EMF Protection?

Hello friends!

I have seen a lot more technologies pop like www.airestech.com/pages/store

and I was just wondering what would be recommended for EMF protection and to what extent it is important to prioritize. 

I feel a huge shift when in nature vs not. 

I try to minimize staring so long at a computer and ground outside as much as I can but was wondering if worth it to explore other means of protection. 

Thank you!


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  • I like that company. I had one of their stickers on my phone for forever. It seemed like it actually did work.




    • Thanks! Good to know!

  • BTW- it's not listed on the site but Vanadium element happens to be a great elixir to detox radiation and we do have it. 

    Send me a private message if anyone would like to get some.



    • Awesome! Will do it in the future. Already got many things! Thanks

      Might compile things on this discussion relatively soon of other things I've found. 

      Technically an electrical engineer by training and would love to sort of rank and dive more into this. 

  • The shift in nature might be due to the presence of weak spots in the generation of our current matrix. There are only 4 generators out of the original 12 making it, I believe, weaker in less populated places as there is less reason for it there. However, we may have come to understand nature as "peaceful" and urban areas as "noisy" and are simply complacent.

    Everything is frequency oriented, so, our rapid advances in technology without regard for the metaphysical can alone account for an increasingly problematic situation without any intervention from the cabal. As for getting into the technical details, I don't have the knowlege to speak on that. I will only say that we don't have a good track record at churning out enlightened and awakened people in this or any other country that I'm aware of.

    Wrap you head in aluminum foil for the day and see how you feel as this is the most commonly used material for shielding unwanted electromagnetic interference in data cables. Other tech used is the twisted pair, in which each pair of wires are twisted around each other. Open up an ethernet cable to see this in action. This was discovered in the days of the telegraph, and is still used in power lines at only a rate of one twist per mile or so. In military installations, under the floating flooring, data cables run in one direction and power lines run perpendicular as the data lines are prone to noise interference coming off the power lines. This is a design requirement. I don't recommend modifying your brain in either of these ways - only the aluminum foil shielding.

    ELF communications have been used in the past which correspond directly to brain wave states, that is, in the 3-30Hz range with the brain working in the 0.5-35Hz range with gamma being anything above 35Hz which is where concentration starts. So, yeah, that's creepy. 

    I do like the idea of Aires using passive tech to modify frequencies to make them more biological but I would think your cell phone wouldn't work as well as it cannot operate at frequencies this low. Then again, who knows? Maybe they stumbled across something that just works even though they might not completely understand it - inspiration does not require understanding. Use your discernment but yes, there is most likely an issue with EMR caused by our devices. Just remember, as their technology advances, our brains will adapt to the new environment. I'd recommend getting out in nature more too. :)

  • This is an area I'm interested in too. I think apart from some lessening of noisy influence, natural environments can offer better grounding, life energy and sun. I was concerned with EMFs around my place so I channeled energy to create changes in my body so they would effect me positively rather than negatively. With decent success, I got a dream confirming it and felt a positive jolt whenever the heater switched on. If you'd like to receive those codes I made just internally say 'yes' and receive them now automatically :)

  • heya chris 

    i have been purchasing off a company in the usa called NOCHOICE emf garmets and accessories etc and ive done a few tests on their products and they certainly do what theyre supposed to . I have personally purchased the nochoice shirts and grounding wire, i have the emf stickers and their hats. I have also noticed that i sleep better when i am wearing the shirts that are made of silver or so .

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