Here's Mary's last session to Xupra, a few days ago. Here's the deal. At the top of the bucket list of most truth seekers is to be face-to-face with, like, say, an Ascended Master. The peoples Mary was with were above the level of what most consider to be Ascended Masters from Earth human programmed perspective, but were still high suboctave 5th Density.

Mary's at a very high level with this skill, ability and technique, but only because she uses the alchemy, does her work, stays as pure as possible, and does sessions. This type of experience is available to just takes practice, perseverance and following the path we've so firmly and clearly lain out for you.

Below, I include her session, including her sketch of the Emissary with whom she communed. Last night I programmed my bath for a non-ABS Xupra visit, undergoing the other requisite protocols. When ready, I said, "I wouldn't mind meeting the people Mary met with," and I was with them. My visuals aren't ever as clear as hers, but from what I was able to resolve this person was absolutely beautiful, and the energy was just so beautiful.

Here's her sesh, truncated to start with the really juicy stuff:

P1 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: I sensed immediately that I was with a group of beings either our group or a group of guides.  I sensed a kind of thrilling, exciting adventurous feeling. I get the sense that I am up very high in elevation. 
P2 VISUAL: appendages,  white blue grey mineral, flowing white, fabric, dark blue, metallic navy, gold characters, smaller possible animals? structures next to them, white
P2 TEXTURES-SURFACES: soft but tough suede like hide or skin, rough silky material, interlocking parts armour, leathery, raised, curving
P2 MASS-DIMENSIONS: the geography is scaled large but people are averagely tall
P2 MATERIALS: natural, silk, feathers, metal that is very malleable, leathery plants
P2 SHAPES-STRUCTURES: round area on this plataeu, domes, crude pillars
P2 MOTION: spiraling motions that go up, intricate delicate, rising, falling, merging, resounding

P2 CONCEPTS: ignition, careful exploration, teaching place
P2 PURPOSE: vision quest, shamanic zone, mountains, treasure
P2 PHONETICS: heneela quoranka

 P2 MOVEMENT 1: ME 1 can we experience the circle? 
P2 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: I am already connecting with one of the beings.
I asked that we move to the circle but then I started to sketch and try to capture the visual impressions that I received earlier of the being.
I have a detailed sketch that I went into a kind trance state to draw. When I finished the portrait my eyes teared up and I fell deeper into the feeling of connection.
The connection is immense. I know these beings. I have studied with this tribe of beings.  
P4 THINGS: deep navy blue, golden words, feathers, jewelry, music, school, natural rhythms and cycles, gatekeepers, animals, treasure,
P4 NON-THINGS: myths, legends, griots, fires, magick
P4 TELEPATHIC: we wish to play music for you come sit by our fire and listen
P4 WILD CARD: if you are moved to dance do so 
THEMES: adventure, fun, discovery gifts, encoding, gathering place 
TYPES: artificial structure, natural structure, people, land animals
P5 SECOND AWARENESS IMPESSIONS: This tribe I am surrounded by wishes to play music for me please.
Tune me to hear on a intimate level please this celestial music in this circle. 
Experience: I lay down on my bed for the second awareness exercise. The group begins the music.
One picks up a tone and he sings a type of sound resonant in the chest cavity and this resounds throughout the area we are sitting in and slowly like an avalanche builds to an ambient foundation. It reminds me of Tuvan throat singing but with more tones and smoother. Others join in. More tones are made with instruments made from plants, reeds, drums. Harps in large hollow goards. Percussive. Melodies enter. Polyphonic harmonies are layered on top of each other with singers and instruments in staggered harmonies. The most amazing thing is the symphony that is being orchestrated between the natural environment and the musicians. The land has a voice too and when the singers and musicians "wake it up" it too joins in.  A wave of everything as a voice from the smallest flower, to tiniest stone to the largest tree or boulder and it contributes its "voice" to the choir in a hum or a reverberation.
And you would think that would be overwhelmingly loud but it is not it's just a thread in a tapestry being woven over the enormous valley adding to the rich warmth of an entire unbelievable sound that would define the psychic landscape, its geography and personality.

P5 SECOND AWARENESS QA: May I ask what this will do and why I am being shown this? I am being shown or rather I am listening to the deep oral "history" of the land the tribe and mountains. I am being told that there is treasure in the mountain and this is part of the immense rich treasure chest that is both physical and metaphorical. It's like saying a story that you know and now carry is a jewel. This story is a unique jewel that you wear now and you can give it, you can express it and tell others and they can wear it.

I FEEL: This makes me feel beyond blessed. I am being loved, it is an offering of untold beauty. It is only loving on this level and being shared this beauty and art that is not just someone "playing" a song.
I understand very deeply why inspiration is a type of treasure and how value is expressed in the love of sharing, offering and giving. This is banal to explain in words but rich to encounter.

The group feelings all of it is meant to change us forever. Evolving what might seem common into endless delightful surprise and discovery.

PSS: Every time I do a session I notice a little bit more the experience of the cave. The cave is less rustic than I thought before. It has a kind of crystalline plasticity with arrays of opalescent colors. My body was waiting for me to almost fill out and it felt as though the Xupra Heart Alchemy was part of the vetting process.

I walked down a set of steep stairs that emerged me out of an opening onto the side of a mountain.  Immediately I was aware that I not alone. But usually I only have a companion or two and this time I felt Iike I had a whole GROUP of escorts.

That imparted a sense of intensity of excitement because it was a really warm welcome. I am in impossibly high place. It is just a terrific elevation and that imparts a sensation of "being above it all" this breathtaking energy as if you are on top of Everest and of course a sensation spectacular view of the ginormous valley. It's hard not to feel that inspiring sensation of scale. I began to sense my guides really and get a feel of the flavors of the native costume and what that looks like and feels like. They are so patient with me as I feel like a blind person touching someone’s face and watching very slowly a visual come into my mind.  I am now wondering if the mountain top is the same mountain top that Shelly and Second Chance (Roy) visited not too long ago. It would be fair to say that we are not quite at the top but ALMOST the top - there appears to be a level of at least another 500 of so feet above me but this is an area that is not exactly peaked but has a flat plateau that extends for some time along the mountain chain.  It's marked by what looks like snow but the parts that are not have a deep shiny black volcanic powdery substance like finely pulverized obsidian. To our left overlooking a dizzying valley is a circular disc that juts out a bit and it's bordered by some craggy megalithic stones. It has a short lip of stone like a short wall connecting the jagged stones that form the points on the circle.

It looks utterly ancient and it has a smooth rock like foundation with a central hole in the center for a fire pit and places for people to sit around. I turn my attention to my guides and one in particular that feels like the head honcho or host. He begins to resolve into being.

Regal, slender very slique almost feline.  Tall. I am going to estimate to our senses probably about 7 feet or so? Metallic Navy or graphite greyish blue skin. Extraordinary. Smooth. Golden tattoos? against that grey blue. White linenish/raw silk long tunic like skirts and these are all male as far as I can tell. Very interesting ears.

Deeply long ears and large and wrinkled. They wear a kind of chest harness or breast plate that appears to be made of some kind of brown waxy "plant leather" and embedded in the leather is very intricate metalwork and smooth jewels are set inside it.  

They have a type of slash in the thick skin of the throat and it looks like gills. This actually seems to be something common amongst Xuprans as I have seen it before. I suspect it is something that could help one breathe underwater or perhaps achieve the throat sounds. The eyes are interesting.

Very heavy lids which give them a slightly ancient and sad appearance although they are anything but sad. The inner canthus of the eyes is very very thick and their eyelids are thicker than a human eyelid.
They have no hair at all and they transmit an energy that is very big and very noble. Curious. High scuplted cheekbones and sensuous mouths. They remind me of the Masai in Africa. Their most curious feature are their appendages. They have hands that don't look anywhere close to ours.

They have slender palms and four long fingers with retractable claws and roundish pads on the ends but as I would find out later they are quite agile and use them with incredible dexterity. I get the impression this is yet another school and I am on a "field trip."  This tribe I am surrounded by wishes to play music for me please. Tune me to hear please this celestial music in this circle. 

[Here it repeats from the session above to be summarized in this Post Session Summary. But it never hurts to read it again - wink]

Experience: I lay down on my bed for the second awareness exercise. The group begins the music.
One picks up a tone and he sings a type of sound resonant in the chest cavity and this resounds throughout the area we are sitting in and slowly like an avalanche builds to a ambient foundation. It reminds me of Tuvan throat singing but with more tones and smoother. Others join in. More tones are made with instruments made from plants, reeds, drums. Harps in large hollow gourds. Percussive. Melodies enter. Polyphonic harmonies are layered on top of each other with singers and instruments in staggered harmonies. The most amazing thing is the symphony that is being orchestrated between the natural environment and the musicians. The land has a voice too and when the singers and musicians "wake it up" it too joins in.  A wave of everything as a voice from the smallest flower, to tiniest stone to the largest tree or boulder and it contributes it's "voice" to the choir in a hum or a reverberation.
And you would think that would overwhelmingly loud but it is not it's just a thread in a tapestry being woven over the enormous valley adding to the rich warmth of an entire unbelievable sound that would define the psychic landscape, its geography and personality.

I ask what this will do and why I am being show this? I am being shown or rather I am listening to the deep oral "history" of the land the tribe and mountains. I am being told that there is treasure in the mountain and this is part of the immense rich treasure chest that is both physical and metaphorical.
It's like saying a story that you know and now carry is a jewel. This story is a unique jewel that you wear now and you can give it, you can express it and tell others and they can wear it.

I FEEL: This makes me feel beyond blessed. I am being loved, it is an offering of untold beauty. It is only loving on this level and being shared this beauty and art that is not just someone "playing" a song
I understand very deeply why inspiration is a type of treasure and how value is expressed in the love of sharing offering and giving. This is banal to explain in words but rich to encounter. The group feelings and the current of the music all of it is meant to change us forever. Evolving what might seem common into endless delightful surprise and discovery. The music takes me very deeply into a long nap I am literally gone for an hour into total dreamlessness. I wake up refreshed.

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  • Thanks For Sharing !! 

  • Just bumping this back up above all the new Xupra Session Areas.

  • Thank you
  • Jason Blissful Blessings ! I  have been spending much time reading over your high vibe site ! this brings me much joy and my high heart flipping There is always more 

    I Am In a space of much Gratitude ..I have a good understanding of all that I have read and am sooo looking forward to working together as one with this group Thank You All For BE-Ing You  :)  

  • How terrifically delightful !! Wow, very precious
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