The event horizon I've been feeling-seeing for a few years is not what I expected it to be. So here's what it is, guys and gals. It's the coming quantum internet as discussed by Austin Steinbart. That is going to change everything, literally overnight. The craziest part of it is that it's ready now! But it'll take 10-12 years to fully implement.

This is the event David Wilcock, et al, predict (although Wilcock, et al, believe it's going to be a super X class from the Sun). That is going to lift the lid off this reality and give a mental network into anything and anyone in our timeline. Mental one-ness will become the norm in 15 years. It'll take a while, years and years, for folks to stop "seeing" this world into being, but with the quantum internet, that pace will be rapidly increased. The veneer won't change all that much, but what goes on inside people will be a whole different story.

If there is anybody who's work we need to support, it's Austin Steinbart's. We need to spread his channel and help him do the things he's asking the public to do. One of the coolest things I've ever seen happening in my life is that the DIA (Defence Intelligence Agency) is authorizing him (well, he's pretty highly placed) to disclose, OPENLY DISCLOSE, top level covert ops to the world, and asking them to participate. Why? One, to tell anybody ready to listen that this whole thing is no longer going to be run on secrecy. Two, because they really need the help. Three, because they're putting the fate of the world partially in the hands of her people, knowing full-well that it will change collective habits of thinking over the coming years. 

If you want to help, like pull together with a bunch of other "warriors," then begin posting his YouTube Channel everywhere you can find, and do the things he asks in the videos.


Finally, for those who continue to be programmed into believing 5G is a bad thing, know this. It's a precursor tech for the implementation of the quantum internet.

I'm Jason Davis. I'm 62 years old. And I've never been this excited about anything in all those years. Not even close.

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  • I agree and have been telling everyone I know.

  • JD...

     This quantum computer that is able to interface with our brains, and implant ads and what not into them... Our MPS being the best must have thing in this lifetime I assume, can it block those energies and put us in a null field from everything and anything including quantum computers?

  • Supposely, according to Austin the quantum computer is going to be handled by the "good" military for a while. I think quantum computing was bound to happen  and perhaps if the cabal was in charge of this then implanting ads could be the norm. I don't think that's going to be the case if our side wins. They are about freedom and invasive advertising is the exact opposite of that. It's just another mind control. 

  • I'm not sure if you are referring to my post Mary, but just a general question, a fun fact; Are any and all MPS capable of blocking quantum computer energy and keeping us in our null field? And one more based off that one: If not, what are the limits of a MPS on keeping us in a null field? Mary, JD. Anyone.

  • Not to be dense, but what is "MPS"?

  • Merlin Power Stone.

    Molly Helene said:

    Not to be dense, but what is "MPS"?

  • Of course, ha ha ha ha ha!!!!! I knew it had to be something obvious.

  • What's completely wild about it is a novel I'm writing, beginning almost four years ago, deals with this very thing. It's a reality emitted by RF to anyone who uses the nanotech to redirect their sensory input into an alternate, quantum server produced world. By 2040, we'll have those, and you'll be able to put on head gear to emit the needed frequencies. I believe it's going to take that headgear, or something like it, to tap into the hive mind.

    The hive mind, by the way, is a super-powerful thing. This world would already be in a much higher level had all the divide and conquer not come along, but of course it was all according to plan, because the trick is to take the sides and blend them into a single crucible at the end of 4D.

    Sam Singer said:

    I have read ans seen many people who have experienced first encounters with other glactic/transgalactic races in both this realm and others that many of the races are really just the same entity split up into different "beings" all acting upon the will of one central controller. People have often explained it as a hive-mind. It makes sense now how they achieve this and it makes me question whether or not it is actually a good thing for our species or will it lead to us no longer being "Human" and having a choice or even the illusion of free will. Its all strictly contemplation at this point but wow! cant wait til' I see what happens I don't even think I can imagine the full extent of what is going to happen.

  • I don't think it'll be necessary to have anything like that. Somehow or another it's going to be a choice. No matter what, we're going to find out. Next November is the most pivotal moment in Earth human history. One way is the selfless path: the other way is dystopia. 

    iAE* said:


     This quantum computer that is able to interface with our brains, and implant ads and what not into them... Our MPS being the best must have thing in this lifetime I assume, can it block those energies and put us in a null field from everything and anything including quantum computers?

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