February 12 Supercall // Info & Impressions

We visited Mars, the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, which is the remains of a destroyed planet, did fly-bys of Jupiter and Saturn, briefly visiting our friends there, and then headed out of the Solar System for a very powerful tour of the Great Nebula in Orion, which is the only other naked eye nebula visible from Earth (the other being the nebulous arms of Andromeda Galaxy, our next closest galaxy).

Here is the call recording.

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  • WOW!!!!!!

    I dropped down so deeply into delta. 

    I feel like not only is a part of me still in our vessel at the Orion Nebula, but that the Nebula is inside of me. I am swollen with this, I am a pregnant, happy star.


  • Wow thurdays nights adventure......during the meditation and breathing in the 4th&5th dimensional air I felt myself expanding and expanding and felt like a blood sucker that was gorging on blodd only it was energy then I got so big I felt like a Blimp so swollen or as Molly said pregnant with this energy.Later in the chat I felt a tornado come pick me up toss me around inside of it shaking debris loose from me till I was eventually set back down and I was this glowing diamond rock.That night my dreams were filled with people bringing me gifts and bringing me gifts...the whole tone of my dreams were of being honoured and served.Yesterday I was very tearful all day and had deep gratitude all day.I am also feeling confused,lost,exhausted trying to figure this all out.The hologram,the morphogenic field,the StarGate that we are.I guess my brain is not ready to conceive what this means or looks like.Clarity will come I know this.I forgot the call last night I could have used listening to others experiences and thought to help sort my thoughts out.Do Not Over Think this Marsha just Feel it and Enjoy It.Over and Out for now.Love you all out there and thanks for being out there.

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