part of my life. I did not try to keep it in check, the goal was simple, get my brain to shut up at night, then ride the wave of the hangover throughout the next day. Rinse. Repeat. Half of it was about the hangover - my brain's own personal dead zone.

        Funny thing about life the paradoxes. What I am searching for now - sprinting towards in my mind is the very thing I had been running away from all along. I think they twist your mind when you are a teenager, because it is so easy then, so you see this distortion instead of the beauty of it. Maybe not, maybe it just is scary for everyone who looks inward. Actually, I don't care either way. This was my script. I believe that. Now, it isn't.

        As I said, I am stunned, but probably not a little. I now have to face that which has terrified me for most of my life. This was the last thing I wanted but always sensed its inevitability. It isn't so scary now, but it is a complete unknown. I have no idea what awaits or how to quit. I've really never given quitting much thought. Besides, the reason why I know my script has changed is because I already started to drink less as it is not the same source of comfort. I imagine that will be too slow to be effective and I need to step up and help before I am "encouraged" more drastically. Wish me luck! As Chevy Chase said in the movie Vacation, "This is crazy. This is crazy. This is crazy." At least the lights are already on for everyone to see.


        • I had also used alcohol to suppress my own abilities, attempting to escape that reality, and wanting to be “normal”.

          When you first started this thread, I thought I saw another video pop up then about egregores, but I don't remember exactly which one now. It's not titled as such, anyway. I will say this about the Taygetans...

          Their timing is just stellar!

          • That word "normal", I think I was addicted to that ideal, or elusive concept at best. That word along brought back some memories. Yeah, the Taygetans have talked about it. Nice pun in the last sentence, by the way, but I do think they are fairly well lined up with this group. Perhaps their egregore is attuned to the BES egregore?

          • >> Their timing is just stellar!



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