I thought it was time to start a fresh thread for sharing alchemical experiences/feedback. I wanted to create a space for people to share their experiences with the different alchemies and tools. To record whatever changes however big or subtle you may have noticed in your life, in your behavior or patterns, stories of inner revelations or insights, mystical or magickal yummy states of being? Are you free of something that used to weigh you down? Do you feel in touch with your self or nature or people in new positive ways? Do you see shifts in your consciousness? Did you create something that you feel the alchemy or tools have been a big part of that?
Have you had dreams that gave you insight or were no ordinary dream? Have you experienced increased perceptual awareness? Did the alchemy take you on a journey to an emotional and profound place?
I am currently RETOURING all the alchemies to dive into them and report my experiences with them. To be fair I use Alkhem all the time. I love it. But I made an intent to pay much deeper attention to the alchemy and how it affects me on a deeper level. These sacraments are my friends and I want to get to know them even better. I also think it would wonderful to share because I know for a fact that even if people don't reply they are drinking in these stories and enjoying them. I want to get the conversations flowing around here as I feel when we are connected and sharing it makes the wake up process easier and for many less lonely. Back in 2010 because people shared their journey here, I found not only common ground to better understand my experiences but also kindred spirits and some of my best friends. I have a theory that by sharing the experiences and people reading them they actually awaken in others more awareness and more fabulous experiences through the collective unconscious.
Alkhem July 1st, 2018
3-5 drops. Evening dose. I feel some literal space opening in my body and breathing. I can detect the intelligence within the bottle itself. It feels like a joyful light. I get imagery of a genie. This subtle fire that is in service to me. I feel open hearted and tender. Dialed into an empathy of what the concept family means on local and universal levels.
I feel rocked with gratitude and am inside of a feeling and I especially moved by the people I am encountering that are parents and who have been working so hard to raise up exemplary future humans. I feel awed by humanity as though for now transcending the divides of the world with messages of judgement and hate I am not seeing that but zeroed IN on an awareness of the countless actions of integrity and beauty that are being enacted and no one was a witness to it but the ever observing eyes of the universe itself.
Hello Folks, I have been using the Purazyme with some of the other alchemies (started on Lumin, and all the Helios line, sometimes Azuron, Depth, and Meteor). I felt it was necessary to jolt the body and system a bit, particularly during this eclipse timeframe. It was also my birthday between the eclipses of 11 and 27 July. I have been in a rut for the last 2 years...... The last few days I have been going through what is likely a healing crisis. Headaches and my body is very achy. Also I have been getting more easily irritated. Stuff coming up to the surface, mostly about being a martyr and not being appreciated, understood or listened to. Even to the point that I was willing to accept conflict with a group of people, and particularly one person. Not nice, but I had no problem to bring up the problem, and not be concerned about what others think and try to be 'diplomatic' as I normally try to be. So, using a more direct approach, rather than wasting time and stuffing my emotions. Being a Cancer, I can take things really personally and rehash things over and over. There has been less of this! As an aside, no use of cuss words or name calling, in case you were wondering. During the time of the 27 July eclipse, a few days before and a few days after, I felt the need to rest and sleep a lot, so I made sure that I was alone and did not socialize (usually my favourite thing to do!). Live blood cell analysis in early July showed that I have parasites, relatively harmless ones associated with well water, but also some more nasty ones, as well as some fungus/candida. I am taking a programme involving different combinations of garlic and other herbs. But I get the feeling that the Purazyme is really going to work in this situation. I have been having some stomach issues come up - relatively mild, but it seems to be working its way down the digestive system. The skin on my face is clearer, and some odd pimples on my forearms and back. I get the impression there is faster healing going on with little cuts and the like. For a few days, it was tender all down my back, particularly upper to mid back. I have also been quite tense in my muscles. I guess that is some inflammation due to toxins being released in these areas. All for the moment... hope this was not too disjointed!
Christina, I would say that is good for a Cancer to open up like that!
Hello Sooz, Thanks. I imagine with your experience as a massage therapist and using the ion foot bath for clients, that you are very interested in seeing how the detox will improve by taking the Purazyme. Any thoughts so far?
Sooz said:
OH YEAH, I did a foot bath for the first time after taking this product for a while now. Can I say the next day was explosive! I have not started using this with my clients yet. I usually try things out on myself for a while before I offer it to clients. There was definitely a BIG difference from previous foot bath experiences.
I received Nexii this past Monday. To me it is the most beautiful thing on the planet. It is like looking at liquid pearl! It is the most alive and interactive alchemy I have ever experienced. I can barely type these words the rush is so incredible.
Last night I had one of those dreams that stays present. A playing over and over that needs to be played. Something important to GROK. It was a simple dream. I was looking through the pages of a large book. The pages were pure white in a very noticeable way. The images were the inside of my body. Like an X-ray but in color. It moved onto pages that I perceived to be the inside of my daughters body. And then the rest of the book seemed to be blank. That was it. There was a feeling of looking at health but also lineage...or something. This morning I feel the white pages are Nexii. I don't know if that makes any sense at all...but it feels right.
Hello Shelly, thanks so much for reporting! I am wanting to order the Nexii, but I have only been taking the Alkhem and Lumin so far, not gotten to stage of using Innerphaz and Phasix which I understand is suggested. Based on what you have experienced, I can see why! Have you already taken the Innerphaz and Phasix?
Shelly Merk said:
Hello Sooz,
Great to know that you are having such dramatic results! I have an Aqua Chi Ionic Foot bath machine, which I have not used in a while. But perhaps I will try it out again and use it until I have the bucks to buy the one recommended. I found that mine was not half as effective as compared to one that a naturopath friend uses on her clients. But the last time I went to her for treatments I was very disappointed. About 2 or 3 years before, I had gotten such great results from 10 sessions. I may now have the key to the mystery. Just two days ago I went to a massage therapist who is so good she is hard to see. She uses an osteopathic approach - at any rate, she told me that my system was really jammed up, so no wonder the various treatments I had been having were not really helping, the fluids in the body were not able to circulate properly.... at any rate, I have some hopes that she can help me, and maybe I will have better success with the detox products and programs I am doing will actually be able to work. As an aside, after that 'massage' session, I must have slept about 12 hours that night, and had several major purges! The effect of the session was very pronounced for me! So a good sign...
Sooz said:
Yes, Christina I have taken the 2 alchemies mentioned. Those go back a few years for me. I don't recall much from the time with Innerphaz but Phasix was a real special time for us as a group. We were doing some very powerful meditations at the time linked with the Phasix. You're going to love it!
I should add here....
While I'm sure Nexii stands alone within it's own rightful place of power. I'm sure my experience is applified due to the purging I'm doing. I'm fortunate to have the Premier Ion Cleanse and have just completed 75 sessions. I have changed my diet (greatly) going as much organic as I can get. I've dropped not all but most gluten, sugars and watching salt intake. I've added all the supplements suggested with the most important Zinc. I've just increased Purazyme to the twice a day dosage. This has all made a huge difference...but...I'm not perfect. I'm a long time smoker and like to party it up. So I'm vaping and still have a few alcohol beverages from time to time. I beat myself up and get depressed sometimes...but Rome wasn't built in a day. I do as much as I can now...the rest I expect will follow.
Christina Jennifer Gross said:
I have some special music that has a Nexii feel. Beautiful words Cheryl!