Gang, read this. You'll be rocked.

I was guided to revisit an old intel source. I don't feel comfortable giving a link here to it. I'll just give some fascinating information here from the video. The total solar eclipse of 2017 cut a swath of totality across the US, of course, and we enjoyed a wonderful party and group right smack dab in the middle of it in Idaho. That swath passed over 7 different towns and cities with the name "salem" in them. What? I think one of them might even be a US Jerusalem. I haven't checked a map.

The April 8 eclipse cut a swath over 7 different towns and cities called Nineveh, and an 8th in Canada, which is the only Nineveh in Canada.

That's absolutely incredible, to start with, and just shows once again how this machine is so incredibly scripted.

But this guy is a Q guy, a rabid Christian, and he did more decoding where in the drops mention was made of the Biblical Job, who was in Nineveh when god called him to preach about something. In the midst of that was a total solar eclipse that passed over Nineveh in 763 BC. The Biblical passages referred to something about strengthening national borders.

So, the April 8 eclipse's swath started in Eagle Pass, TX, the epicenter for much of the border drama unfolding there, and the armed conflicts between the spooks of the bad guys and the forces of the good guys.

You can't make this stuff up. It's astounding, and it's like, while certain parties struggle to wrest control here, the same thing is going on on all levels upstairs, including the very clear polarization, or division, that is happening here. But if some deity level gamer wanted to make changes to the game, they would do exactly what happened with those eclipses.

BUT, it would take the sort of non-linear temporal planning to have placed those towns and cities where they are, which again points to the possible total malleability of what we mistakenly refer to as being fixed.

What the intel source doesn't know about, or he'd have definitely brought it up, is the Nineveh Constant. The Nineveh Constant, a remarkable number, was discovered on cuneiform tablets dug up from King Assurbanipal's library in what is now Iraq. What's going on in Iraq without question relates. That number is 195,955,200,000,000,000, almost 200 quadrillion.

It's the product of multiplying 70 x 60 7 times. So, here we have two eclipses passing over 7 cities about 7 years apart, one being -salem and the other being Nineveh. What? Wow.

Here's the dope on that number. It's an expression in seconds on base 60 math, which is what the ancient Assyrians and Babylonians invented, or were taught. We got all our base 60 math from them...you know, ancient desert dwelling savages.

That works out to 2268 million days, just over 6 million years. If you divide that by the equinoctial precession, a “great year” of the Egyptians and Maya, it comes out to 240 precessions of the equinox.

When superimposed upon the movements of the bodies of our solar system, it can be used to predict all cycles. All orbital periods. All planetary conjunctions. Eclipses. All solar cycles. Planetary oppositions. Right down to coronal mass ejections. All tracked – predicted if you know how to mathematically use it – in seconds.

But here's the important point I'm working toward. If you can arrive at an origin date for this number, then you can arrive at its end date, when the last of its seconds finally tick down. That means every cycle there is in this solar system, past and future, is already plotted out and set to occur.

The entire movie is in the can, the script written, and it all moves according to the systemware that is this matrix. The Nineveh Constant isn't a predictive method. It's a plotting of what is intended to occur.

This brings up the Bible Code, which is basically the Torah, or for Christians the Pentateuch, or the first five books of the Bible. I can't remember the exact number of software programming characters involved, something like 378,000 in the Hebrew alphabet. To work as the algorithm they are, they have to be strung out, right to left, with no spaces, in the original Hebrew, or the software, the predictive mechanism of it, doesn't work.

That's why Judaic scribes were a guild unto themselves, because they rendered these characters in illuminated manuscripts, and any error in the rendition made the software useless. Their precision in making artistic copies of those 370,000 some odd characters was absolutely paramount.

You can get apps and play with it. Every significant event in Earth history can be found within it, which is so remarkable it could only have been created by a quantum computer. So, for instance, you can query it for John F. Kennedy, and the name will be there within a reconfigured matrix. But no matter what it is, especially if it's disastrous, somewhere in the same character matrix will be the words, WILL THEY CHANGE IT.

All of this was left by Gal Fed as breadcrumbs for people (gamers) to figure out, because that's the only way to change it. I find it absolutely fascinating that in their game lab, they installed those subroutines that COULD lead to the breakdown of the algorithm that is this matrix.


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  • Well, in the Nineveh constant calculations, for the mathematics to work you need to use the metric system- let that sink in for a minute: the Nineveh constant majorily applies to orbital mechanics IF the unit of measurement is in miles. 

    I have trouble believing that we can indeed map out coronal mass ejections through the N.C but, I will accept it as a non sequitur. 

    I've always been puzzled by our lack of understanding of the zodiac, often dismissed and thus rarely researched, however, mystics all over and me included, can all tell you about the choreography of the universe, the moment you were born - your quirks and attributes, it's all mind boggling to consider how it is actually the DivineWillPleasure to manifes itself as this guy that calls himself as Paisios with these set experiences and ethos, writting about the nature of reality, not a single fart has been unaccounted for. 

    With regards to predictions:

    Yes, the Bible is a codex and in it, you will find the strongest form of occultism catering to this planet specifically, however I believe in reframing things from a more objective lens:

    It is Language and Math that give the Bible its potency:

    It is a group's language that determines most of its egregore's prospects, how the linguistic symbols describe concepts- brings forth portals of cooperation from subtler/denser strata of existence, allowing people to polarize more effectively. 

    A meaningful construct(?) is Mathematics, to me, while Language is more akin to something nationwide, Mathematics are Universal, they are the language of the raw Unconscious and the closest conception we have to God's mind, hence through the combination of Language (reflecting the will of the people) and Maths (the will of the universe), we can have the ennoblement of a planetary consciousness. Whereby occult practitioners can converse openly with a unified Divine Mind. A Mind that is Unconscious to all, yet is in charge of manifesting physical and astral reality: 

    A cross mapping of the Alphabet and Mathematical values yields things like Gematria and Arithmosofia and through these jewels we can achieve great wonders, divination being one of them: Some parts of divination are owed to people being in predictable loops as most of the inhabitants of the planet are of a planetary consciousness origin. 

    Ancient books were ladden with Gematric/Arithmosofic codes, to the extent that I believe that, the mathematical prowess and multilayered thinking inherent in the authors of these books betrays a secret:

    >A human brain didn't think these corpus of texts; they originated from a subtler state of being, more primal, mystic even. 

    The more time goes on, and the more I relax, lucid dream and astral project, I anecdotally begin to notice how my own mathematical skills have improved.     

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